December 7: what are the holidays, events, name days, birthdays today


Holidays December 7

International Civil Aviation Day

The day of civil aviation is considered December 7 - the day of the founding of the International Civil Aviation Association (ICAO). It began to be widely celebrated since 1994 - this year marks the half-century since the signing of the International Convention on Civil Aviation. However, at that time the holiday was considered unofficial, and only two years later, in 1996, the UN General Assembly, at the request of the ICAO leadership, assigned this day to the aviators and on paper corresponding to the resolution. The main idea of ​​the holiday, in addition to honoring all the representatives of the profession, is to draw public attention to the successes of the industry, its achievements and safety.

USA, Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

On December 7, 1941, combined Japanese forces, consisting of aircraft carriers and submarines, attacked the American air and naval base at Pearl Harbor, located on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. The attack was completely unexpected for the Americans, since by that time they were not participating in the Second World War. The attack killed nearly 2,500 people. The event received a huge response - the American population, before which did not support the possibility of joining the war, demanded revenge for the dead. The then US President Franklin Roosevelt declared war on Japan, Congress supported the resolution, and hostilities on the Pacific front began officially.

Ukraine, Local Government Day

This professional holiday has been officially celebrated in Ukraine since 2000. Nevertheless, it is celebrated from the moment of signing the law "On Local Councils of People's Deputies of the Ukrainian SSR and Local Self-Government" of December 7, 1990. Since then, all employees of city councils, as well as rural, village, district and regional departments celebrate this day as "their own." In 2000, then-President Leonid Kuchma decided to fix the date as an official holiday, motivating his decision with "the great importance of local self-government for the development of democracy, public relations and the strengthening of democracy."

December 7th in the folk calendar

Catherine Sannitsa, St. Katerina or Katerina the Lady

One of the favorite holidays of youth in the old days - on this day there were always noisy festivities, sleigh rides. Unmarried girls were especially waiting for Katerina - on this day it was possible to meet the groom, a lot of love signs were connected with him, and fortunetelling was always carried out in the evenings. The holiday for the girls began even before dawn - they went out on the road with millet porridge and called on their fate. If in response a rooster cry was heard, then this was considered a good sign of luck. In the evening, going to bed, put a loaf of bread under the pillow and mentally called the narrowed one. If in the morning a piece turned out to be broken in half, then a quick and happy marriage is just around the corner. The guys prepared special beloved girls for their beloved girls, richly decorated and painted with sleighs with ribbons, wreaths, flowers.

The weather was also observed on this day - the bright sun foreshadowed a frosty winter

Historical events December 7

December 7, 1678 - Louis Anpen was the first among Europeans to discover Niagara Falls.

Niagara Falls - an incredible miracle of nature, the most powerful waterfall in terms of water volume in North America. The first person to introduce the inhabitants of Europe, albeit on paper, was the French Catholic priest Louis Anpen. At that time, Enpen traveled around the New World in the company of a compatriot, a famous researcher La Salle, and it was his notes that were the first known document describing the beauty of Niagara Falls.

December 7, 1877 - Thomas Edison demonstrated a new invention - a phonograph.

On this day in 1877 there was a world sound revolution - the American inventor Thomas Edison demonstrated a device for recording and reproducing sounds. The apparatus, made by him in collaboration with Charles Cro, was called a phonograph and used special cylinders for recording. The very first public demonstration of the device, during which Edison lost the children's song recorded on the cylinder “Mary had a lamb”, was a stunning success and brought the inventor instant glory.

December 7, 1945 - patented first microwave.

Now we can’t imagine life without microwave ovens - they help to warm up or cook food so quickly and easily that no housewife will think of abandoning them. However, few people know that the possibility of exposure to microwaves on food was discovered relatively recently - in 1945. The pioneer was the American engineer Percy Spencer, who worked at Raytheon with equipment for radars. During one of the experiments, he found that the chocolate in his pocket melted. Spencer developed the theme and on December 7, 1945 received a patent for the production of the world's first microwave oven.

