Ginger tincture on vodka: how to make a unique drink. Useful properties of tincture of ginger on vodka


Vodka tinctures are one of the most popular drinks for Russians. Filled with the healing power of plants, they help restore strength and health over the centuries. Ginger tincture on vodka is a popular effective alternative medicine. It is easy to prepare, and the healing powers of the drink are great.

Useful properties of tincture of ginger on vodka

The Tibetan version of ginger tincture is a powerful tool to increase the tone of the whole body. If a person feels constant fatigue and depression, it is difficult to concentrate, often sick, ginger will help to cope with these problems. Active plant components that are contained in the ginger root will also act in the alcohol environment.

The properties of tincture of vodka on ginger allow you to use it to improve the body and heal from some ailments. In traditional medicine, the product is used for the following purposes:

• increase the body's immune defense;

• improving digestion;

• toning and increasing activity of the nervous system;

• stimulation of blood circulation in the brain;

• vision improvement;

• strengthening memory, returning ability to concentrate attention;

• disinfection of the digestive tract and mucous membranes of the mouth and throat;

• acceleration of metabolic processes;

• bowel cleansing;

• removal of toxins;

• rejuvenation and cleansing of the skin from purulent formations;

• vascular strengthening and prevention of atherosclerosis;

• removal of inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity.

Ginger tincture has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties, and therefore it can be used in the complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, colds, bronchitis, tonsillitis, etc. The tool not only relieves sore throat, but also helps to reduce the temperature, soften a rough, dry cough.

Ginger is famous for its ability to speed up metabolic processes, and this feature of it is often used to lose weight. Ginger tincture of vodka can be used for "weight loss" purposes, but it’s better to still prepare its water version, that is, use a decoction. Strengthen the fat-splitting effect with lemon.

But alcohol is quite suitable for cleansing from slag masses. It starts the processes of splitting sintered feces, cleansing the body, cell regeneration, which in combination provides not only a healing, but also a rejuvenating effect. After a course of treatment with tincture, a persistent cosmetic effect is noted: the skin is cleansed of inflammatory elements, the face looks younger, the pigmented areas brighten.

The unique properties of tincture of vodka on ginger allow it to be used both internally and externally. When used externally with alcohol, rub the diseased joints, muscles. This method allows women to relieve menstrual pain and chest tension with pronounced PMS. Tincture is applied to the area of ​​the mammary glands, without affecting the nipples, and to the stomach in the projection of the uterus.

Traditional healers use tincture of ginger vodka to treat impotence, reduce libido in women, and even infertility. There is no scientific data on the effectiveness of the drug, so this treatment cannot be considered a panacea.

How to make tincture of ginger on vodka

The main component of the tincture is fresh ginger root. This plant is truly endowed with unique healing properties by nature. It has a lot of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the immune system, tissues and internal organs of a person.

How to make tincture of ginger on vodka according to the classic recipe? The main thing is to observe the correct proportions: for one part of the ginger root you need to take two parts of quality vodka. In addition, it is important to withstand tincture in certain conditions. If you break the technology, the elixir will not work.


• Peel a pound of ginger with a sharp small knife from the skin (it is easily removed by scraping).

• Grate the root on the fine side of the grater, put in a glass jar.

• Pour a liter of vodka, carefully close the lid and shake.

• Put the dishes for two weeks in a dark cupboard, but not in the refrigerator. Once a day, tincture should be shaken.

• Two days before the expiration of the 14-day period, add two or three tablespoons of honey to the tincture (with a total weight of one hundred grams).

After two weeks, the tincture is completely ready for use. It must be filtered through a gauze filter or a frequent sieve and stored in the refrigerator. The expiration date in this case is not limited. Tincture of ginger on vodka does not deteriorate in the refrigerator for at least two years, so it will be enough for several courses of treatment for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.

Along with the classic recipe for tinctures, there are others that suggest the use of additional components or the replacement of vodka with a different alcohol base. For example, tincture is done on alcohol, purified moonshine, cognac.

