What is the dream of rain: really, for money? Basic Interpretations of What the Dream of Rain Is Good or Bad


The dream world has many faces. To someone, he appears in the form of beautiful pictures of the future, someone tells about troubles and grief. Why is the shower dreaming? Worth sorting out.

Why shower is a dream - the main interpretation

To see rainfall in a dream is to stagnation in business. Time will stop, you cannot solve your problems. Do not fight with circumstances - the time will come for you, you can safely move forward, but later.

Rain mostly occurs in the fall, so many dream books interpret its appearance in a dream as a symbol and a sign of a certain depressive state. It is worth looking deep into yourself, perhaps you are characterized by a depressed and depressive state that prevents you from making the right decisions. If the rain in a dream is cold and the sky is completely covered by clouds - such a dream speaks of lingering mental problems and torment of a person, which can lead to deep depression.

It is worthwhile to carefully look at the well-being and listen to the signals of your body. It is also worth paying special attention to who together with you was in the rain in a dream. Perhaps this person is the source of all your problems.

If you dreamed of a summer and warm thunderstorm - after minor interference and temporary inconvenience, a little light of hope will light on your street. Do not forget that everything is temporary and clinging to problems - you give them strength. If the shower is strong, but torrential - you need to be aware of every action, otherwise the black bar of your life will not end.

The dream in which the shower had a shower is one of the dreams in which the main and decisive role is played by the inner sensations during it. Emotions and experiences. Perhaps at first they were very negative, and you felt downcast and upset, but with the appearance of a certain person in a dream, everything worked out. There can also be many explanations for this turn of events, beginning with the fact that a dream indicates a way to solve problems and ends with a dream projecting the desire of the person who sees the dream to spend time with specific people.

Why dream of Aesop’s dream book

In the dream book of Aesop it is said that rain is a symbol of hope, purity of thoughts, the desire to wash oneself from the routine and dirt of being, rumors and slander. If a person is mired in a routine and cannot get out of a vicious circle of troubles and problems in any way - a dream about rain will help him cope with this problem.

• Get in the rain, but stay dry - your hopes will come true, plans come true;

• To fall under a protracted and heavy rainfall - you already have enough strength and desire to implement plans;

• If you are hiding from a shower in a place unfamiliar to you - you should be very careful, as the intervention of outsiders can ruin your plans, it is worth carefully hiding everything you have in mind;

• Wash your hair under a shower - you and your friends will have a wonderful time;

• If, in a dream, you simply contemplate the drops from the rain that flow down the trees - the time has come for you to go on vacation with friends in the countryside;

• If you swim in the river in a shower - your financial affairs will go just fine, do not even doubt your abilities;

• If you are happily walking in the rain, it’s not your nature to make tremendous efforts to resolve problem situations.

Why dream of a shower on Freud’s dream book

In Freud's dream book it is said that rainfall is in a dream as a symbol of a person’s purification, his sexual energy. This is a symbol of the desire to get a lot in sex - do not bother yourself with this. If a young unmarried girl dreams about how she will bathe in storm water and enjoy this process - she will not have a hang-up from her boyfriends.

It is worth taking a look at the weather during a rainfall, if you see the sun peeking out from behind the clouds, then all past hardships in personal life and disappointments, loneliness - everything will remain in the past. A shower in a dream is able to symbolize purification, degeneration of a waking relationship, if the water during the shower is warm. If it is cold and dirty, on the contrary, the situation will worsen.

Most likely, you will have to spend considerable time proving your case to the partner and his environment. For newlyweds, a dream in which they bathe in a shower promises a long and happy family life, but without problems. Be attentive to your needs and the needs of your partner.

Why dream of other dream books

What is the dream of a children's dream book for? To the fact that fortune will be favorable to you. If the downpour begins as a light and unpleasant rain - you should not count on a large income and on a positive resolution of situations. If the water is warm and gives you true pleasure in jumping in puddles in a dream - you can safely embark on adventure, you should learn to trust life.

In an erotic dream book it is said that if you saw a summer rain in a dream - everything will work out in your family and the relationship will become just as warm and bright. If the shower is lingering and the water is cold, it’s wet on the street - such a dream means that the feelings between the partners will cool down, even separation is possible. More precisely, it will be possible to interpret the dream, if you give importance to all its trifles. If the rain stands as a wall, a wall of misunderstanding will grow between the partners.

In the modern dream book it is said that dreams in which rainfall occurs are unfavorable and it is worth taking them seriously. During a rainstorm, a person cannot go out in his sleep? In the same way he will be immobilized and in reality by circumstances, they will simply block his path to new circumstances. To dream in a lot of circles on the water - to various gossip around you. If you are very wet - pay attention to your health, not everything is as good with him as we would like.

Medea's dream book focuses on the interpretation of the environment during sleep. If there is dirt around and it is simply impossible to get through - you will immerse yourself in a routine and even stop fighting with quite negative events in your life. If, after a shower, nature comes to life - the same thing will happen in your life, a period of renewal will occur in it, you will be happy with your loved one. Get wet in the warm summer rain - immerse yourself in emotions, in love.

In the book of Loff said that it is important to look at the causes of rainfall in a dream. If this is a natural phenomenon that is not caused by human activity - you should not be upset and think that the rain promises tears in reality - such a dream, on the contrary, indicates that everything in your life goes on in its own way and along the natural path. If the rain caught you by surprise and made you your hostage - in reality you will become a hostage of circumstances that in the literal sense of the word will not allow you to move forward and make your own informed decisions.

In the esoteric dream book it is said that it is worth paying special attention to the fact with whom exactly you fell into the rain. If this is one of your friends - you may well become a hostage to a person’s bad thoughts about you. If you imagine yourself in the role of a child who has fallen in a downpour - such a dream suggests that the cause of your current problems lies in the problems of your childhood and you should deal with the negative experience that came from there.

If you see a stream of mud flowing down from the sky instead of storm water, just as in reality they will pour mud, lies and imaginary speculation on you. Do not resist - the moment when you could change the situation to your advantage is lost, it’s better to engage in self-development and self-improvement, it’s too early for you to embark on the path of war with enemies, but it’s time to get the missing knowledge and facts.

It is also important to consider the fact at what time of day the rain began. This will indicate when the situation in your life will change dramatically. If the shower went at night and woke you up - sudden events will change the course of events of your being. If the downpour started quite early in the morning, when you were still asleep - you started the important business too early - you should slow down and wait a bit.

If the rainfall is only to your joy, and it began in sunny weather and under the sun and ended - you will find understanding, success and peace. You will prosper for quite some time. It is worth using this situation for your own good. In any case, dreams give clues, but do not change reality. Only you can change it yourself at your discretion. Trust yourself, and then fate will be favorable to you, do not be afraid to go forward and the doors will open before you.


Watch the video: Rain Islamic dream interpretation (June 2024).