Vitamins in onions, which are contained and why they are needed, how they can strengthen your health. General strengthening and antibacterial qualities of onions, how else is it useful?


Onions, among other vegetable crops, stand out with a pleasant smell and bright taste, which are impossible not to recognize. Thanks to these qualities, he has become one of the most popular plants that are grown in the garden, and used in various dishes of all cuisines of the world. Onions, used in hot and cold dishes, it is consumed fresh. Many people use it for food, but not everyone knows what vitamins it contains and what benefits it can bring.

General onion

Known varieties of onions in our time more than five hundred. But there are fewer varieties of this culture, in reality there are 4 varieties:

1. Onion;

2. Leek;

3. Batun;

4. Shallot.

Most of them people know - onions and leeks. Most common dishes include this component without fail. Onions, divided by taste - spicy, peninsular, sweet.

What is in one hundred grams of onion:

• Dietary fiber - 3 g;

• Di- and monosaccharides - 8.1 g;

• Energy value - 41 Kcal;

• Water - 86 gr;

• Carbohydrates - 8.2 g;

• Fats - 0.2 g;

• Protein - 1.4 g.

On average, the mass of the bulb is 75 g, it contains 30.8 kcal.

What are onion vitamins for?

This vegetable hides many useful elements that can provide timely support to even a weakened body. Substances that bring health are not only in the onion itself, there are many of them in the green feather. Of course, many people appreciate this vegetable for its pungent taste, but do not lose sight of the huge amount of important vitamins and minerals.

Onions are an inexhaustible source of phytoncides killing microbes, easily digestible carbohydrates, essential acids needed by the body, and light essential oils. This vegetable contains carotene, vitamins of groups B, C and E.

Onion Vitamins Can Help You

If you regularly eat onions, it is easy to achieve:

• Enzymes contained in onions help remove hazardous metals and toxins;

• The risk of blood clots and the appearance of atherosclerosis is significantly reduced;

• Normalizes blood pressure;

• Reducing the amount of cholesterol and glucose in the blood;

• Significantly reduce the risk of infectious diseases and colds;

• Strengthen immunity;

• Strengthen the body.

Phytoncides in onions destroy most viruses and bacteria. The use of it in fresh food will bring benefit, by trimming them with meat and fish dishes, green feathers will be very useful in salads, in the first and second courses. Fresh herbs make the food outwardly attractive and arouse appetite.

Green onions contain as much zinc as there is in any other green. If this element is not enough, brittle nails appear, hair may begin to fall out.

What vitamins are in onions?

Many different elements in the onion are striking, among them vitamins occupy an important place, there are many of them, here are the main ones:

1. Vitamin A. This is a natural antioxidant, it effectively removes toxins from the human body and at the same time creates the conditions that are required for further purification. In addition, this vitamin has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, and on the health of the eyes. It is he who stops the premature aging of both the skin and the whole organism;

2. Vitamin C. Like the above vitamin, it also delays aging. This is due to the stabilization of blood pressure and a significant increase in the body's immunity. In addition, it reduces the amount of glucose in the blood, so that you can save your blood vessels;

3. Thiamine. Significantly improves memory and improves brain performance. It improves digestion, quickly optimizing its work, and as a natural result, it increases a healthy appetite. A side effect is stabilization of the nervous system;

4. Riboflavin. Participates in hematopoiesis, breaks down fats. It activates the recovery function of vision, accelerates the treatment of skin injuries and wound healing.

Useful microelements

In the composition of onions, there are many substances that contribute to:

• Manganese. A trace element that is of great importance to the brain, it tunes the brain and tunes the central nervous system. The body, using manganese, synthesizes neurotransmitters. It helps to create bone tissue, restores insulin metabolism and strengthens the immune system, and as an addition accelerates the healing of mechanically damaged body tissues, accelerating cell division. This element is necessary for the body to use vitamins A, B and C;

• Calcium. Mineral material found in bones and other hard tissues. Without it, metabolic processes occurring in the body are impossible. Adequate calcium reduces the risk of diseases such as cancer and diabetes. In addition, onion removes excess sodium from the body (provoking the appearance of hypertension) and reduces blood pressure;

• Potassium. Brings oxygen molecules to the brain, which significantly improves the general condition of the body. Potassium reduces the number of allergic reactions, this mineral element is directly responsible for muscle contraction.

By eating, every day, only 100-200 g of onion, you completely reimburse the body's requirements in macro-, microelements and vitamins.

The negative effect of onions on the body

Although the onion has many advantages, but in some situations, and it can harm the body. First of all, many do not like its smell, which remains in the oral cavity for a long time. This often brings inconvenience, for example, before an important meeting, but this is just a small effect and not harm to the body.

The main disadvantage of onion is its negative effect on the heart. It seems that a safe natural product, known to us since childhood, can dramatically increase blood pressure or trigger an exacerbation of asthma. This is the result of the effect of this vegetable on the nerve endings. If you have difficulties with metabolism, it is advisable to reduce its use in food, the reason is that it helps to accumulate in the intestines of mucus and gases. With individual intolerance, the use of this product can cause a hypnotic effect and general malaise. Onions strongly affect the work of the heart and liver, with the slightest problems with these organs, you need to seriously consider the amount of onion eaten.

The benefits of onion peel

It contains substances that increase immunity and stimulate cardiac activity, it has an expectorant, laxative, diuretic, antispasmodic, antiseptic, effect. In hypertensive patients who drink husk tea every day, hypertension recedes.


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