Jellied pie with potatoes - no crumbs left! Simple recipes for jellied pies on mayonnaise, sour cream, kefir and fermented baked milk


Jellied pies with potato filling are usually perceived as a dish instead of bread.

Is it so? Not always!

If you do not limit yourself to just potatoes, then a pie from the category of "instead of a whole dinner" may well turn out.

Judge for yourself - chicken, mushrooms, vegetables, and with such a filling you can meet guests!

Jellied pies with potatoes - general principles of cooking

• It will take no more than an hour to prepare any jellied pie with potatoes. The dough for such baking does not need to be rolled out or kneaded for a long time, mix all its components thoroughly enough. It is prepared on dairy products. Most often they use kefir or sour cream, less often the dough is cooked on ryazhenka or yogurt. Often to sour-milk products add mayonnaise, melted margarine or butter. To make pies rise well, soda or a special cultivator is added to the dough without fail.

• Cut the potatoes into the filling into thin rings or straws. Often chopped unboiled potatoes are preliminarily kept in boiling water for a couple of minutes so that it is better steamed during baking and does not remain raw. Boiled potatoes are also used for filling.

• You can put any products in harmony with the potato. Chicken, minced meat, mushrooms or vegetables are suitable. Additional components, as well as potatoes, can be added after preliminary heat treatment or in raw form. It is worth noting that bulk pies with raw filling, for obvious reason, take longer to bake.

• The principle of preparing bulk pies with potatoes is simple. First, part of the prepared dough is poured into a fry pan previously moistened with vegetable oil. Then lay out the filling and fill with the rest of the dough.

• The baking temperature depends on the type of oven. When using an electric oven, it should not be less than 200 degrees, it is enough to warm the gas oven to 180.

• Baking time with a raw filling is 1 hour, but if the products to be laid in the filling have passed heat treatment, the cake is baked for 30-40 minutes.

The recipe for a simple jellied pie with potatoes on kefir with mayonnaise


• two eggs;

• 200 gr. sparse mayonnaise, preferably 45% fat;

• half a liter of low-fat kefir;

• 50 gr. granulated sugar;

• soda - 1 tsp;

• head of a white bitter onion;

• three full standard glasses of flour;

• vegetable oil for frying;

• four large potatoes.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the potatoes across the tubers into thin plates. For all the potatoes in the pie to bake evenly, the slices must be the same thickness. If there is a special shredder, use it.

2. Fill a two-liter pot with two-thirds of the volume with water and put on maximum heat. When the water begins to boil intensively, dip the potato slices into it for a minute. Then remove and dry from moisture, laying in a colander.

3. In vegetable oil in a thick-walled pan, fry chopped onions until a golden hue appears.

4. Combine the blanched potatoes with the onion roast, lightly add salt, season with finely ground black pepper and mix well.

5. Combine kefir with mayonnaise. Pour quicklime soda, mix thoroughly and set aside a quarter of an hour.

6. After that, pour the egg into the mixture covered with bubbles, add all the measured sugar and a small pinch of salt, whisk.

7. Pour pre-sifted flour, but not all, but only about two-thirds of the amount cooked and whisk vigorously. Gradually adding the remaining flour, prepare a sparse dough.

8. Dip the culinary brush in vegetable oil and apply it to the bottom and sides of the refractory form.

9. Pour exactly half of the prepared dough into the prepared form and carefully smooth the surface. Put the potato filling on top with an even layer, cover with the rest of the dough and carefully smooth the surface of the pie with a spatula.

10. Place the pie in the oven and let it bake for about 40 minutes. In half an hour it will be possible to check the readiness, it is not necessary to open the oven earlier, the product will settle.

Vegetable jellied pie with potatoes and chicken on a fermented baked milk


• 100 gr. cheese, varieties "Russian";

• three large spoons of 20% sour cream;

• eggs - 3 pcs.;

• two teaspoons of factory cultivator;

• 200 ml of sparse ryazhenka;

• a full glass of flour;

• large onion;

• a pound of white chicken;

• one small young squash;

• young dill;

• spices and seasonings - to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse chicken and boil in brackish water until tender. Let cool and cut into small cubes.

2. Add some spices to the ryazhenka, pour the eggs in and carefully, slowly, stir.

3. Several times, vigorously shaking the sieve, transfer the mixture of the cultivator with flour, pour it into the fermented baked milk and beat well.

4. Zucchini grate with a coarse grater, gently squeeze the resulting chips and shift into the dough, mix.

5. Cut peeled potato tubers into thin circles.

6. Put the potatoes in two layers moistened with butter.

7. Season the sour cream with ground allspice, add the cheese chopped into large crumbs, mix and grease the resulting potato layer with the mixture.

8. Gently spread the boiled chicken on top and fill it with dough.

9. Preheat the oven to the desired temperature and place the completed mold in it. Bake the cake for no more than 40 minutes.

Hearty jellied pie with potatoes and minced meat on kefir with mayonnaise


• 550 ml of kefir, medium fat;

• 360-400 gr. wheat flour of the highest quality;

• a teaspoon of sugar;

• 250 gr. 45% mayonnaise;

• a spoon of baking soda;

• two eggs;

• 300 gr. mixed minced meat;

• a pound of potatoes;

• a small onion;

• two tablespoons of any vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

1. For your cake to rise well, all products used in the test should be equal to room temperature. Therefore, eggs, kefir and mayonnaise should be removed from the refrigerator in advance, at least one hour before cooking.

2. Add soda to warmed kefir and mix thoroughly. The quick ripper needs a little time to activate, so set the bowl aside for a quarter of an hour.

3. Add mayonnaise, sugar to kefir and pour eggs. Put a spoonful of salt and whisk vigorously. Then, gradually adding flour and whisking thoroughly, prepare a thin dough. It should be slightly thicker than is usually required for fritters.

