Masks with fruit acids for the face - reviews. Famous fruit acid masks, the effectiveness of these face masks


Ready-made masks with fruit acids are used as a soft peeling at home. At the same time, dried out, old epidermal cells are removed, capillary blood supply increases, skin rejuvenation occurs. The regeneration processes are accelerated, the skin remains in a taut, well-groomed state.

How face masks with fruit acids for the face

Fruit acid (hydroxycarboxylic acid, hydroxycarboxylic acid) is a chemical compound that is found in many fruits and plants, especially fruits, these substances are characterized by the properties of both acids and alcohols. They are known collectively as "alpha hydroxyl acids" or ANA.

The main types of fruit acids:

Tartaric acid - especially a lot of it in grapes;

· Citric acid - found in oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits;

· Malic acid - most in apples, pears of various varieties;

· Oxalic acid - in sorrel leaves;

· Dairy - in fruits and berries during fermentation, in fermented milk products;

· Glycolic - obtained from sugarcane;

· Almond - from almond oil;

· Salicylic - produced from willow bark;

· Coffee - is in the fruits of coffee;

· Phytin - is produced from wheat grains.

Many cosmetics contain several fruit acids at once, therefore they have complex effect on the skin:

· Contribute to cell renewal and skin rejuvenation;

· Reduce swelling, tighten wrinkles;

· Lighten pigmented areas, even out complexion;

· Stimulate the production of collagen fibers, increase skin firmness and elasticity;

· Activate protective properties, relieve inflammation.

As a result, ANA products act like exfoliants - they remove dead cells, cleanse and renew the skin.

Features of using fruit acid masks

Conventional mass skin care products contain a very small amount of ANA - not more than 3%, which is not effective enough. Cosmetics containing more than 5% ANA belong to more effective offers. Products with an ANA content of more than 9% are considered professional and should be used in specialized centers under the supervision of trained specialists, since such drugs significantly affect the skin and can lead to traumatic consequences.

The difference between peeling with ANA acids from other methods of chemical cleaning is that fruit acids are of natural origin and non-toxic to the body, gently affect the skin. The usual course of using a mask with fruit acids for the face is 5-7 days, then a three-week break is taken.

All manufacturers of masks with fruit acids carefully check the formulation of the proposed cosmetic products and guarantee a certain result. However, the skin may react differently to the composition of such products with intense exposure, so carefully study the accompanying instructions and pre-test the product on the skin of the wrist or the inside of the elbow.

In order to protect yourself and achieve the best result, you must follow some rules for the use of cosmetics with ANA:

· The expected result does not occur immediately, but manifests itself gradually, so you should not quickly increase the concentration of ANA or extend the exposure time;

· When tingling, burning, redness, immediately rinse off the product and, if necessary, consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist so that there are no injuries or scars if you use the product incorrectly;

· 3-4 days before the peeling and the same amount after it, do not use scrubs, deep penetration masks, depilatory products and others that can damage the skin surface

· Follow the instructions on the packaging, always check the terms and conditions of storage of cosmetics;

· Carefully use such products in the spring and summer, when UV rays are particularly intense on the skin, before going out, use protective equipment with SPF 15 and above.

Well-known manufacturers of face masks with fruit acids

Masks with fruit acids for the face are most often produced either in the form of a cream that needs to be washed off with water after a certain time, or in the form of a fabric mask soaked in a peeling composition. Sometimes exfoliant masks are supplemented with a moisturizer, which consolidates the effect, softens and soothes the skin.

The assortment of cosmetology products includes masks of domestic and foreign production, which deserve the greatest number of positive reviews.

· Masks "Ecolab" - clean and smooth the skin, have a light and pleasant texture, unobtrusive fragrances, are easily distributed on the skin and are quickly washed off, do not dry out, do not crack. They contain extracts of iris, mimosa, lavender oil, kaolin (white clay) and other useful substances.

· Janssen Masks - have a gentle creamy texture, stimulate the processes of regeneration and skin rejuvenation. They have bactericidal and disinfecting properties, clean clogged pores. Contain glycolic acid, tartaric, citric, malic acid.

· Setoff Masks - justify the declared properties, do not cause irritation and side effects. Contain hyaluronic acid, glycolic acid, nucleic acid, fruit acids, vegetable proteins.

· Masks "Shalin" - masks of instant action, have a noticeable result for the first use, suitable for different ages and skin types. Contain hyaluronic acid, fruit kilos.

· Masks "Vilenta" - clean and refresh the skin, smooth the surface. They have anti-edematous and tightening action. Contain fruit acids and minerals.

· Masks "Green pharm" - after application, the skin becomes smooth and velvety, dark spots disappear. It is used as a chemical exfoliant, which gently and painlessly helps to renew surface skin cells. Contain fruit acids and a complex of moisturizing ingredients.

· Masks "Dizao" - have a peeling effect, cleanse pores. Promote collagen formation, restore firmness and elasticity to the skin. Contain glycerin, hyaluronic acid, glycolic, citric, malic acid, vitamins of group E.

· TianDe Masks - moisturize and smooth the skin, increase elasticity, brighten and even out the tone of the face. Contain fruit acids, nicotinic acid, hyaluronic acid, extract of Hawaiian algae simolent.

· Bark Masks - Intensively affect and rejuvenate the skin. Suitable for skin of various types, for each of which there are detailed recommendations. Contain allantoin, tartaric, citric, lactic, glycolic acid, grape seed oil.

· Black Pearl Masks - are well applied and washed off, do not leave a tightened feeling, are available to almost all consumers. Contain fruit acids, panthenol, vitamin B5.

· Masks "Eco Plus" - have cleansing and moisturizing properties. Contain glycerin, glycolic acid, tartaric, citric, malic acid, lactic acid, avocado oil, synthetic wax, perfume fragrances.

· Masks "Floressan" - help cleanse and renew the skin, restore fat balance. Contain fruit acids, moisturizing oils, mineral components.

Precautions When Using Fruit Acid Masks

Each manufacturer offers its own scheme for the use of manufactured products and seeks to extend the course of application as long as possible.

Masks with an ANA concentration of up to 3% can really be used for two to three weeks or until the remedy is over. However, it is necessary to carefully monitor the dermatological reaction in order to prevent damage to the skin from the action of chemical elements.

After using an exfoliant mask, it is necessary to refrain from using decorative cosmetics for an hour.

Beware of sudden temperature changes, steamed, softened skin should especially be protected from cold air or exposure to direct sunlight.

If necessary, moisturize your skin with neutral products without active ingredients or natural oils.


Watch the video: Exfoliating Acids in Skincare Routine: Beginner's Guide to Chemical Exfoliation AHA & BHA (June 2024).