December 7, 1972 - the last landing of people on the moon was completed at the moment

On this day, the launch of the Apollo 17 American spacecraft was launched, which was the last spacecraft to land on the moon. Its crew consisted of three astronauts, who, 40 years after the launch, remain the last people to set foot on the lunar surface. In total, during the Apollo program, 6 landings were made to the moon, and so far these are the only cases of a person being on another planet. Initially, three more flights were planned, but they were canceled due to lack of budget, and the Apollo program in 1975 closed forever.

December 7, 1988 - An earthquake in Armenia destroyed the city of Spitak

The catastrophic earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 points lasted only 30 seconds, but it entailed terrible destruction. The city of Spitak was completely wiped off the face of the earth, and about 300 settlements were affected, and this is almost half of the territory of Armenia. As a result of the crash, about 25,000 people died. The Spitak earthquake is considered one of the most destructive in the history of mankind. On December 7, Armenia annually celebrates it as a day of remembrance for the dead.

December 7th were born:

Giovanni Lorenzo Bernini (1598 - 1680), Italian sculptor and architect.

Bernini's works can be considered the standard of the Baroque style - they are emphasized theatrical, emotional, filled with incompatible, at first glance, details. The master was born in Naples, but at the age of 7 he moved to Rome. His first full-fledged sculpture, made at the age of sixteen, so impressed those around that the cardinal himself made Giovanni his personal sculptor. Bernini had a long and fruitful career ahead of him, and in the end his most ambitious creation was the dome of St. Peter's Church in Rome. The fact that Bernini’s legacy is not forgotten is evidenced by the fact that, before switching to the euro, his portrait adorned a banknote of 50,000 Italian liras.

Anna Maria Tussauds (1761 - 1850) - sculptor, founder of the famous wax museum.

Different sources disagree about when the nee Marie Grossholtz was born (according to some reports, this happened on December 1 or even 12). After the death of her father, Marie moved with her mother to Bern, where she worked for Dr. Philip Curtius. The doctor made models from wax, later switched to portraits - this had a huge impact on the future Madame Tussauds. Curtius transferred her skills to her, and young Marie, who had a remarkable talent, created in her time the figures of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Voltaire and even portraits of the royal family. In 1835, the first official exhibition of Madame Tussauds' figures was organized - in that same house on Baker Street, where the world-famous museum bearing her name still stands.

Tom waits (1949), American singer, composer, actor.

Winner of two Grammy awards and an Academy Award nominee, Tom Waits, perhaps owns one of the most recognizable voices in contemporary music. His special manner of singing, bordering on recitative, and theatrical performances with elements of vaudeville won many fans around the world. Waits has also successfully acted in films, in his filmography you can find such films as “Cotton Club”, “Mysterious Train”, “Coffee and Cigarettes”, “Doctor Parnassus’s Imaginarium.” In 2011, the performer was included in the Rock Hall of Fame n-Rolla is also one of the 100 greatest vocalists of all time according to the authoritative music magazine Rolling Stone.

Sergey Vladimirovich Mazaev (1959), Soviet and Russian actor and musician.

The singer, actor and producer, Sergei Mazaev was born on December 7, 1959 in Moscow. He graduated from the clarinet music school and the economics department of Moscow State University. In 1989, he became the soloist of the Moral Codex group, in which he is best known for his work. Quite actively acting in films, for example, Mazaev can be seen in such films as “The meeting place cannot be changed”, “Radio Day”, “Inhabited Island: The first film”. Now the performer is mainly focused on the production activities in his own recording and publishing company Mazay Communications.

Name day on December 7th:

Augusta, Alexander, Alexey, Gregory, Eugene, Evgraf, Catherine, Hermogenes, Ivan, Cornelius, Mark, Mastridia, Mercury, Mitrofan, Mikhail, Porfiry, Procopius, Simon, Filofeya, Filumen, Christopher


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