What are polyps in the gallbladder, how do they manifest. What are the causes of polyps in the gallbladder and how to treat it


Polyps are benign formations of the epithelial tissues of the mucous membranes of the human body.

Theoretically, polyposis can affect any organ where the mucous membrane is present: from the uterus to the stomach. Especially often from such neoplasms, the gastrointestinal tract suffers.

Polyps in the gallbladder are not the most frequent localization, but doubly dangerous. Typically, polyps do not pose an immediate threat to life until malignancy, which occurs with almost one hundred percent probability. However, the location of the neoplasm in the gallbladder, as already mentioned, is especially threatening: the compression effect makes itself felt. That’s why it is so important to know well what disease is involved.

What you need to know about such an unpleasant disease as polyposis of the gallbladder? Answers in the material.

Causes of polyps in the gallbladder

There are at least five of the most common causes of polyps in the gallbladder. What are these development factors?

Burdened by heredity. Polyposis in most cases is genetically determined. Although only a predisposition to the development of the disease is inherited, the majority, out of ignorance, cannot protect themselves from this quiet but dangerous disease. To reduce the likelihood of the formation of pathology to a minimum, it is necessary to adhere to preventive recommendations. It has been proved by genetic scientists that if there was an ascending family member in the family suffering from polyposis of any organ, and especially the gall bladder, the risk of morbidity increases by 40-60% compared with healthy members of the population. This is a serious figure that makes you think.

Infectious diseases. In some cases, polyposis can be caused by the presence of an infectious focus in the body. We are talking about a variety of sources of an infectious agent: from carious teeth to sore throats, joints, etc. A virus or bacterium penetrates from distant sites into the gallbladder, causing degeneration of healthy tissues.

Human papillomavirus infection. The human papillomavirus (HPV) has a high oncogenic potential, therefore it is quite capable of causing polyposis and later cancer.

Overeating, malnutrition. This is not a reason, but a whole group of factors united by the name "alimentary causes." Toxins and irritants can lead to the development of polyps.

Concomitant inflammatory diseases of the gallbladder. First of all, cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the gallbladder, etc.

It is possible that the doctor in practice will have to deal with several causes of polyps in the gallbladder at once.

Signs of polyps in the gallbladder

Signs of polyps in the gallbladder, as well as the specific clinical picture, significantly depend on the stage of development of the disease and the type of developing polyp. In the initial stages, symptoms may be absent altogether. As a rule, the primary manifestations include almost imperceptible symptoms:

• Mild pain due to irritation of the organ wall.

• Nausea.

• Vomiting.

As already mentioned, there may be no symptoms at all. As the process develops, the manifestations are aggravated and include the following symptoms:

Intense pain. Pain can be of a different nature: aching, stitching, cutting. By inexperience, the doctor can mistakenly confuse polyposis with cholecystitis, the pain syndrome is so similar. Pain intensifies with peristalsis of the organ, which means immediately after eating, and for several hours the discomfort persists. Then the pain subsides.

Vomiting, may be mixed with bile. Prevails in the period immediately after a meal, may not be associated with food intake. It is indomitable. Sometimes it comes to the fact that the patient vomits with one bile and gastric juice.

Dyspeptic symptoms. Heartburn, nausea, belching with a sour taste. All this is associated with digestive disorders.

The larger the size of the tumor, the more intense the symptoms. In the later stages, a compression effect develops when the neoplasm begins to compress the bile ducts. Mechanical jaundice develops with characteristic manifestations:

• Yellowing of the skin.

• Yellowing of the sclera of the eyes.

In combination, these signs of polyps in the gallbladder are rare. As a rule, the disease is detected in the early stages, when there is still no intense symptomatology. Fortunately, diagnosing such a pathology is not so difficult.

Types of polyps in the gallbladder

There are four types of polyps in the gallbladder, depending on the tissues from which they originate (the exception is the papillomatous polyp). Among them:

Fibrous polyp. It develops from the mucous membrane of the walls of the gallbladder. It is a dense knot of a pinkish tint, soft to the touch. This is the least dangerous type of volumetric formation described.

Fibrous-glandular polyp. Unlike the previous type, it has a mixed fibrous-glandular origin. It has a capsule and grayish color.

Adenomatous polyp. The most dangerous, since it almost always degenerates into cancer, is adenocarcinoma (and, as you know, gall bladder cancer is extremely difficult to treat). Also, such polyps are called polyps-adenomas.

Papillomatous polyp. It carries no less threat to the life and health of the patient. It is formed from mutated atypical cells, therefore, initially it carries a huge danger. The risk of rebirth is high.

Multiple polyposis is rare when many neoplasms develop on the walls of an organ, sometimes of various origins.

Diagnosis of gallbladder polyps

Diagnosis of the described education is twofold: on the one hand, it is not difficult to identify education, on the other hand, this is clearly not enough. It is necessary to establish the nature of the formed tumor, to differentiate the polyposis with the Abrikosov tumor, cancer, and other benign formations.

The first thing a patient needs to do is contact the “right” specialist. Such a doctor is a gastroenterologist. In some cases, an oncologist consultation may additionally be required. This should not be afraid: an oncologist treats, among other things, benign tumors.

Diagnosis begins in the doctor’s office, with an oral questioning of the patient for complaints, their nature, prescription, intensity. The doctor also interviews the patient about past illnesses (history taking). After this, palpation of the gallbladder and liver is performed. Such a rigorous study is necessary to evaluate pain reactions, as well as the structure of organs.

Diagnostics are based on instrumental methods. Among them, the most informative:

• Ultrasound examination of the gallbladder. It allows to identify calculi, formations, their prevalence (presence and degree of invasion).

• Endoscopic ultrasonography. It is a minimally invasive study, similar in nature and methodology to FGDS.

• CT / MRI. The gold standard in diagnostics. Allows you to evaluate in detail the condition of the investigated organ.

A big problem is taking a biopsy tissue. For these purposes, doctors resort to either puncture or laparoscopic surgery during which polyps are removed. In the future, thorough histological and morphological studies are carried out, during which the type of formation and the stage of its development are determined.

Treatment of polyps in the gallbladder

Treatment of polyps in the gallbladder is exclusively surgical.

As a rule, we are talking about microsurgical laparoscopic surgery, when access to the organ is through small point incisions.

With large sizes, education can not do without the classic transabdominal abdominal surgery.

Adenomatous polyps also suggest additional postoperative chemotherapy.

Prevention of polyps in the gallbladder

Preventive measures include:

Normalization of the diet. It is necessary to eat often and fractionally, as well as minimize the amount of meat consumed, replacing it with vegetables, fruits and plant products.

• Important on time sanitize areas of chronic infectious inflammation.

• At the first suspicion, you should consult a doctor.

• It is important to regularly take preventive examinations by a gastroenterologist or therapist. Especially if there were people with polyposis in the family.

The complex of these methods is enough for the prevention of polyps in the gallbladder.

Polyposis is not a comic disease. Only a doctor should deal with its treatment and only after a thorough diagnosis. The patient himself can not do anything except to turn to a specialist in time. Do not waste time.


Watch the video: How To Get Rid Of Polyps (June 2024).