4. Cut the onion into thin half rings and lightly fry it in vegetable oil. Strongly do not fry, it is enough to bring only to a light golden color. This usually takes about three minutes if cooked over medium heat.

5. Add the minced meat to the fried onion and fry everything together for another five minutes. In order for the meat filling to turn out friable, you need to constantly mix and knead the meat that has been knocked down by lumps.

6. Peel and cut into thin rings of potato. Dip in two, two and a half minutes in boiling water, then transfer to a colander and dry well.

7. Cover the bottom and sides of the mold with lean butter and pour a little dough into it, so that it covers the bottom well.

8. On the dough, lay the potatoes in one tier, and the minced meat fried with onions on top of it.

9. Carefully pour the remaining dough on top and set to bake. Place the form in the oven when it warms up to 200 degrees. After 15 minutes of baking, lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bring the cake to cook, which will take about a quarter of an hour.

Jellied pie with potatoes and mushrooms on kefir


• five medium-sized potatoes;

• 300 gr. any fresh or frozen mushrooms;

• 250 ml glass of kefir;

• a tablespoon of very fat mayonnaise;

• 30 gr. homemade butter;

• 1/4 teaspoon of salt, sugar and a mixture of ground peppers;

• wheat white flour - 1 tbsp .;

• 100 ml of any refined oil;

• two eggs;

• a teaspoon of a special cultivator;

• a small handful of flax seed.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and boil the potatoes in brackish water until tender. Drain the broth, and put the potatoes on a plate and cool well.

2. Washed, dried on a colander, cut mushrooms lengthwise into pieces, based on size. Excessively large specimens can be cut into slices.

3. Put the prepared mushrooms in a dry pan and fry over low heat until the moisture evaporates completely. Then add a little butter to them and lightly brown.

4. Melt the butter and mix it with the vegetable.

5. Pour the eggs into a wide bowl. Add kefir and mayonnaise to them, whisk. Food should not be cold; put them out of the refrigerator in advance to warm up.

6. Add mixed fats to the egg-kefir mixture, salt, sweeten and add flour. Add the ripper and, gently stirring with a whisk, bring the dough to a uniform consistency.

7. Pour a third of the dough into the prepared, moistened with butter form, and evenly spread the mashed potatoes with a fork or grated potatoes into it.

8. On the potato layer spread the cooled mushrooms, cover with dough. Smooth the surface with a spoon and sprinkle with flax seed.

9. Place the pie on a wire rack located on the middle level of the oven and bake for half an hour. Check for readiness with a toothpick puncture.

Delicious jellied pie with potatoes, minced meat and cheese on mayonnaise


• half a glass of low-fat mayonnaise;

• seven tablespoons of high-quality flour;

• two eggs;

• half a glass of water;

• factory ripper, for the test - 0.5 tsp;

• 300 gr. any non-liquid stuffing;

• 100 gr. hard "Dutch" cheese;

• potato - 6 medium-sized tubers;

• dill greens;

• to taste - pepper, paprika and salt.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse the fresh dill well and dry well from moisture by spreading it on a towel. Boil and cool the potatoes.

2. Grate cooled potatoes and cheese into raw minced meat on a coarse grater, add finely chopped dill. Lightly salt, pepper to your taste and mix well.

3. Pour in the eggs, add a little, literally a pinch of salt, and beat with a mixer until foam.

4. Pour in water, place mayonnaise and whisk again.

5. Add the seeded, mixed with baking powder, flour and whisk, bring the dough to homogeneity. It should be like thick sour cream, if liquid - adjust the density by adding flour.

6. Pour half of the dough into the baking dish. Put the whole filling on it and fill it with the rest of the dough.

7. Sprinkle the top of the pie with paprika and set to bake for half an hour in a well-heated oven. Bake while keeping the temperature at 180 degrees.

Recipe for a simple jellied pie with potatoes and chicken fillet on sour cream


• fresh eggs - 3 pcs.;

• 100 gr. weight margarine;

• a spoon of baking powder;

• two standard glasses of flour;

• 400 gr. medium-sized potatoes;

• two large onions;

• chicken white meat - 500 gr.;

• 40 ml of frozen oil.

Cooking method:

1. Thin the onions into thin rings and dip them in the vegetable oil, which is well warmed up in the pan. On low heat, stirring, bring the onion strips to transparency.

2. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin strips, chopped chicken and chop in the same way. Straws of potatoes and chicken should be about the same size.

3. Combine the fried onions with chicken and potatoes. Season the filling with freshly ground peas and pepper. Salt, be sure to remove the sample and mix.

4. Melt margarine in a water bath, cool and combine fat with eggs. Add sour cream, slightly add salt and stir with a whisk.

5. Pour the flour combined with the cultivator and double-seeded, and carefully mix it into the sour cream mixture. If the flour lumps do not disperse well, beat the batter lightly.

6. Pour half the dough into a moistened butter dish. Put on it the previously prepared filling and cover with the rest of the dough. Sprinkle the top of the cake with sesame seeds.

7. Place the cake pan in the hot oven for one hour. Willingness check for punctures, as usual, with a toothpick pie.

Jellied pies with potatoes - cooking tricks and useful tips

• If soda is added as a ripper, do not extinguish it. It itself is activated when mixed with a dairy product. To make the process more active do not use cold sour milk, preheat it at room temperature.

• Do not cook the dough on skim milk products. Pies from such a dough do not rise well; their crumb will not turn out porous and airy.

• Before turning off the oven, be sure to check the degree of cake readiness. Puncture it in the center with a thin wooden stick.


Watch the video: Thankful for Thanksgiving: Low Carb Stuffing (July 2024).