Useful diets for the body, doubtful and very harmful. How to choose a diet without harm to health: a review of effective diets


The craze for diets is a feature of modern life, in which there is too little movement and healthy, wholesome foods.

Slenderness is primarily a sign of health, so any diet should be aimed not so much at losing weight as at improving the body.

There is everything, not caring about the quantity and quality of food, harmful and very dangerous.

Diet for weight loss without harm to health

Opponents of diets claim that no diet is good for health, and most of them can seriously harm health. This is not quite true. If the diet is one of the balanced ones, then there is nothing to worry about.

Without harm to health, you can lose weight on a balanced, proper diet and counting calories. Among the harmless include Japanese, salad, soup diet, as well as a diet on rye bran.

Japanese diet

"Japanese" is an express diet for accelerated weight loss. She uses the principles of separate nutrition and reduce calorie intake. This is good for the body, as it completely rearranges its work, facilitating the work of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizing impaired metabolism. The Japanese diet is very strict and hungry, but the results are very long, up to three years.

The diet is perfect for those who do not like or do not have time to have breakfast, because the entire breakfast during the week consists of black coffee, sometimes with a toast. Lunch portions consist of low-fat protein foods (meat, egg, poultry) with fresh non-starchy vegetables. Dinner is like going for lunch: a joint intake of well-combined protein and vegetable products or apples. Some vegetable oil is allowed for salad dressing or frying fish.

Weight loss in two weeks will be 7-8 kilograms.

Salad Diet

Absolutely safe diet on salads, vegetables and fruits. For obvious reasons, it is good for the summer-autumn period. Lasts a week, promises to reduce weight by five kilograms.

Vegetables and fruits should be consumed separately from each other and only raw. For filling salad mixtures used vegetable oil, natural yogurt, lemon. Mayonnaise, sugar, salt, flour, potatoes, grapes, bananas are prohibited.

In addition to salads, a small amount of lean meat, fish, seafood, low-fat sour cream is allowed. You can drink water, green or weak black tea, kefir. If you look closely, the salad diet also implements the principles of separate nutrition

Soup Diet Bonn Soup

No harm to health will bring fat burning soup that you need to eat in any quantity for at least a week. Such a balanced diet perfectly cleanses the body from the decay products of proteins, slags, toxins. For a week, the work of the digestive tract is normalized.

The soup is cooked from fresh garden vegetables: celery, pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, onions, herbs, carrots. Onions are not fried, potatoes are prohibited. In addition to the soup, fresh vegetables (except legumes), skim milk, bananas, lean meat, and brown rice are allowed.

Rye bran diet

The original diet, which helps to get rid of not only extra pounds, but also cleanses the body, prevents dangerous diseases, normalizes the intestines. Rye bran has amazing healing properties. They treat diabetes, anemia, oncology.

To lose weight, steamed bran must be eaten before the main meal. You should start with a teaspoon of the product, then bring its use to two tablespoons per day, and after a month go to the reception of bran every other day in the amount of one spoon.

At the same time, you should reduce the amount of servings, abandon everything harmful, refined, unwholesome, forget about fast food and mayonnaise. You will have to acquire new good habits: drink plenty of water (one and a half liters per day), green tea, daily give the body some kind of physical activity. It is not necessary to sweat on simulators: just walk at an average pace for at least half an hour and do a spring-cleaning.

Protein-carbohydrate alternation

The BEECH diet is based on the alternation of protein, carbohydrate and mixed days, and therefore refers to a rare number of balanced nutritional schemes. Such a diet swings the metabolism, spares the kidneys and intestines, has no contraindications. Ideal for fast and safe weight loss.

You can lose weight without harm to the body without any specific diets. You just need to adopt the principles of proper nutrition, drink plenty of water, take meals often, but gradually and move regularly. Weight will not go away rapidly, but losing weight will be healthy and lasting.

Therapeutic diets that are beneficial to the body as a whole

Diets that were originally developed to optimize the nutrition of sick people are useful for losing weight. However, many of them are now used for weight loss.

Slagless Diet

Such a diet is used on the eve of medical research or abdominal surgery. It is based on the exclusion of fatty, refined, spicy, sweet, pickled food. You can eat healthy foods: sour milk, lean meat, raw vegetables, fruits, berries. It is necessary to observe the principles of separate nutrition, do not eat after six in the evening and drink plenty of water.

The diet is quite effective, and most importantly, safe. For a week, you can lose weight by three to five kilograms.

Diet number 5

Originally intended for the complex treatment of hepatitis, cholecystitis and other diseases of the liver and gall bladder, this diet also allows a healthy person to get rid of five kilograms of excess fat per week. The main thing is that the intestines are healthy.

The basis of the diet for this week - plant-milk food, enriched with vitamins, vegetable fiber, protein. Low-fat milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, some butter, pureed or sliced ​​vegetables, boiled beef, poultry, pasta, cereals, fresh fruits, berries - all this can be eaten.

It is forbidden coffee, chocolate, alcohol, canned food, animal fats, fatty meat and fish, all spicy, fried, cold. You can not eat garlic, pastries on yeast, spinach, eggs.

Diet number 8

Another variant of the therapeutic diet limits the caloric content of the daily diet of 1800 kcal. The total amount of liquid, including tea, soup and coffee, should not exceed 1.2 liters. You need to salt the food very little, and take the food five to six times in small portions. It is strictly forbidden to fry food, and from baked dishes you need to cut the crust.

