Fish soup - soup with a unique aroma! Recipes of different fish soup with canned food, fresh carcasses and fillets, cabbage, beans


Cabbage soup is different, one of the options is fish. This dish is much lighter than meat, but not as empty as a vegetarian soup.

It also has a special aroma.

Try to cook! Who knows, maybe household cabbage soup will appeal to households, will become frequent guests on the dining table.

Fish soup - general principles of preparation

• A fish. To prepare cabbage soup, you can use fillets, whole carcasses or ridges with heads. The size of the fish, like the variety, does not matter. This product is prepared quickly, just 15 minutes of cooking is enough, so lay it with or after potatoes.

• Cabbage. For fish soup, you can use fresh head of cabbage or pickled product. The amount indicated in the recipes can be changed to your taste.

• Other vegetables. Usually these are potatoes, onions and carrots, bell peppers can be added. Some of them are laid immediately in the pan, some require preliminary frying in a separate bowl.

• Tomato. You can use fresh or canned tomatoes, pasta or ketchup sauce. Some recipes may not have a tomato.

• Canned food. Fresh fish is not always used for cabbage soup, often the product is replaced by canned food: mackerel or saury in oil, sprat in tomato.

• Spices, herbs. You can use additives to your taste: parsley, dill, roots, peppers of various types, ready-made seasoning mixes for first courses or for fish.

Fish cabbage with fresh cabbage

For the preparation of such cabbage soup you can use any river fish. This shows the weight of the fillet on the skin, but without a ridge.


• 0.6 kg of fish;

• 2 potatoes;

• cabbage 1 small head of cabbage;

• 2.5 liters of water;

• 100 g of onions and carrots;

• 50 ml of oil;

• 50 g of tomato;

• spices, herbs.


1. Peel a couple of potatoes, cut into slices, pour into boiling water and start cooking cabbage soup.

2. 3-4 minutes after boiling the potatoes, we throw the chopped portioned fish pieces. We are waiting for boiling, remove the foam.

3. We cook fish with potatoes at a low boil so that the pieces do not boil.

4. Shred the cabbage. If she is young, then we will run into the pan at the end of cooking. If the cabbage is winter, then add 5 minutes after boiling the fish. At this point, fish soup can be salted.

5. Cut onions and carrots (you can grate it). We spread it in the warmed oil, prepare in the pan an ordinary vegetable sauté.

6. Bring the tomato a little bit of water, so that it becomes thinner, run into the pan. Fry for about five minutes.

7. As soon as the cabbage is cooked, but it will be a little crunchy, we shift the vegetables from the pan.

8. If desired, put the Bulgarian pepper. Stir, simmer under the lid for about five minutes, the smallest fire.

9. Season with laurel, add fresh or dry greens to cabbage soup, pepper to taste to taste!

Rich fish soup

To prepare such cabbage soup you will need not only fillets, but also illiquid parts of the carcass: ridges, heads, fins, bony pieces. A rich broth will be prepared from them.


• 1 kg of illiquid fish;

• 0.6 kg of cabbage;

• 2 carrots;

• 0.5 kg of fillet;

• 3-4 liters of water;

• 4 potatoes;

• 2 onion heads;

• 4 tomatoes;

• 1 pod of pepper, seasoning.


1. Thoroughly rinse fish illiquid pieces, heads. Put in a pan, pour cold water, send the broth to the stove.

2. Peel the carrots, cut into slices by a centimeter. Peel the onion from the upper husk, the rest can be left. Add vegetables to the fish, throw a couple of peppercorns and half a bay leaf.

3. Cook the broth from the fish for 40 minutes, do not forget to remove the foam. Then the broth needs to be filtered through several layers of gauze, returned to the pan.

4. Add chopped potatoes. After the root crop boils, we throw pieces of fillet. Cook together.

5. We make the usual passerovka from the remaining heads of onions and second carrots. Season with grated tomatoes, simmer for several minutes.

6. To half-finished potatoes and fish, we throw the cabbage, cook until tender, cabbage soup.

7. We shift vegetables into a fish dish, cook together for several minutes to combine tastes.

8. At the very end, you need to try the taste and still salt if necessary. We are throwing greens and appetizing cabbage soup with fish aroma ready!

Fish soup with canned saury

A recipe for fast but tasty cabbage soup that does not require fresh fish. For 2 liters of soup, 1 can of canned saury in oil or in its juice is enough. You can take another similar fish. The dish is easy to prepare in 30 minutes.


• onions, carrots;

• 1.5 liters of water;

• 1 potato;

• 400 g of cabbage;

• saury bank;

• oil, seasoning.


1. Cut the potatoes not very large, put in a saucepan with boiling water, let it cook.

2. Engage in cabbage, shred in the usual way. Add to the potato when the pieces start to pierce, but are not yet soft. Season the cabbage soup with salt.

3. Onion cut into small cubes, toss into a pan. After a minute, add the grated carrot. Cooking until golden brown.

4. Open the canned fish, get the pieces. Divide in half, take out the ridge.

5. First we transfer the vegetables from the pan to the pan, after boiling add the fish along with the marinade, cover and simmer for about five minutes.

