Sauerkraut soup with mushrooms: traditional and original. Secrets of sauerkraut cabbage with mushrooms, buckwheat, beans, barley


First courses in Russian cuisine are required.

Sauerkraut soup with mushrooms - a simple and very tasty dish.

Even in the lean version, without meat broth and meat, it turns out to be satisfying and never bothers.

Sauerkraut cabbage with mushrooms - general principles of preparation

Cooking sauerkraut with mushrooms does not take much time. But in order to get the strength and rich sour taste, for which real connoisseurs so value the dish, you need to wait a day. Daily cabbage soup, gaining strength, tastes better than freshly cooked.

The cooking process is not much different from cooking ordinary cabbage soup and soups, but there are still nuances. The two main components of this recipe are pickled cabbage, mushrooms. In the old days, sour cabbage was combined with meat and put in the oven for a day. Stewed meat became sour, tender, melting. In modern apartments, repeating such a recipe can only be done in the oven, which for obvious reasons is inconvenient.

Therefore, the hostess uses two methods of preparing cabbage for laying:

• fry in a pan in vegetable or butter;

• stew in a stewpan, pan, slow cooker.

Some even prefer to put cabbage in water or broth without prior heat treatment. How much to cook cabbage, including stewing and frying, depends on the final result. Cabbage will crackle if cooked for about an hour. It will take two hours to make it very soft.

Mushrooms for cabbage soup are used dried or fresh. Dried are first soaked, depending on size, for half an hour or an hour, then boiled in the same water, cooled and cut into pieces. Fresh mushrooms are also pre-cooked and chopped.

Sauerkraut with cabbage "Lenten" mushrooms

You can cook rich cabbage soup on the water, and they will turn out no worse than meat. It is very good to cook cabbage soup with dried mushrooms. The broth will turn out saturated, tasty. Serve them with sour cream.


• 70 g of dried mushrooms (can be replaced by another type);

• a pound of sour cabbage;

• three potatoes;

• three liters of water;

• a small carrot;

• large onion;

• vegetable oil;

• a tablespoon of white flour;

• a quarter cup of tomato paste;

• black or mixed pepper;

• salt to your taste;

• a handful of chopped dill.

Cooking method:

Cut boiled mushrooms into strips.

Do not pour the broth from the mushrooms, but strain and set aside.

Put cabbage in a pan, pour half a glass of mushroom broth, simmer tomato paste for an hour and a half under the lid. If necessary, pour a little more broth.

Chop the onion.

Grate the carrots coarsely.

Heat the oil, throw onions, carrots, bring to the softness of vegetables. It will take about 10 minutes.

In cabbage, lay cabbage, cook until desired softness.

About 15 minutes before being ready to dip the carrot-onion frying, mushrooms in cabbage soup, boil for 10 minutes under a closed lid.

In a separate dry frying pan, fry the flour, pour the cooled broth into it. Dilute the flour so that the lumps are gone, boil for 2-3 minutes and season the cabbage soup.

Strain under the lid for another 10 minutes.

Cut dill and half put in a saucepan.

Add homemade or store sour cream to the plate, sprinkle with dill greens.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with mushrooms and buckwheat

Lenten table can be original, hearty, tasty. Here is an old recipe for sauerkraut with mushrooms, where buckwheat is used. The dish turns out thick, so the spoon stands, and has a pleasant flavor.


• a pound of salted cabbage;

• one hundred grams of dried porcini mushrooms;

• one large potato;

• one or two medium onions;

• two tablespoons of buckwheat;

• half a head of garlic;

• eight peas of black pepper;

• three bay leaves;

• a teaspoon of salt (to your taste);

• two tablespoons of vegetable oil;

• a bunch of fresh dill or two tablespoons of dried.

Cooking method:

Rinse the cabbage mass, put in a saucepan without plastic handles or a clay pot and send it to the oven for half an hour, heated to 180 ° C.

Cut the potato into large slices.

Steamed mushroom steep with boiling water and leave for twenty minutes for swelling. Then remove from the water (save the infusion), cut into strips.

Combine one and a half liters of water with mushroom infusion, bring to a boil, lower the mushrooms, cook for half an hour.

Ten minutes after laying the mushrooms, add buckwheat to the pan.

Ten minutes later, lay the potatoes.

Remove the stewed cabbage from their oven, drain the liquid.

Chop the onion and combine with the cabbage.

Pour vegetable oil into the cabbage, grind everything on the walls with a wooden spoon. You can’t blender so as not to mashed the cabbage.

Pour juice into cabbage, warm on the stove for ten minutes.

Put cabbage in cabbage soup, season with pepper, chopped dill, spices, cook for ten minutes at a slow boil.

Let the cabbage soup brew and pour on plates.

Serve with sour cream.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with fresh mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are sometimes more difficult to get than fresh ones. There are also frozen mushrooms, mushrooms, chanterelles on sale. Try making simple cabbage soup based on fresh mushrooms.


• half a kilo of mushrooms;

• five hundred grams of sauerkraut;

• medium onion;

• cooking oil;

• salt to taste;

• three liters of water;

• spices for dressing to your taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the mushrooms well, cut into pieces.

