Grilled trout is an amazing fish! The best marinades with lemon, wine, soy sauce, fennel, grilled trout orange


Trout is the cleanest fish. She will never live in dirty water with drains, carefully chooses a habitat, which can not but affect the quality of the product.

To maintain the maximum benefit from this red fish, you need to cook it correctly. One of the ideal options is grilling. If you properly marinate the trout, then it will turn out just magical!

Grilled trout - general cooking principles

On sale you can find trout steaks, whole carcasses, fillets on the skin whether without it. All this can be used for grilling, but the time will be different. The fish must be prepared in advance: scrape the skin, remove all excess, rinse thoroughly. If the ridge sticks out, then it needs to be equalized with the level of the pulp so that the piece rests evenly on the grill grate. Prepared fish is always pickled.

What is trout combined with:

• citruses;

• honey;

• soy sauce;

• ginger.

Often, fish spices, herbs, ginger, vegetable oil are added to marinades. The fish is rubbed or poured. It is important to cover the bowl so that the pieces do not dry out. If you plan to pickle trout for several hours, then it is better to put it in the refrigerator or put it on the balcony.

Trout is perfectly cooked on any electric grill, over hot coals, as well as in an ordinary grill pan. The time depends on the method chosen, as well as the size of the pieces, temperature, but red fish is baked very quickly. If she lay in a marinade for a long time, then a few minutes on each side is enough. It is important not to dry the trout.

Grilled trout with lemon

Lemon juice is an ideal addition for any sea and river fish, including grilled trout. The dish is very easy to prepare, but stunningly tender juicy, aromatic.


• 2 trout steaks;

• salt, peppercorns;

• 1 lemon;

• 1 tbsp. l olive oil.


1. We take peas of pepper, 5-8 pieces are enough, put in a mortar, grind to powder. A wonderful aroma will go, in ground spices from a bag this cannot be.

2. Add a pinch of salt to the pepper, mix.

3. We wash the trout steaks, wipe them dry with napkins.

4. Rub the pieces with a mixture of salt and pepper.

5. Squeeze the juice from the lemon. First we water the fish on one side, then on the second. Leave for at least 20 minutes. Let it be marinated.

6. Take the fish out of the bowl, take the olive oil, rub it into slices on both sides, so that a beautiful crust appears on the steaks.

7. Put the trout on a heated grill or on the grill over hot coals. Cooking to a beautiful blush on one side.

8. Turn over and wait until the second side is also baked.

9. Immediately shift the fish to plates for serving, they should already have vegetables, greens. Put thin slices of lemon on top of the trout.

Grilled trout with white wine

A variant of the amazing grilled trout marinade. But it is also suitable for any species of other fish. Wine must be used dry white.


• 2 trout steaks;

• 50 ml of wine;

• 0.5 lemon;

• salt pepper;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• 3-4 branches of dill.


1. Rinse dill, mash in hands, but do not chop. It is necessary that the greens slightly highlight the juice, become moist, release the aroma. Put on the bottom of the container.

2. Squeeze juice out of half a lemon, combine with wine.

3. Rub the washed fish pieces with salt, pepper and grease the wine mixture on one side.

4. We lay this side on the branches of dill.

5. On top of the fish spill the remaining marinade.

6. Cover the container, remove the trout in the refrigerator for two hours.

7. We take out, shake the wine, spray with oil, send the trout to the grill prepared in advance.

Grilled trout in soy sauce

Soy sauce is ideal for trout, fish pickled in it quickly. According to the recipe, balsamic vinegar is added. You can take a little wine or apple, it will also turn out delicious.


• 0.6 kg of trout;

• 80 ml of soy sauce;

• 30 ml of wine vinegar;

• a little coriander, literally 5-7 grains.


1. Grind coriander in a mortar, mix with soy sauce, add wine vinegar to them. Set the marinade aside.

2. Rinse the fish. If there is something superfluous on the carcass, then you need to carefully peel or trim with a knife. Cut across into pieces of 1-2 cm, make steaks.

3. Pour the trout with marinade, put in a bowl. The remaining sauce is simply poured on top.

4. Cover the dish, leave for an hour. No need to refrigerate.

5. Remove the trout from the marinade. We take paper towels, remove all moisture.

6. Transfer the pieces of fish to the grill. Cook the trout on both sides until a golden crust appears.

7. We transfer the fish from the grill to the dish, serve with parsley and lemon. Serve immediately, but also when cold, it also remains very tasty.

Grilled honey trout

There are a lot of options for marinade with honey. Often they add soy sauce, onions, but trout complements lemon juice best of all.


