Orthodox prayer, relieving all curses


“Curse” is a word that has long inspired superstitious fear even for atheists and agnostics. In antiquity, any sudden illness or death of a person was blamed on the action of the dark slander, as well as a series of misfortunes, minor and major failures in his life. However, in the modern world, negative occurrences are often explained by the machinations of sorcerers and black magicians - especially if the negative is not found a rational explanation.

But what is the curse really and who can send it? What are the varieties of dark slander? Does prayer help against curses? How to pray in this case, how to treat the saints? What special rites against curses can be applied at home? Answers to each of the questions presented can be found in our article.

What is a curse?

The curse is a verbal message containing the desire for absolute evil.

There are 2 complementary definitions of this concept:

  • Damn it, as an uncompromising condemnation of someone else's act, a complete rejection of a person from himself and his exile. For example, right up to the middle of the 20th century, parents who got pregnant out of wedlock were driven out of their home by their parents, and cursed by expelling, that is, they renounced them;
  • Curse, like a dark slander, a verbal spell or non-verbal rite, bringing on the cursed misfortune and evil rock.

Dark libel is expressed in four forms:

  • "Evil eye"- a special look, radiating the negative energy of envy, jealousy or hatred. Such a curse is called the evil eye. At the time of the evil eye, the curse may seem friendly, not departing from the cursed one step further, extolling his appearance, merit, wealth, etc .;
  • contact form - pronouncing evil wishes in the face of the damned;
  • Appealing to God with negative intentions- nonverbal form of dark slander. Most often lies in the fact that the ill-wisher puts a candle in the temple for the peace of the living person, thus cursing him;
  • Appeal to evil forces with the imposition of a curse. These include rituals and sacraments of black sorcerers, in the process of which spells are recited, attracting energy parasites and other dark entities from the subtle world to the victim.

Common signs of a curse are:

  • Frequent headaches;
  • Insomnia, interspersed with vivid nightmares;
  • Weak immunity;
  • Emotional burnout, chronic fatigue and depression;
  • Irritability and hysteria for any reason;
  • Continuous series of failures;
  • The feeling of living another life;
  • The inability to enter the temple of God, when looking at the icons and other church vessels, a person feels anxiety, and the smell of incense makes him dizzy;
  • The inability to conceive or give birth to a full-fledged child - in women, infertility and impotence - in men;
  • The appearance of harmful and destructive habits (smoking, drinking alcohol, drug addiction, etc.).

You can get rid of the dark slander with the help of a reciprocal magical rite or prayer from all curses.

What kinds of curses are there?

In modern esoterica, the following types of curses are distinguished:

  • Parental- The most terrible slander, pursuing offspring throughout life. It is not always the parent wants to harm his child. Enough said in the heat of a family quarrel "Damn you!" - and spell cast. The destructiveness of this slander is associated with closely related relations between its parties. You can remove it with the help of a prayer from curses and a special rite;
  • Family - curses of the same type as the parent, their consequences are terrible. For example, they did not share the two sisters of a boy, one of them cursed the other. As a result - a generic curse on both, every 5 generations - a crown of celibacy and / or ugly appearance;
  • Generic - Dark libel, programming the destruction and death of a whole genus. It can act for several centuries, but the result is always the same - the degeneration of the genus;
  • Gypsy - The name speaks for itself. The gypsy energy field is incredibly powerful, so they should not be angry. Any expletive word from a representative or representative of this nation can turn into a complex object damage, which is removed only by strong prayers. You also can not curse the gypsy and look into their eyes - their powerful karmic defense repels any attacks and causes significant harm to the attacker;
  • Church- anathemas, appointed by church servants, with a blatant violation of religious norms, desecration of the church, etc. They are passed down from generation to generation, like the patrimonial curse, removed only by prayers, repentance and return reception to the church
  • Household - curses uttered during scandal, quarrel and any other conflict situation. To curse a person, just a flash of anger and a phrase in the spirit of "So that you die!". Of course, the strength of the influence of everyday slander is rather weak, and it is unlikely that such a phrase will program a person to death. But the victim's biofield will suffer thoroughly.

All types of curses have a detrimental effect on the subtle bodies and the energy field of the damned person. However, any dark slander can be leveled with the help of a powerful Orthodox prayer.

How to apply prayers correctly if there is a curse?

Prayer from curses is a powerful energy weapon from the negative impact on a person's aura. However, mindlessly use prayer should not be.