Put in a pan, pour the norm of water, cook for twenty minutes.

Remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon, pour the filtered broth into a saucepan.

Lay the washed cabbage, bring to a boil and reduce the heat.

Fry the onion cubes in hot oil. When they become transparent and soft, lay out the mushrooms.

Fry the mushrooms with onions for two minutes, then simmer for another ten minutes under the lid.

When the cabbage is soft enough, put the frying, add spices and salt to taste.

Give boiled cabbage with mushrooms to boil for about five minutes.

Turn off the fire, let the cabbage soup brew and pour on portioned plates.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with mushrooms and beans

This variant of cabbage soup is meat. The broth can be cooked from any meat on the bone, but the classic cabbage soup is made from pork. Instead of potatoes, you can put beans in thick mushroom cabbage soup. Some housewives cook cabbage soup with sauerkraut and mushrooms, combining potatoes and beans for greater satiety. The following is just such a recipe. Potatoes can be omitted if desired.


• a meat piece weighing three hundred grams;

• half a glass of beans (dry);

• three hundred grams of sauerkraut;

• three hundred grams of fresh store mushrooms;

• large onion;

• medium carrot;

• garlic (to taste);

• fleshy tomato or a quarter cup of tomato paste;

• fresh chopped greens;

• bay leaf;

• pepper;

• pan oil.

Cooking method:

Cook the broth from the meat piece.

Soak the dried beans at the same time.

Be sure to remove the protein foam, lay the beans and boil it with meat

Rinse the cabbage.

Fresh champignons cut into slices or strips.

Grind onions and carrots.

Make the usual onion-carrot frying with tomato paste. Instead of tomato paste, you can take fresh, peeled and finely chopped tomato.

Put the cabbage in the ready-to-fry, simmer for about twenty minutes.

Cut peeled potatoes into cubes.

Remove the meat from the broth, cool and cut into pieces.

Put cabbage and potatoes in the broth, cook for a quarter of an hour while boiling slowly.

About seven minutes before the cabbage with sauerkraut and mushrooms are ready, gently salt, put crushed pepper, laurel, and lower the pieces of meat.

Lay chopped dill or parsley, fresh garlic under the lid, turn off and let stand.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with mushrooms and barley

The "camp-army" barley unfairly deleted from life is a unique and very tasty cereal. With it, sauerkraut cabbage with mushrooms are extraordinary. Be sure to try to cook a dish according to this recipe.


• a pound of beef on the bone;

• a pound of sauerkraut;

• a generous handful of dried mushrooms;

• half a glass of pure barley;

• onion;

• four large potatoes;

• three turnips;

• a little lean oil for the pan;

• a spoon of tomato paste with a slide;

• salt;

• black or allspice;

• laurel;

• half a glass of chopped dill or parsley.

Cooking method:

Soak mushrooms in advance, boil and chop.

Cook the broth from beef.

Put cabbage, cook for half an hour at a slow boil until soft cabbage.

Put mushrooms, pearl barley, cook for another twenty minutes.

Peel turnips and potatoes and put them whole in cabbage soup and continue cooking.

Finely chop the onion.

Finely peel the peeled carrots.

Fry onions and carrots.

Remove the cooked turnips and potatoes from the pan, knead with a fork and send to cabbage soup for density.

Season cabbage sauerkraut with mushrooms by frying, pepper, salt, herbs.

Cook for a few more minutes, leave the pan under a warm towel for half an hour and serve.

Sauerkraut cabbage soup with mushrooms and chicken

Cabbage soup is no worse on chicken broth than on meat soup. It turns out tasty, simple and inexpensive.


• a small soup chicken;

• a plate of fresh mushrooms or a handful of dried;

• a pound of sauerkraut;

• three liters of water;

• large carrot;

• onion;

• five potatoes;

• a bunch of parsley and dill;

• three cloves of garlic;

• lavrushka;

• pepper, salt to your taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the chicken carcass whole or chopped into pieces.

Remove the meat from the broth, cool and free from pits. Tear the meat with your hands into fibers or cut with a knife.

Pour washed cabbage into the broth, simmer for an hour.

Chop the onion and carrot.

Fry onions in a pan, then carrots.

While the vegetables are fried, chop the mushrooms and send them to the pan.

Dice potatoes.

Put all the vegetables in the pan, cook for twenty minutes.

Along with the bookmark salt, season with pepper, toss the bay leaf.

Return chicken to cabbage soup.

Add finely chopped garlic under the lid.

Turn off the fire, let the cabbage soup brew for at least half an hour.

Sauerkraut soup with mushrooms - tricks and tips

  • From what meat is used to make cabbage soup, the taste of the dish changes. Lean and meat cabbage tastes vary. For the classic version of cabbage soup, take fatty pork meat, for the diet - lean beef or chicken.
  • If cabbage is peroxide in the storage process, it must be washed, and then pour ice water for an hour. If there is no time, cabbage is simply washed in a colander with a large amount of running water.
  • Daily cabbage soup really becomes tastier. But to make them even more delicious, they need to be taken out at night in the cold. Of course, this can only be done in winter.