6. The dish is ready! We throw greens in a pan or then in plates.

Fish soup with beans

For the preparation of such fish soup it is better to use white beans. It can be boiled or canned.


• 0.5 kg of fish;

• 1 spoon of tomato;

• 2 potatoes;

• 1.5 l of water;

• 1 tbsp. boiled or canned beans;

• carrots and onions;

• oil, spices;

• 0.3 kg of cabbage.


1. Boil water in a saucepan, throw pieces of potato, start cooking cabbage soup.

2. When boiling, put a fish cut into several parts. Re-let boil, remove the foam.

3. Shred the cabbage, cut all the other vegetables and roots.

4. Fry onion and carrot on a small amount of oil, if desired, we throw the pepper cut into small cubes.

5. Refill the passer with tomato. Keep on fire for a couple of minutes for color brightness, turn off.

6. After ten minutes of boiling the fish, add the cabbage. After a couple of minutes, we throw the boiled beans. If it is canned, then drain the marinade.

7. Fill the fish soup with salt, shift vegetables with tomato, cover and simmer for 5-7 minutes with a barely noticeable boil.

Fish soup with sprats in tomato

Another recipe for cabbage soup with canned fish. The queen of dishes - everyone's favorite sprat in tomato. If the jar is small, then it is better to take 2 pieces. The recipe is quick without potatoes.


• 1.5 l of water;

• 500 g of cabbage;

• 1 sweet pepper;

• 1 can of sprats;

• onions and carrots;

• 1 tbsp. l pastes;

• oil, fresh or dry herbs, seasonings.


1. Put the water for the broth on the stove, let it boil.

2. Immediately put a frying pan with oil, heat and throw the chopped onion head.

3. Peel and three carrots, add to the onion. Cooking vegetables for several minutes.

4. Bring a tomato with 3 tablespoons of water, pour the vegetables in a pan.

5. Cut the bell pepper, chop the cabbage, toss in a saucepan with boiling water and you can immediately add salt. Cook until soft.

6. We shift the vegetables from the pan to the cabbage, as soon as it is cooked.

7. Open the sprat, transfer to cabbage soup with tomato. If pepper comes from peas or laurel, then they need to be removed.

8. Boil the fish soup 2 minutes.

9. Cut the greens, add.

10. Cover the saucepan with cabbage soup, turn off the fire. We insist 15 minutes.

Fish soup with fried fish

To prepare such cabbage soup you will need a little cod. But you can use other fish.


• 300 g of cod;

• 80 g of onion;

• 70 g carrots;

• 0.5 bunch of dill;

• 300 g of cabbage;

• 30 ml of oil;

• 250 g of potatoes;

• 1 pepper;

• 50 g of tomato.


1. Pour 1.5 liters of water into the pan, send it to heat. After boiling, we throw potatoes. After another 5-10 minutes, add the cabbage.

2. Cut the cod into pieces, you can dice. Size about 1.5 cm.

3. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat and fry the fish until crust, transfer to a bowl.

4. Put the chopped onions and carrots in the pan, fry them for several minutes, and put the pasta. Pour the soup with a ladle from the pan, simmer.

5. We transfer the sauté with tomato to cabbage soup, let it boil, salt and pepper.

6. Spread the fried fish, let it boil again.

7. Throw chopped dill, turn it off.

Fish cabbage with sauerkraut

A very interesting recipe for fish soup with a bright taste and aroma of sauerkraut.


• 0.5 kg of any fish fillet;

• 400 g of cabbage;

• onion;

• 2-3 tomatoes;

• carrot;

• 2 tablespoons of pasta;

• 3 potatoes.


1. Put the carrots with onions in a frying pan, fry a little in oil and add sauerkraut. Cover, put out 10-15 minutes. Then remove the lid, continue frying.

2. Boil 2 liters of water, throw potatoes, boil in water for a couple of minutes and add pieces of fish. Cook until almost ready.

3. Once the cabbage is slightly fried, add the grated tomatoes. Cooking a couple more minutes.

4. We shift the cabbage into almost ready cabbage soup, stir, boil for several minutes.

5. Lay the greens, try on the salt, bring to the desired taste.

Fish soup - useful tips and tricks

• To keep the pieces of fish from boiling, the vegetables are neat, you need to bring the cabbage soup over the biggest fire, and cook on the small one.

• Fish does not really like garlic and does not always combine with it, so you should not add it to a dish, and even more so to a common pan.

• If you add a few slices of smoked fish to cabbage soup, the aroma will be simply amazing.

• To prepare a low-calorie dish, you need to exclude potatoes and cook sautéed without oil in a non-stick pan, adding a little broth from the pan when frying vegetables.

• If the cabbage soup turned out to be fresh, you can add a little lemon juice, dry acid or pickled cabbage in them.


Watch the video: The Ultimate Fish Soup Recipe. (June 2024).