When prayer reading it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • Prepare for the upcoming sacrament. Preparatory procedures include:
    • Seven-day post. While fasting, you should abandon meat, eggs, cottage cheese, milk and other animal products;
    • Frequent church attendance during the month preceding the prayer sacrament. In the church, one should repent, offer prayers to the Lord God and his Sacred Hosts, participate in the sacrament of the sacrament and put candles in the health of loved ones and enemies;
    • On the day of reading the prayer - mandatory cleaning in the house. Light Forces will not tolerate dirt and dust. In addition, it is recommended to get rid of dilapidated and useless things (especially from broken or cracked dishes, as it attracts negative energy);
  • Starting to read a prayer from curses is necessary with a pure heart. You can not wish evil to the person who sent dark slander - even if the consequences of his actions were disastrous and partly irreversible. You need to find the strength to forgive your tormentor. Only in this case will prayer work;
  • Another condition for reading a prayer is sincere faith that is not clouded by doubt. For this reason, agnostics and perfect atheists better refrain from prayer texts and turn to the spells of white magic. Without faith in the One God, the energy relationship with God is weak, so there is simply no point in prayer;
  • The use of traditional prayer texts. When addressing the Higher Forces with a prayer for help in eliminating the negative influence of the dark slander on human life, first of all, the official text of the prayer should be read out. After reading this, you can turn to God and the Saints for help in removing the curse of any category;
  • Respect for the status of Higher Forces. In the process of the ascension of prayer, we must not forget to whom they ascend. In no case can not order the Lord God and his Sacred Hosts. They can only be asked for great Grace, for mercy to the souls of those who suffer and to pray. Before the beginning of each prayer, praise should be offered to the Creator and his Saints;
  • The use of church symbols and paraphernalia. In the process of prayer, it is recommended to use the image of the saint, to whom the prayer calls, as well as such religious attributes as the cross, lit temple candles, holy water and incense. These cult attributes contribute to the purification of energy in the room, as well as enhancing the energy connection between the praying and the Higher Forces.

Only a person baptized in Christ who deeply believes in Orthodox denomination can read a prayer from all curses.

Reading an Orthodox prayer from a curse occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • Week one - once a day. Thus, the energy field is cleared of black slander;
  • Week two - 1 time in 3 days, to prevent the accumulation of negative energy;
  • Then you can read the prayer from the curses once a month - to remove the consequences of the negative impact on the aura of the damned person.

Prayers are recommended to read aloud, intelligible, but not loud voice. There is no need to hurry while reading. Prayer must come from the heart, and for this you need to relax and delve into the spoken words. You can pray while sitting on your lap or standing - it does not matter much.

Before the sacrament itself you need a good rest. The interaction with negative energy, and even more so the purification of karma from such, requires great dedication. Therefore, one should not begin the course of attaining a curse during a period of heavy workload at work or when the house is very busy. Otherwise, you can completely lose physical and moral strength for quite a long time.

The strongest prayer from all curses

The text of the prayer is presented below:

“I call upon the angels of God and all the Bright Divine energies and powers that can help me to get rid of all the curses.
If I cursed someone in my life, then I give up all my curses! I am aware of all my mistakes! I deliberately and forever destroy, burn with the Divine Fire all my curses of the past, present and future times! From now on and forever I forbid dark forces to use my curses in their dark deeds.
I deprive all my curses of all their energy and strength! I burn all my curses with Divine Fire! As I made curses, so I destroy them! (repeat this paragraph 3 times)
And if I still have curses sent by other people, I also deprive them of all energy and strength! I burn them with Divine Fire! May the Divine Light fill me and free me from all curses!
May the Divine Light fill all the people I have ever cursed! May the Divine Light burn all the curses I have ever sent to people. I release all people from their curses! And I myself get rid of all the curses!
May all people who have ever suffered from my words and thoughts be filled with Divine Light, the energies of health, joy, happiness, love and peace! I bless all the people I have ever cursed! I bless all people in general!
All people in general, I send
bright divine rays of kindness
bright divine rays of happiness
bright divine rays of love
bright divine rays of joy
bright divine rays of health
bright divine rays of prosperity,
bright divine rays of the world
bright divine rays of well-being!
From the very depths of my soul I send these bright light healing rays to all beings of the Earth!
With all my heart, I wish everyone love, joy, light, happiness, and I put all my energy into this desire!
May the light forces of the Earth triumph and all the forces of darkness dissipate! (repeat this paragraph 3 times)
In a sign of the seriousness of my words and intentions, I send light rays to all beings of the Earth, Cosmos and the Universe!
May these my words reach the farthest depths of the universe! Let these my words will hear and feel all beings and essences of all spaces and dimensions visible and invisible to man! May all the angels and the Creator himself hear my words! May they all be witnesses!
From now on and forever, I deprive my thoughts and words of any negative, destructive energy! From now on and forever my thoughts and words will not be able to harm anyone! From now on, even if I accidentally think bad things or say negative words, then let them burn right away, without causing harm to anyone!
Dark forces! I forbid you to use my negative thoughts and words in your dark deeds! If you try to use my words and thoughts in your dark deeds, then the Divine Light will burn you! (repeat this paragraph 3 times)
From now on and forever, let my thoughts, words and deeds be filled with Divine Light and always bring joy, happiness, health, love, peace, wisdom and prosperity to me, to people around me and to the whole world! (repeat this paragraph 3 times)
May the Divine Light from now on and forever fill all of me, my whole family, our whole country and the whole Earth! (repeat this paragraph 3 times). ”

