Smoothing hair masks: what is the effect? The best smoothing masks for hair of various types.


Beautiful hair is the main decoration of a woman, therefore, all women are trying to pay due attention to the care of their curls. Do not despair if you do not have the financial ability to visit expensive beauty salons, because you can fully take care of your hair at home. Smoothing masks come to the rescue, which give not only the visual effect of beautiful hair, but also have a restorative and firming effect.

What is the effect of smoothing hair masks?

Most women consider her hair to be perfect — even smooth hair, as in shampoo ads. But in nature, such hair does not exist and, if you do not act from the outside, you will have to be content with brittle, not obedient locks.

In beauty salons, they are actively promoting the expensive lamination procedure, which is actually easy to carry out at home with the help of a smoothing hair mask. Only unlike the expensive salon procedure, which gives only a visual effect, the mask works as a restorative. Due to the moisturizing components included in the composition, it not only smoothes the hair scales, but also protects them from further damage.

As a result of regular use of smoothing hair masks, the following effect can be achieved:

· Improving the structure of the hair, so that excessive "fluffiness" disappears

· Repair damaged strands

· Facilitate styling

· Decrease in oiliness and dryness depending on the type of hair

Smoothing masks are universal and can be used at any time of the year and for various problems. Moreover, for different types of hair there are recipes for such masks.

How to apply smoothing hair masks

There are simple rules, the application of which will make the mask more effective:

1. All ingredients must be mixed immediately before applying the mask. It is not subject to storage and further use.

2. The mask must be applied to clean, damp hair. Only in this form can they absorb active components.

3. The mask must be warmed up before application.

4. The resulting mass must be evenly applied to the hair length, retreating 5 cm from the roots. Use a comb with thin teeth for these purposes.

5. A smoothing hair mask should be applied 2-3 times a week, until the effect of hydration and straightening is achieved.

Important! Before using any recipe, it is recommended to pass a sensitivity test on the ingredients used.

Dry Type Smoothing Hair Masks

Owners of hair, prone to dryness and cross-section, know firsthand how carefully you have to care for them. To these problems are added brittleness, dullness, tangling of curls during washing and under adverse traveling conditions.

Smoothing masks based on nutritious and vitamin-containing components are ideal for such hair:

· Honey

· Oils

Vitamins A and E




Recipe number 1

Take 1 tbsp. spoon of aloe juice (can be bought at the pharmacy), 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of castor oil. Mix the ingredients, heat the mixture in a water bath and apply to the hair lengthwise. The mask should be kept for 30-40 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo.

Such a mask contains vitamins, amino acids, salicylic acid. It nourishes hair follicles and smoothes split ends. Hair becomes friable, smooth and obedient.

Castor oil, if desired, can be replaced with olive or other vegetable.

Recipe number 2

An excellent emollient and smoothing property is possessed by a mask based on an oil solution of vitamins A and E, as well as glycerin. Take any hair conditioner as the basis of the mask and add 5 drops of vitamin A and E and a tablespoon of glycerin to it.

The resulting mixture needs to be soaked in hair, insulated with a special hat and left for 20 minutes. Before washing off, blow-dry your hair under a stream of warm air to allow vitamins to absorb better.

Recipe number 3

For very dry and naughty hair, a honey-fruit smoothing mask is good. For its preparation you will need: one banana, 250 ml. milk and 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey. Mash the banana with a fork until gruel and add warm milk and liquid honey to it.

The mask turns out to be quite liquid, so it is better to apply it with a special brush or, leaning over the bath. Leave the mixture on your hair for one hour, then rinse thoroughly with shampoo. The mask perfectly nourishes and pulls out strands that no ironing is needed.

Recipe number 4

Smoothing hair masks based on chicken eggs are especially popular. This is an affordable and very effective component in hair care that has regenerative properties. An egg is best combined with oils to enhance the penetrating vitamins of the hair follicle.

Use the following recipe: mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of peach or almond oil, 1 egg and 2 tbsp. tablespoons avocado oil (can be replaced with the pulp of one fruit). The resulting mixture must be applied to the length of the hair, paying particular attention to the tips. Leave the mask on for half an hour, then rinse your hair with shampoo in cool water.

Oily Smoothing Hair Masks

If the hair suffers from increased activity of the sebaceous glands, but dry at the ends, there are special recipes for straightening them. In this case, components are used that moisturize the strands, but do not make them heavier, and at the same time restore the acid-base balance.

Ideal for making masks:



· Lemon juice

Recipe number 1

Henna is known as a universal hair care product. However, it can slightly dry the length, so it is better not to use it for brittle split ends. But for hair, prone to fat, henna is great. It tightens the scales of hair and smooths them.

The recipe is simple: dilute a bag of colorless henna with hot water, following the instructions on the package. Leave it for half an hour to insist - you should get a consistency of thick sour cream. Add a teaspoon of almond or apricot oil. Distribute the resulting mixture through your hair, wrap with a towel and leave for an hour for exposure. Rinse your hair with a little shampoo.

Recipe number 2

A wonderful smoothing property has ordinary kefir. It can be used as an effective mask for oily hair. You need kefir with a fat content of 3.2%. To enhance the action, you can add one egg yolk to the mask. The amount of kefir should be taken based on the length of the hair so that they are completely saturated with it. By the way, this mask can also be applied to the roots. To obtain a pronounced effect, leave it for 1-2 hours, then rinse with warm water without using shampoo.

Important! Kefir has the ability to wash the paint, so it should be used with caution on dyed hair.

Recipe number 3

Straighten your hair and give an incredible shine mask based on lemon juice. To prepare it, you will need juice from two large lemons, diluted in equal proportions with water and 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar. Mix the ingredients and soak the hair with the mixture. Leave the mask for 20 minutes for exposure and rinse with warm water without shampoo. This recipe will replace the salon screening procedure, after which the hair becomes Hollywood shine and silky smoothness.

Important! Lemon is a natural brightener, so it can slightly change the shade of the hair.

Smoothing mask for natural curly hair

Wavy hair is a reward for someone, but for someone a big problem. They are not so easy to straighten with home remedies, but there is a win-win recipe that has the effect of lamination. It's about the famous gelatin mask.

To prepare it, you will need a bag of gelatin and one egg yolk. Dilute gelatin with water, following the instructions on the packaging. Once it swells, add the yolk and mix the ingredients thoroughly. Warm the mixture in a water bath and apply to the hair, retreating from the roots 5 cm. The mask does not need to be closed and insulated. Leave it for an hour, then rinse well several times with water using shampoo.

Whatever your hair, it requires care and regular care. With the help of such simple but effective masks, you can become the owner of the hair of your dreams at home.


Watch the video: HAIR MASK!! salon like of Matrix opticare ultra smoothing mask!घर पर हयर सप कस कर ! (July 2024).