Ginger tincture on alcohol

You can dilute pure medical alcohol with cooled boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 2. It will result in an alcohol liquid with a strength of approximately 45 °. On this basis, ginger tincture is prepared from the following ingredients:

• three tablespoons of grated pulp of fresh ginger;

• half a liter of diluted alcohol;

• four lemons;

• a tablespoon of honey (optional, optional).

With lemons you need to remove the zest. This is done using a grater or a special knife. Put ginger puree and zest in a glass container and pour alcohol into a dark room, pantry, wardrobe for a week. Shake the infusion daily. strain in a week, add a spoonful of honey if desired, mix and store on the door or shelf of the refrigerator.

In principle, to improve the taste, you can add other citrus fruits to the bottle when insisting. If the product will be used for weight loss, grapefruit is best.

Tincture with Lemon Juice

There is a quick version of the tincture, which is prepared very quickly, literally within an hour. But you need to understand that this is just vodka, fortified with useful components, and not a real tincture of ginger on vodka. How to make an express drink?

The following ingredients will be needed:

• two tablespoons of grated ginger;

• large lemon;

• a half-liter bottle of vodka;

• salt on the tip of a knife;

• a tablespoon of honey.

Cut the zest from the lemon, squeeze the juice from half the lemon. Finely grate ginger. Mix juice, zest, ginger pulp, salt and mix. Pour ginger and lemon base with vodka, add honey and mix again. Close the lid and shake vigorously for 5-7 minutes. Then leave to infuse for another half hour, strain, pour into a decanter, cool well and offer to the table for hot meat dishes.

You can drink such a product as an alcoholic drink - on your own or as part of cocktails. Be careful: for treatment, prevention and recovery, this option is not suitable.

How to use ginger tincture on vodka

The classic ginger tincture is highly concentrated. In no case should you drink it like an ordinary alcoholic drink. You can just burn the gastric mucosa.

In order for the healing drink to really benefit, they drink it in strictly dosed form. It is believed that the optimal amount of product is one teaspoon. You need to take it twice a day: in the morning before meals, on an empty stomach, and in the afternoon, before lunch.

This is done with a preventive purpose in order to strengthen the immune system. In addition, the tincture normalizes digestion and rejuvenates, restores strength and tones the entire body. The course for both treatment and prevention is no more than one month. Then you need to take a break for 1-2 months, and then repeat the intake of ginger elixir.

People who have any problems with the stomach, liver, intestines, should not immediately start with such a dose. For them, the scheme will be slightly different: they will have to start in 2-3 drops of ginger tincture on vodka. Every day you need to add a drop and at the end of the week bring the amount of the product to the usual volume - 1 teaspoon.

External use of tincture is good in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes:

• for laryngitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, one teaspoon of tincture should be diluted in 100 ml of warm clean water and used as a rinse at least six times a day;

• if there are acne on the skin, then tincture can burn them, applying the product on a cotton swab;

• tincture of toothache copes well. Using a cotton swab or a piece of bandage, you need to treat the gums 1-2 times a day.

Outwardly, tincture can be used in the treatment of pain associated with arthritis, radiculitis, arthrosis. You can rub sore spots or make a compress on the skin in the area of ​​concentration of pain.

Who should not take tincture of ginger on vodka

Unfortunately, not all people can use the healing power of alcoholic infusions, in particular, tinctures on ginger. A categorical ban on the treatment and prevention of ginger elixir is valid for the following diseases:

• cirrhosis of the liver;

• alcoholism;

• stomach ulcer;

• gastritis in the acute stage;

• pancreatitis;

• urolithiasis disease;

• acute kidney and urinary tract disease;

• tumors of internal organs;

• tachycardia and heart disease.

You can not take tincture with a previously recorded allergic reaction to ginger or alcohol. Secondary use of an allergen product can cause a much stronger reaction, up to Quincke's edema.

It is forbidden to use alcohol treatment during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. The use of tinctures to strengthen the immunity of children and adolescents is prohibited, since alcohol negatively affects the children's body.


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