“Our Father” and a special rite

The strongest prayer from curses is the Orthodox canonical "Our Father." This appeal to the Lord is read in the process of ritual from the evil forces in holy water and is repeated in accordance with the algorithm mentioned in the previous paragraph.

The prayer text is read in the original - in the Old Slavonic language:

"Our Father, Thou art in heaven!
Hallowed be your name
Thy kingdom come,
Your will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth.
Give us this day our daily bread.
and leave us our debts
as we leave to our debtors;
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil,
for yours is kingdom and power and glory
forever and ever.

The rite itself against the dark slander and evil spirits is carried out as follows:

  • At the waning moon, it is necessary to pour a small amount of holy water into a glass container;
  • Water is left overnight at the head of the bed of the damned man;
  • In the morning, the victim of the curse should read "Our Father," wash your face and hands with holy water and cross over three times, looking to the east;
  • After prayer, a plot is pronounced: “I do not wash my hands - I wash the black word away. I don’t wash my face — I wash away someone else’s anger. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen!”.

After washing with the same holy water, water the plants. At the same time, one cannot wish that the ailment and the curse pass from man to flower. On the contrary, it is necessary to imagine how water nourishes the roots of a plant, and it will flourish in a magnificent color, dissolving and conquering evil slander.

Prayer to the angels

In the case of a strong dark slander on the karma of a person, you can pray:

  • Holy Guardian Angel.It is possible to pray to this Angel any day, since its main task is to protect a person from adversity;
  • Holy Archangel Michael.This Supreme Angel can be prayed in the event of a curse, suspicion of severe damage, or during attacks of evil forces. The day for offering prayers to the Archangel Michael is Monday.

Text prayer Appeals to the Holy Guardian Angel provided below:

"Holy Angel, come to the damning of my soul and the passion of my life, do not leave a sinner to me, below step back from me for my lack of self-control. Do not give place to the evil demon to possess by me the violence of this mortal body; Strengthen your distressed and thin my hand and guide me to the path of salvation.

To her, the holy Angel of God, the guardian and patron of my damned soul and body, forgive me all, great tya offended in all the days of my stomach, and that those who sinned in the past day, and worship me from all temptation Yes, in no way I infuriate God, and pray for me to the Lord, confirm me in my passion, and deserve to show me my servant of goodness, amen."

Traditional text prayers to Archangel Michael provided below:

"Holy Archangel Michael to God, wring out the spirit of the evil one with your lightning sword, tempting me. from every disease, from deadly ulcers and death in vain, now and forever and ever and ever. Amen. "

"Living Aid"

The prayer "Living Aid" is a verbal amulet against any misfortune. Therefore, it is recommended to read it not only in the presence of dark slander, but also for the purpose of spiritual prevention. The Living Aid, or Psalm No. 90, is unique in that its authorship is attributed to the Prophet Moses. Therefore, this prayer is quite common not only in Christianity, but also in Judaism. According to another, less popular, version, the roots of this prayer are based on the pagan beliefs of the ancient Slavs. As Russia was baptized into Christianity, so the text has changed. Only one thing is authentically known - this prayer text is so ancient that it is not inferior in strength, perhaps, “Our Father”.

Text Psalm number 90 "Live Relief"is presented below:

"Living in the help of the Most High, in the shelter of the God of Heaven shall be established.

It speaks of the Lord: Thou my protector and my refuge, my God, and I trust in him.

Yako Toi will save thee from the trap's net, and from rebellion rebellious.

His pleshma will overshadow thee with his hope under his krill: His truth will be with arms.

Do not fear from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days.

From a thing, in tme transient, from sryascha and a demon of noonday.

Thousands shall fall from the land of your country, and at your right; to you is not close.

Obacha ocima your see and reward sinners uzrishi.