• 3 pieces of fish;

• 2 lemons;

• 50 g of honey;

• salt.


1. Honey must be melted so that it becomes liquid, easily connected with other ingredients.

2. Rinse the lemons. Cut 3 slices, set aside, they are needed for serving.

3. Squeeze the juice from the remaining citruses, strain through a strainer to get rid of the flesh and seeds that could fall.

4. Combine lemon juice with previously melted honey. Dissolve.

5. Rinse trout pieces, dry and grate with salt.

6. Pour the fish with honey marinade, cover and leave for at least half an hour.

7. Remove the trout, shake the droplets from the pieces, put on the prepared grill.

8. Cooking a delicious fish until golden brown. It will appear quickly enough, since honey is present in the marinade.

9. Serve trout pieces immediately, supplementing with previously set aside lemon slices, any fresh herbs.

Grilled whole trout with fennel

This recipe is ideal for small trout, which is convenient to cook whole. The size of the carcass is from about 0.4 to 0.6 kg. It will take 2 green fennel without root, that is, stems and small twigs.


• 2 trouts;

• 2 stalks of fennel;

• 1 lemon;

• 1 tablespoon of oil;

• salt and pepper;

• 0.5 tsp seasonings for fish.


1. Clean the surface of the fish, but do not need to cut the fins. If the trout is not gutted, then correct. Rinse thoroughly inside.

2. Mix seasonings for fish with pepper and a little salt, grate the carcasses inside and out. Leave for half an hour.

3. Lubricate the fish inside and out with any vegetable oil. Let’s lie down for about half an hour.

4. Cut the lemon, 6 pieces are enough.

5. We wash the fennel, cut the branches, but do not chop. We make large pieces of 4-5 cm.

6. Put 3 pieces of lemon in the abdomen of each fish.

7. We stuff with fennel greens.

8. Now take the twine and wrap it several times. But you can use toothpicks. If you can securely sew up the abdomen.

9. We put stuffed carcasses on the gill, bake until ready. You can periodically lubricate the crust with vegetable oil.

10. Serve the trout from the grill immediately, but do not forget to remove the twine or toothpicks. You can supplement the dish with fresh cucumbers, tomatoes.

Grilled trout with aromatic sauce

A feature of this recipe is not only delicious trout, but also an amazing sauce of red paprika. It can be served with any fish, it is not necessary to take delicious varieties. Marinade for trout is prepared from orange juice, similarly, you can take a drink from the block.


• 0.2 liters of orange juice;

• 40 ml of soy sauce;

• 1 tbsp. l honey;

• 1 tsp grated ginger;

• 1 tbsp. l lubricating oils before frying;

• 2 trout steaks.

Paprika sauce:

• 6 large red peppers;

• 15 g of fresh ginger;

• 10 ml of lemon juice;

• salt, red pepper;

• 2 tablespoons of tomato sauce, good ketchup.


1. Prepare the marinade. It is best to use fresh orange or apple juice. Add soy sauce to it, put chopped ginger, mix well and add honey. Continue to mix until dissolved. You can add other spices to your taste.

2. Rinse the steaks, pour the marinade, leave for an hour.

3. Rinse the peppers to dry. Put on the grill in front of trout, bake until brown.

4. Remove the crust from the baked peppers, remove the seeds. Put the juicy pulp in a blender.

5. Add ginger to the pepper, salt the sauce, beat with a blender until smooth.

6. Introduce the tomato sauce. You can use ketchup or pour a little juice, which will dilute the consistency.

7. Now add the lemon juice and hot red pepper. Here it is better to taste the sauce so as not to make it too sharp or sour. If the pepper is not very ripe, then you can throw a pinch of sugar, grind everything until smooth. Let the sauce stand for a while, soak in the aromas of additives.

8. Remove the trout from the orange marinade, bake the pieces on the grill.

9. We shift the fish to a dish, serve with cooked paprika sauce, serve with herbs, slices of fresh orange.

Grilled trout - useful tips and tricks

• No need to add a lot of ready-made fish seasonings from a bag to trout. Usually mixtures have a too pronounced aroma, it will overshadow the natural, delicate smell of red fish.

• If trout is baked on a grill with slices of fresh lemon. Then it should not be too much, otherwise bitterness may appear from the crusts, the dish will simply be spoiled.

• Grilled fish is usually served with fresh vegetables, but it also tastes delicious with baked tomatoes and peppers. You can cook young eggplants. It is better to pickle vegetables, like trout.
