Kozinaki is the sweet good of nuts. Why you should not refuse kozinaki even with a diet


They say that kozinaki originated from the random mixing of nuts and honey in ancient Babylon, whether this is true is unclear, but it is known for certain that they are perhaps the most useful sweet in the world. Which, by the way, is easy to prepare at home.

What is important to know about kozinaki and their benefits in general

Nuts, raisins and other dried fruits, puffed rice, sunflower seeds and sesame seeds, frozen in honey syrup - this is about what the famous kozinaki consist of. This delicacy is solid, but available for cracking.

The nutritional value of kozinaki varies depending on their constituent ingredients, but in general, properties typical for all varieties of this product can also be distinguished.

For example, their energy value is about 500 kcal per 100 g.

Kozinaki eat a little, you can - separately, with tea or coffee, you can - at the end of the meal, this will definitely allow you to get enough enough not to be tempted by an extra bite of something tasty.

All kozinaki are so rich in vitamins and minerals that regular treating them helps prevent vitamin deficiency and maintain all metabolic processes in the body.

Saturation with fiber and fatty acids (from nuts and seeds) makes kozinaki useful for the digestive tract, which is expressed in the following:

Accelerate digestion;

· Improving the absorption of nutrients from various products;

· Normalization of intestinal motility;

· The removal of toxins and toxins.

And it is very important to note that kozinaki are useful only when they are natural - there should be honey in the syrup, and not a mass of sugar, plus preservatives are also not useful.

You can choose quality kozinaki in the store, or you can - you can cook it yourself.

In general terms (for example, kozinaki with hazelnuts) for this you need:

· Chop nuts into pieces and fry them in a dry pan;

· Pour a little water in a saucepan and melt honey in the same place, add lemon juice;

· Add nuts to syrup, mix;

· Cover the dish or tray with parchment paper and grease it with vegetable oil;

· Pour the sweet mass onto paper and level into a 1 cm thick layer;

· When it begins to harden - mark with a knife the lines along which it will be convenient to break;

· Cool for several hours (best in the refrigerator).

How else is the benefit of the kozinaki

Sweets provide the body with energy not only for the body, but also for the brain - it’s good for students and brainworkers to eat a goat.

Kozinaki is no worse than chocolate (but there are, by the way, glazed with it) can improve mood and save from feelings of overwork and fatigue, increase stress resistance.

For fans of sports and fitness, kozinaki are good in that, due to fast carbohydrates, they quickly restore strength and do not have to feel heavy in the stomach from a plentiful hearty snack.

In addition, every nutty kozinak is a source of protein, necessary for the synthesis of new cells and muscle building.

Therefore, even a very strict diet is not a reason to refuse a healthy gozinak.

In addition, the classic ingredient of kozinaki honey deserves special attention, which:

· Strengthens the immune system;

· Normalizes sleep;

· Improves skin condition;

· Normalizes the liver;

· Improves lung function.

The diversity of species of kozinaki and their benefits depending on the composition

As already mentioned, the benefits of kozinaki are largely determined by the composition of their individual varieties. And although there are a great many types of sweets in the world, you can definitely tell something specific about some of the most popular and delicious ones:

· Pistachios - improve the hormonal background, normalize blood coagulation, increase the body's natural defenses against fungal diseases;

· From cashews - they reduce weather sensitivity, accelerate hair growth and make them more obedient and shiny;

· Peanut - treat headaches, can help with motion sickness (motion sickness in transport), contribute to the healing of wounds and the regeneration of damaged tissues (including bruises and burns);

Cedar - restore the function of sick kidneys, rejuvenate the body, cleanse the blood, normalize appetite and improve the absorption of iron (which can be attributed to the prevention of anemia);

· From hazelnuts - establish blood circulation, improve the transmission of nerve impulses, prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system;

· Almonds - accelerate the elimination of alcohol decay products from the body, reduce dizziness, regulate the production of melanin, help prevent cancer, improve the function of the spleen;

· From walnuts - remove "bad" cholesterol, normalize blood sugar, speed up metabolism, improve the pancreas.

Kozinaki from grains (useful almost like unrefined vegetable oil) are no less useful:

· Sunflower - make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and elastic, normalize the acid-base balance in the body (the violation of which is fraught, in particular, premature aging of cells and leaching of calcium from bones);

Sesame - help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, relieve asthma;

· Pumpkin - a positive effect on lowering body temperature in infectious diseases (influenza, acute respiratory infections), support collagen synthesis and generally improve the condition of connective tissues (including reducing the painful symptoms of arthritis).

And fruit kozinaki (from dried fruits), which are also very useful, are:

· Protect from harmful UV radiation;

· Prevent eye diseases;

· Improve heart function;

· Normalize the function of the gallbladder;

· Increase efficiency.

There are also cereal kozinaki - from oatmeal, popped rice and wheat, pearl barley, corn flakes. Their benefits are also diverse, they:

· Improve the supply of oxygen to cells;

· Normalize the volume of production and acidity of the gastric juice;

· Strengthen nails.

What is the harm of kozinaki

Sweet is not good for the oral cavity, but not all sweets are as harmful as kozinaki for a healthy and beautiful smile. The fact is that many people carelessly bite them regardless of hardness, thereby testing the strength of their (or created by the dentist) teeth.

And even if you chew them gently, anyway - a nut-grain abundance, coupled with hard chips of syrup, can scratch the enamel and get stuck in the teeth with the remnants.

Therefore, after installing fillings, briquettes, veneers and other dental structures, teeth whitening procedures or the treatment of their diseases, kozinaki should be used with great care.

And in any case, after treating them, you always need to rinse in your mouth, and even better - use toothbrushes and threads.

Being a high-calorie sweet, kozinaki is a danger to those who are overweight and even without problems with it, a passion for kozinaki can lead to obesity.

In diabetes mellitus, kozinaki without harm to health can be allowed after consultation with a doctor and provided that they contain only honey and, possibly, another suitable sweetener.


Watch the video: "Kozinaki", "Козинаки", Sunflower Seeds Brittle Recipe. Sugar Free, Nuts Free, Vegetarian (June 2024).