For you, Lord, are my hope. Vyshnyago put you in your refuge.

Evil will not come to you. And the wound does not come near your tele.

Yako your commandment by the angel, keep you in all your ways.

On the hands they will take things, but not when they stumble your foot on the stone.

На аспида и василиска наступиши, и попереши льва и змия.

Яко на Мя упова и избавлю и: покрыю и, яко позна имя Мое.

Воззовет ко Мне, и услышу его: с ним есмь в скорби, изму его, и прославлю его.

Долготою дней исполню его, и явлю ему спасение Мое."

Специальные домашние обряды для избавления от проклятий

Искренне верующему человеку молитва от всех проклятий поможет самостоятельно снять проклятие, каким бы тяжёлым оно не было. Однако для усиления эффекта можно совместить молебны с мощными обрядами от избавления от тёмного навета.

Ритуал на спички

Для данного обряда понадобятся спички, щепотка соли, полстакана воды. The ritual is performed as follows:

  • Щепотка соли растворяется в воде;
  • 6 спичек поочерёдно зажигаются, складываются крестом над стаканом. В это же время заклинатель читает "Отче наш" или "Живые помощи";
  • Как только спички перестанут гореть, их необходимо бросить в воду в стакане;
  • В зависимости от того, сколько спичек осталось на плаву, можно определить силу проклятья. Если все они остались на поверхности воды - значит, заклятье очень мощное. Если только несколько спичек не утонули - значит, действие тёмного навета довольно слабое;
  • Читается заклинание:

    "Во имя Отца, Сына и Святого Духа, Аминь!Господи, к Тебе взываю,О помощи Твоей молю-умоляю!Как потонули эти спички -Так пусть и горести мои утопнут!Как сгорела сера -Так пусть и проклятье сгорит!Ибо Свят Ты, Господи, Крепок и Всеблаг!Amen! Amen! Amen!

  • После этого нужно поочерёдно окунуть в воду плавающие на поверхности стакана спички.

Ритуал на избавление от болезни, вызванной проклятьем

Если существует уверенность в том, что причиной заболевания является тёмный навет, можно провести следующий ритуал:

  • Встать до рассвета, помолиться, умыться святой водой;
  • Поймать двух пауков, поместить их в скорлупу от ореха и крепко связать плотными красными нитками;
  • Носить этот орех с собой, как талисман.

Универсальный обряд

Для проведения ритуала потребуется:

  • 2 клубка красных шерстяных ниток (пряжи);
  • Небольшое количество водки и крепкого пива;
  • 2 ёмкости для алкоголя.

При помощи пряжи формируется круг с пустым пространством внутри. Окружность можно связать или сплести, а можно и просто разложить нити подобающим образом. На столе перед заклинателем размещаются ёмкости с алкогольными напитками, а его правая рука продевается в пустое пространство в круге из нитей.

Читается заклинание:

"Отрекаюсь от всего, что с ложью мне подарено,
Отказываюсь от всего, что злого мне сказано.
Бабка немая ко мне идёт -
На встречу воды студёной несёт.
Подойду я к бабке -
Зачерпну 2 чарки:
Одну во здравие выпью,
Другую - вылью.
Как молчит та бабка -
Так пусть и недоброжелатель мой молчит.
Как питьё вылется -
Так пусть и проклятье из моей жизни сгинет!
Amen! Amen! Amen!".

После произнесённого заговора необходимо залпом опустошить ёмкость с водкой, а пиво - вылить себе под ноги. Затем нужно бросить под ноги круг из ниток и переступить через него. Через неделю нити следует закопать на перекрестке.

Кризис очищения

Важно понимать,что после чтения молитв или проведения очищающих карму ритуалов человеку не сразу станет легче. Сразу же после замаливания тёмного навета наступает так называемый "кризис очищения". В зависимости от силы и количества наложенных на жертву проклятий, этот период может продлиться от 2-3 минут до 4 месяцев.

Симптомами кризиса очищения после курса чтения молитв являются:

  • Слабость (особенно, если человек снимал проклятье с себя самого);
  • Headaches;
  • Перепады артериального давления;
  • Nausea;
  • Drowsiness.

Если все эти симптомы возникли после чтения молитв, пугаться не нужно. Излечение травмированного энергетического поля может ощущаться физически, особенно когда проклятье было чрезвычайно сильным. В период кризиса очищения нужно почаще посещать церковь, присутствовать на всех воскресных службах и возносить молитвы Господу и Святым Угодникам как можно чаще. Как только кризис пройдёт, в жизни бывшей жертвы тёмного наговора наступит светлая полоса.
