Galega - medicinal properties and applications in medicine


Galega - general description

Galega (goat) is a perennial herbaceous plant of the legume family, the height of which can reach one meter. Galega has a stem root and a straight stem with branched leaves, it can be distinguished from other representatives of the plant world by flowers that have an uncharacteristic moth structure and gray-purple flowers that bloom in the summer months. Galega fruits can be harvested in late August - September; they are multi-seeded beans, the size of which often reaches 4 centimeters.

Galega - types and places of growth

Goatskin is a heat-loving plant, most often it can be found in Ukraine, the Caucasus, in the southern part of Russia and Moldova. The Crimean peninsula, the Carpathians, the Black Sea and Lower Volga regions can boast the highest concentration of plants in their territories.

Galega loves riverbanks, meadows, mountain steppes, forest edges, and it is also often located along highways.

Galega - healing properties

Galega is a medicine that has been used for a long time and successfully by folk healers. The plant contains such a component as galegin, which lowers blood sugar, it is not surprising that the goatskin becomes an assistant for people who suffer from diabetes.

Treatment of "sugar" with a galega is possible only at an early stage of the disease, but subsequently the drug helps to reduce the amount of insulin needed for the patient.

Squid is often used to increase milk lactation in women whose children are breast-fed. The plant is a diuretic, anthelmintic and diaphoretic.

Galega - dosage forms

Folk healers use the aerial parts of the gallega - flowers, leaves, stems. Typically, the harvesting of plants occurs during the flowering period of the goat and falls on July-August. The stems are cut off at the level of a few centimeters from the ground, then they are dried in the open air (in no case in the sun, the rays provoke undesirable processes that level the useful properties of the plant).

Seed collection is carried out during the period of their full maturation, they, in contrast to the "green" part of the plant, are dried in the sun and threshed with sticks, previously placed in bags.

Galega - recipes

Most often, a galega is used to treat such ailments as diabetes and swelling, however, a combination with other herbs helps to get rid of other ailments.

Galega decoction for diabetes

1 tablespoon of dry chopped herbs should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water, let it brew for several hours, then strain and take as a medicine. Take a decoction from the goat house 3-4 times a day for 1-2 tablespoon. The course is 1.5-2 months.

Galegi broth with severe swelling (diuretic)

10 grams of galega seeds pour 1 cup of water, boil for 5 minutes, then let it brew for several hours, strain and consume inside. Dosage - 3-4 times a day for 1 tablespoon.

The combination with the root of wild chicory, heather grass, immortelle, the root of cyanosis blue and lemon balm give a wonderful effect. When preparing a decoction, the ratio should be 2: 2: 3: 3: 2. Boil over low heat for 10 minutes, then let it brew, strain and consume 5 tablespoons 2 tablespoons half an hour before meals.

Galega - contraindications

You should use the goat only on the recommendation of a doctor, it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, since it can greatly increase pressure and disrupt the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.


Maria 04/19/2016
I wonder why - the goatskin?)) Apparently, his goats are eaten in meadows and near roads. It practically turns out that this herb is especially for diabetics. These are its main properties. Why is it not recommended by doctors? After all, it would be possible to draw up a certain reception schedule.

Nastasya 04/19/2016
So you walk along the grass, trample it underfoot, and you don’t know that it can help someone get rid of terrible diseases ... Diabetes, I refer to such terrible diseases. This is constant monitoring of oneself, dependence on an injection of insulin.

Ulyana 04/19/2016
Yes, of course this galega is growing and we have everywhere! And along the edges of the road, and on simple lawns. I always looked at her like an ordinary weed. It looks nice when a lot of such grass blooms. Decorates a clearing. And about the healing properties and did not hear.

Galina 04/19/2016
It seems to me that such grass is growing in our country. At least - these flowers are very similar, but almost the same. And moreover, it grows not little by little, but directly by whole glades. I think diabetics should pay attention to this herb. And if at the initial stage, all the more.

Ivanna 04/19/2016
Wow. Very apparently a good plant. My mother has diabetes, she is no longer in her initial stage, but you can still try this herb galega. It may be possible to lower the rate of insulin. Of course, you need to consult.


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