Chopped zrazy meat, fish, chicken - delicious cutlets with filling. Options chopped zraz with various fillings


Zrazy is a dish that came to us from Eastern European cuisine. Classic, traditional zrazy are rolled up, chopped pieces of pulp in which the filling is wrapped. Chopped zrazy - cutlets with filling. Popular not only meat, but also fish, and even chicken chopped zrazy.

The cooking process is not much different from conventional cutlets. And even an inexperienced cook can cope with it. At the same time, chopped zrazy are much more nutritious and nutritious, and if you do not just fry them in a pan, but take and bake in the oven, then, perhaps, it is also more useful.

The selection contains proven recipes for meat, chicken and fish chopped zrazy, with the most popular fillings. Cooking options are also different: frying in a pan, baking in the oven, stewing in meat broth.

Ordinary cutlets are fed up - try to cook chopped zrazy, and they will certainly enter your menu.

Chopped zrazy - general principles of preparation

• Chicken fillet, pork pulp with a thin fat layer, beef trimmings from the neck or flank, and low-fillet fish fillet are used in the preparation of the cutlet mass. The meat or fish fillet is thoroughly washed, then dried and cut into large pieces, passed through a meat grinder, tuned to the most thorough grinding.

• Add an egg to the cutlet mass of any kind, season with black pepper, be sure to slightly add. In some cases, a crumb of white bread, soaked in water or milk, and also passed through a meat grinder, are interfered. After thorough kneading, the mass is beaten, lifting and sharply throwing it on the table or in a bowl. This gives the structure greater uniformity.

• Well-beaten meat or fish mass is divided into parts and rolled out with balls. Then knead into cakes, up to a centimeter thick, spread the filling in the center. Bonding the edges, they give the semi-finished product an oval, somewhat elongated shape. Bread or dip in batter, according to the method of preparation.

• The most common fillings of chopped zrazy are fried mushrooms, boiled egg, chopped cheese, onion feathers. Breadcrumbs and melted butter are also added. The spicy taste of the dish can be given with a filling of horseradish fried with bread.

• Chopped zrazy are fried in a frying pan in refined lean oil or baked in the oven, spread out over a baking sheet. Fried semi-finished products according to individual recipes are brought to readiness by placing in the oven, or stewed under a lid, pouring a little broth.

• Serve zrazy with garnish, usually mashed potatoes or fried potatoes. However, side dishes from boiled pasta, cereals, fresh vegetables are also suitable.

Chopped meat zrazy with mushroom filling in a pan


• pulp with pork neck - 600 gr.;

• 400 gr. lean beef;

• half a glass of milk;

• homemade breadcrumbs;

• refined oil;

• 200 gr. crumb of slightly dried white bread;

To the filling:

• a small onion head;

• one boiled egg;

• two spoons of white breadcrumbs;

• 400 grams of fresh or canned mushrooms, not pickled.

Cooking method:

1. Cooking the filling. Hard-boiled egg, mushrooms and onions are cut into small slices. We put the pan on the stove, turn on the medium heat and pour a tablespoon of oil. Warm slightly, lower the onion and fry, stirring occasionally, until the slices become transparent. Add mushrooms, continue to fry, stirring, until the onion is golden.

2. Transfer the prepared mushrooms into a bowl, cool. Add breadcrumbs, add chopped egg, add, slowly and thoroughly mix.

3. Cooking stuffing. We cut the films and the remnants of tendons from meat. Cut into smaller pieces, grind with a meat grinder, twice. Pour the egg into the minced meat, salt and season with pepper, stir.

4. Pour bread crumb with cold milk, wait 10 minutes, squeeze it well and mix in the minced meat. For juiciness, a little remaining milk can be added to the meat mass.

5. We moisturize the hands with water and, prying the minced meat with a large spoon, fashion large balls from it - blanks for zrazy. Slightly flatten them to make a flat cake, put a little mushroom filling. Carefully squeezing the edges, we form an oblong cutlet.

6. Fry meat zrazy in a pan in oil, browning each side well.

Chicken meat zrazy with egg filling (in the oven)


• home-made minced pork and beef - one and a half kilograms;

• two eggs;

• a third of a white dried loaf;

To the filling:

• ten boiled eggs;

• three tablespoons of sunflower oil;

• three large onions;

• garlic;

• 2 tablespoons home-made breadcrumbs.


• two tablespoons of oil, highly refined.

Cooking method:

1. Soak the crumb of the loaf in water, squeeze it well and shift to the minced meat. Put a little salt, pour in a loose egg, slightly pepper and mix thoroughly. From the resulting minced meat, wetted with water, form fifteen balls.

2. Cooking the filling: chop the eggs finely and mix them with breadcrumbs.

3. In oil, fry the onions well, until the color is evenly golden, without letting them burn and dry. We shift the cooled onion to the eggs, add a little pepper. We crush three small cloves of garlic here and, slightly salting, gently mix all the ingredients.

4. Take one of the meat balls and throw it on a table surface from a short distance, repeat at least five times. We make a small flat cake from the minced meat and, putting a little egg filling, form an oblong eye. We spread the prepared semi-finished product, seam down on a greased baking sheet. Next, as they form, tightly lay the rest.

5. Place the filled pan in a preheated oven. Cook zrazy at 180 degrees for half an hour.

Meat zrazy chopped in an egg (fried)


• a pound of solid minced meat;

• feathers of a young onion;

• Wheat flour;

• eggs - three hard-boiled and two raw.