Allowed: vegetable or lean meat soup, some potatoes, cereals, lean meat (meat dishes per day not more than 150 grams), boiled egg. You need to eat as much raw vegetables, fruits, berries as possible. Banned pasta, milk and dairy products in combination with sugar, beans, pastries, honey, sugar.

Doubtful diets: not good for the body

The category of effective, but questionable diets for health include unbalanced dietary patterns, as well as all mono-diets. The body does not receive the necessary nutrients, and therefore is in a state of stress.

Kefir diet

One of the most effective diets is kefir. The use of this dairy product is undeniable. It normalizes the microflora, the work of the intestines, removes salts, slags, toxins, excess water.

However, if you drink only kefir for a week or two, problems with the intestines may appear, the immune system will weaken, and the metabolism will be impaired. Dairy products can provoke ulcers, the formation of kidney stones and bile ducts.

In addition, after strictly limiting, there is a high risk of gaining all the lost kilograms within a month.

Ducan's diet

Ducan's trendy diet is high-protein and low-fat with a strict restriction of carbohydrates. You can eat lean meat, fish, poultry, eat low-fat dairy products and cheeses.

Carbohydrate starvation is very poorly tolerated by the body. The danger of such a diet is that metabolic processes are violated, fat-soluble vitamins are not absorbed, the body suffers from a deficiency of essential substances. This weakens the immune system, disrupts the functioning of internal organs, heart, blood vessels.

The huge burden on the kidneys and liver, associated with an abundance of animal protein, can provoke serious health problems. In addition, the protein is difficult to digest, so the intestines are disturbed.

People who have successfully lost weight on this diet often return to their previous weight within two to three years.

Apple diet

Mono-diet on apples should normalize metabolic processes, cleanse the body and reduce weight. To achieve this, you need to eat only apples, fresh or baked in foil. You can’t drink: it is believed that apple juice is enough for the body. The number of apples per day - from a kilogram to two.

The diet promises daily weight loss of one kilogram. However, it is not fat that will leave the body: a person loses weight on such a diet due to the removal of excess fluid and loss of muscle mass. Protein does not enter the body, so it has to spend muscle for its needs.

An apple diet is best used for fasting days. In addition, fruit acid can damage the stomach. Weight after apple starvation usually returns quickly.

Starvation on the water

A very dubious way to lose weight is to replace food with water. All that a person needs to do on such a “diet” is to drink only water for a week. It is clear that the weight will be gone during this time. But it is not a fact that such wild stress will bring benefits and purification to the body. Gain kilograms after a week of fasting is easy. In addition, it is possible to provoke the development of gastric and intestinal diseases, pressure jumps, menstrual disorders, etc.

The only point in fasting is to stop some acute diseases (for example, pancreatitis) or prepare for abdominal surgery. Trying to lose weight on such a "diet" is a very strange decision.

TOP most harmful diets for the body

In the pursuit of harmony, we are able to cause irreparable harm to the body. A particularly unhealthy activity is to rush from one diet to another. Therefore, it is best to switch to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. And it is also very important to know what some effective popular diets are fraught with.

Protein diet

The protein diet is based on the use of meat, fish, poultry, kefir, cheese, in combination with some non-starchy vegetables, kefir. It is recommended to drink a lot to reduce the burden on the kidneys.

A huge amount of protein, lack of fat and fiber are fraught with danger. The body is slagging, rapidly aging. The intestines can not cope with the load, since fiber is clearly not enough, its work is disturbed, stones in the kidneys, bile ducts are formed, and a state of chronic intoxication occurs.

The excess protein leads to thickening of the blood, and this is fraught with thrombosis. Replacing sugar with artificial substitutes has a detrimental effect on the kidneys, pancreas, and liver.

Salt-free diet

We all know that salt in large quantities is harmful. However, a complete rejection of it harms the body. The fact is that when salt is excluded from the diet, the water-salt balance is disturbed. And this leads to diseases of the kidneys, intestines, heart, stomach - almost all internal organs. The composition of the blood changes, which also harms the normal functioning of the body. In general, such a method of weight loss is permissible, but only with the participation of a doctor who will constantly monitor the state of the body.

Buckwheat diet

"I will sit on buckwheat," a girl who dreams of losing a few kilograms easily says, completely unaware of the potential danger of such a diet. Traditional buckwheat diet involves a long monofood based on steamed buckwheat. Without salt, butter, milk, vegetables, of course.

The benefits of buckwheat are obvious. However, in the framework of mono-diets, it can provoke blood thickening due to the high iron content in this croup. In addition, the buckwheat diet can not function normally intestines, there is a strong dehydration.

Kremlin diet

The once-fashionable Kremlin has been criticized fairly today. You can really lose weight, but at what cost? Fatty protein foods, lack of restrictions on fats - this is a huge risk. After a month on the Kremlin diet there is a risk of going to a hospital bed with a severe diagnosis.

The abundance of fat and animal protein is a direct path to the formation of atherosclerosis. And from there, it’s not far from a stroke or heart attack. Such a diet is strictly forbidden in the presence of chronic diseases of the kidneys, heart, liver, pancreas, intestines.

They carry a similar danger other protein diets: carbohydrate-free, Atkins diet, Maggi, etc.

You can lose weight without harm to health with the help of diets. However, you should choose not the scheme that promises fast weight loss, but the most healthy one.

Only a healthy diet that is not harmful to the body will give both slimness and joy. Moreover, we have plenty to choose from.


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