Holding your breath for human health. Holding your breath: harm and danger


About respiratory gymnastics, there are many scientific opinions about the unconditional benefits for the body. The development of physical abilities, breath holding for the benefit of internal organs and the treatment of various diseases does not lose its relevance. A large influx of oxygen helps break down fat molecules and helps get rid of extra pounds.

Health Breathing Exercise

Those who support a healthy lifestyle, devotees of yoga and Pilates are engaged in breathing exercises. Exercises for breathing exercises develop the lungs. Thanks to the practice of deep breathing, metabolic processes in the body are accelerated. To do this, it is enough to straighten up and take a slow breath for 5 seconds, hold your breath and slowly exhale all the air.

To thoroughly cleanse the body of carbon dioxide, perform the exercise "Cleaning". Slow entry, and while exhaling, pause for 5 seconds and forcefully push the remaining air into the lungs towards the exit.

It is necessary to control the respiratory process and control the breath holding during such exercises as:

· Yoga. Kumbaha is the main element in such exercises, this is breath holding.

· Diving and scuba diving. Professionals learn to concentrate and listen to their body, increase lung capacity and hold their breath under water for a long time.

· Respiratory practice. Some directions to improve the quality of life and spiritual balance recommend the practice of stopping entry and exhalation. For example, bodyflex, rebirthing.

The benefits of breath holding for the body

· When holding the breath, the pressure changes: on inspiration - the blood pressure rises, when holding the breath on the exhale - decreases.

· With the correct technique for performing exercises based on breath holding, the physical and mental health of a person is strengthened.

· Blood circulation improves.

· To saturate cells with oxygen, sugar is broken down, thereby increasing the level of carbon dioxide molecules in the blood and increasing body temperature, which contributes to the breakdown of fat. So, the vacuum exercise is the most effective for the restoration of the abdominal muscles and the breakdown of fatty tissue in the waist.

· Holding the breath for the benefit of the body can last 20 seconds, such a training has no contraindications.

· Regular breathing exercises increase longevity.

Health Advice for Holding Your Breath

· If the level of carbon dioxide rises high, the brain sends a signal to inhale. Therefore, for deep breath holding, it is recommended to exhale twice the accumulated carbon dioxide.

Dizziness is a signal to stop. It is harmful to hold your breath sharply without preliminary preparation of the body.

· A long breath hold is performed only on an empty stomach. Enhanced blood flow should flow unhindered to all internal organs, cells and saturate them with oxygen.

Harm from holding your breath

The state of health indicates possible harm and threat to the body. It is contraindicated to engage in breath-holding practices for people with:

· Diseases of the endocrine system;

· Serious mental disorders;

· During pregnancy;

· Serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels;

· A severe rehabilitation period after a long illness.

The presence of bad habits in a person can also adversely affect one's well-being. Stimulants in the form of tea, coffee, tobacco affect health, it will be extremely difficult to carry out breathing techniques. It is noticed that with constant monitoring of health, performing techniques of long breath holding, a person gradually refuses the above stimulants. The increase in load should be carried out gradually.

Respiratory Technique

For beginners, practicing a long holding of breath is dangerous to health. It is necessary to prepare the body using a special set of physical exercises. The spine will acquire the necessary flexibility, the muscles will receive a charge of tone, and the capillaries will prepare for the load on the vessels.

1. Take a regular breath - exit at your usual pace. Relax your muscles. The ribs need to relax, the muscles of the abdominal cavity should not give sharp impulses.

2. Take a deep breath and hold your breath for 10 seconds. Exhale slowly. On exhalation, it is important to control the spine - not to allow it to bend.

3. Take a deep breath, hold your breath for 15 seconds. Slowly exhale almost all of the air and hold your breath for 5 seconds. Exhale.

This is the easiest exercise for those who want to improve their health. Finish your workout by taking a slow exit. The subsequent inhalation should occur without a sharp capture of air. It is dangerous to block breathing by straining the muscles of the neck and throat. The correct execution of breath holding occurs due to the stop and relaxation of the muscles of the diaphragm and abdominal cavity. Holding your breath in and out, you calm the nervous system.

Overweight breathing training

This is actually a very light technique to keep your figure in shape. Even if you like sweets and homemade cakes, then performing this exercise regularly, the weight will be normal.

1. Straighten, legs shoulder width apart.

2. A deep breath through the nose and stomach.

3. Hold your breath for 16 seconds.

4. Breathe out slowly for 8 seconds.

5. After exhalation, repeat inhalation.

It is recommended to perform such gymnastics after eating, then excess body fat will not have time to form. All non-useful products will burn out faster and will not be deposited at the waist. Holding your breath while taking air in your stomach helps reduce weight. Holding your breath with benefit on inspiration starts the process of removing toxins from the body.

Breathing exercises must be done in a calm state, with relaxed muscles. If you perform them regularly for a month or more, then you can achieve the result of losing weight without harm to health.

Secret techniques for holding the breath for the benefit of the body

Yoga states that you need to hold your breath correctly, then all body systems begin to work correctly, stimulating cellular respiration. A powerful secret yoga technique for holding your breath for 30 minutes or more is now available for use. Previously, only teachers and their best students shared it.

Mastering gradually the technique of performing many yoga exercises, you can feel that holding your breath with each new exercise is obtained for a longer time. The distribution of energy in the body increases cell viability.

Holding your breath is a useful skill that will improve health, replenish strength and energize. For lovers of scuba diving, diving, holding your breath for a long time is a must. With the help of exercises, you can also start the process of losing weight. There are special techniques for acting on various internal organs and muscle groups to relax and relieve tension.


Watch the video: What Holding Your Breath Does To Your Body (June 2024).