Cooking method:

1. Put the minced meat in a bowl, add salt, add a pinch of pepper, mix. We spread it on the table and beat it off well. This will facilitate the formation of zraz and prevent them from disintegrating. Divided minced meat is divided into parts and rolled into balls.

2. Cooking the filling. Finely chop the eggs and mix with chopped green onions. Just like minced meat, slightly add the filling. You can spice it with melted butter, per reduced amount of a fairly small spoon.

3. We crush the meat balls so that we get flat cakes the size of no more than a palm. We spread in the middle one and a half teaspoons of egg filling and fastening the edges, we mold the zrazy.

4. Pour the flour into a flat, wide enough plate, pour the eggs into a small, deep bowl and shake them thoroughly. You can even whisk lightly with a whisk.

5. Put the frying pan on medium heat, pour oil into it approximately on the finger. When the fat warms up, dip the zrazy in the egg, roll in the flour and lower it into the pan. Fry, without changing the heat, until golden brown. Turn over, fry a little and bring to readiness already under the lid.

Zrazy chopped beef with horseradish - "Spicy"


• coarse grinding white crackers - 4 tbsp. l (purchased breading will not work);

• lean beef - 500 gr.;

• frozen homemade cream - 30 grams;

• a small onion;

• vegetable oil;

• two glasses of meat broth;

• three eggs;

• three tablespoons of grated horseradish.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion and, together with the meat, finely grind it with a meat grinder. Pour in a minced whole egg, add two yolks. Sprinkle lightly with pepper and mix thoroughly, adding a little salt. Then we beat off and form large balls from it.

2. In a pan, heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Spread finely chopped onion in it and fry until light blush. Add your own cooked crackers and horseradish. Fry for 2-3 minutes, stirring, put in a plate and cool well.

3. Mash the minced meat rolled into balls in the form of rectangles, a little less than a centimeter thick. Lubricate the surface with breadcrumbs fried with onions and horseradish, roll up rolls and give the desired shape.

4. Fry the zrazy in oil, browning all the flat sides well. Then we put in a deep pan, add broth and put on a little heat.

5. When there is almost no liquid left, turn off and serve the zrazy with a side dish, pouring the sauce remaining in the pan.

Zrazy chopped from fish with cheese filling - "Bird's milk"


• cod fillet - 350 gr.;

• 50 grams of cheese;

• one raw and one boiled egg;

• half a glass of flour;

• milk - 80 ml for bread;

• a tablespoon of butter, 72% butter;

• one third of 250 gr. glasses of milk for batter;

• refined oil;

• a small slice, about 50 grams, of a stale loaf;

Cooking method:

1. Cut the crust from the loaf, and dip the crumb into milk. After waiting 10 minutes, squeeze and twist together with the fish fillet in a meat grinder, add salt to the minced fish and season with a little pepper. Having mixed well, beat it on the surface of the table.

2. In a small bowl, grind the boiled egg through a medium grater. There, we rub the cheese through the same cells. Slightly add the filling, add the melted butter and mix.

3. Grab the minced fish with a tablespoon, mold a centimeter-thick flat cake from it, and spread in the middle about a teaspoon of cheese filling. We wrap and tightly fasten the edges, giving the semi-finished product an oblong shape. We make preparations until we use up all the stuffing.

4. Cook the batter: in a beaten egg with milk, add the flour, a little salt and again thoroughly beat everything. The homogeneous mass should resemble still unrefined sour cream.

5. Having warmed the vegetable oil, we lower the zrazy into it, having previously dipped in batter. Frying on both sides until golden, transfer to a baking sheet.

6. When all the zrazy are ready, put the roasting pan in the oven and within a quarter of an hour bring the dish to readiness. After half the time, be sure to turn over.

Zrazy chopped chicken breaded


• three small slices of white bread (120 gr.);

• kilogram of chicken (breast);

• a glass of milk or boiled water;

• three tablespoons of sweet cream butter;

• a small carrot;

• non-aromatic vegetable oil;

• fresh dill;

• breadcrumbs (white, coarse)

• 150 gr. fresh zucchini.

Cooking method:

1. Chicken fillet cut into pieces and grind with a meat grinder. Add the soaked, well-wrung crumb of bread and again pass through a meat grinder, set up for medium grinding. Salt, season the chicken mass with pepper, mix and beat thoroughly.

2. Peel the carrots and zucchini. Cut the vegetables into very small cubes and simmer with the addition of butter until soft. Dilute the loosened eggs with milk prepared for the filling, after which we introduce them into the vegetables and mix. We cool the vegetable filling by transferring it to a plate and grind it on a large grill of a meat grinder. Salt.

3. We form round billets of minced chicken, the size of a palm, up to a centimeter thick. We spread vegetable filling on them, form zrazy.

4. Roll the semi-finished products breaded with breadcrumbs and fry them by lowering them in a hot oil in a frying pan, until they turn golden on all sides.

5. Serve immediately, watering with ghee, and sprinkling abundantly with chopped dill.

Chopped zrazy - cooking tricks and useful tips

• In the preparation of chopped zraz, you can also use minced meat, but it must be of high quality - not contain much fat and only a dense consistency.

• It is not necessary to beat off all the cutlet mass at once. This can be done by forming semi-finished products, with the power of throwing the meat balls from palm to palm.

• If desired, zrazy can be steamed. In this case, they do not need to be breaded or dipped in batter, and the steam container should be abundantly moistened with vegetable oil so that the semi-finished products do not stick.


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