Cat deprivation: treatment at home with medicines and folk remedies. How to cure cat lichen while staying at home


Lichen is the most common infectious skin disease in cats. It gives a lot of trouble, both to the animal itself and to others. Since this infection can be transmitted from cats and dogs to other animals, as well as people, each pet owner must know how to cure lichen in cats at home, and be able to provide the necessary care and care to his beloved pet when necessary.

Cat deprivation: medication treatment at home

Medication for lichen includes the use of drugs used internally and externally. In most cases, it is better to use a combination of them, since complex treatment is more effective.

· Antifungal medications should be taken for at least 6 weeks. The most effective and common of these tablets are itraconzole (prevents the growth of a fungal infection; dosage 5 mg / kg once a day according to the scheme: week of admission - a week break for two months), griseofulvin (blocks the division of fungal cells, changing their structure, which allows the cat's immune system to fight infection; dosage of 1 tablet in the morning and evening with food for 2 months). You should not take two drugs at the same time. It is better to consult a doctor if you are faced with a disease for the first time.

· Antifungal creams and ointments, for example, miconazole, which is applied to the wound in the morning and evening until the disease disappears, will help to speed up recovery (in order to prevent the cat from licking the medicine, you can put a piece of cotton wool and glue it with a band-aid for several hours). Antifungal shampoos (containing miconazole and chlorhexidine) - ketoconazole and terbinafine. It is necessary to take medicinal baths 2 times a week for a month. Thorough hair removal near infected areas will make treating feline lichen more effective at home.

· You can treat the wound with chlorhexidine, which is found in each in the medicine cabinet. It is an excellent antiseptic with antifungal properties. Chlorhexidine is diluted in water (at a ratio of 5 ml per 1 liter) and the skin of the pet is treated.

Cat lichen: treatment at home with folk remedies

In addition to various medications that I successfully and quickly eliminate lichen in cats, home treatment may not only consist of medications.

· Apple cider vinegar helps fight fungal infections. A small amount of vinegar is applied in the same way as the ointment

· Oregano oil works just as well as antifungal medications. Powerful ingredients like carvacrol have impressive antifungal properties. A few drops are enough for topical use 2 times a day.

· Tea tree oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties. When applied to the skin, it can be combined with coconut oil and oregano oil.

· Grapefruit seed extract for treatment (2-3 drops) is mixed with a tablespoon of water.

· Licorice root can be used to make pastes with antiviral and antimicrobial properties. Mix 4 tbsp. tablespoons of powder with a glass of water. Bring this mixture to a boil, then reduce the heat and keep on fire for about 15 minutes. When the liquid cools down - it will thicken into a paste, which must be applied to the area affected by lichen, for 10 minutes twice a day.

· Turmeric is a popular spice with anti-inflammatory properties. For topical application, mix it with a small amount of water or coconut oil until a paste-like state. Apply to skin, leave to dry completely, and then rinse.

Cat Lichen: Disinfection Treatment at Home

Disinfection is important. If you do not pay due attention to this, treatment may be useless. It is extremely important and necessary:

· Removal of infected hair from all rooms is an important component of successful treatment for feline lichen. At home, in confined spaces, the concentration of contaminated particles can be high. A thorough thorough cleaning with a vacuum cleaner should be carried out daily until the pet is completely recovered.

· Use of disinfectants. Some of them have low efficiency against lichen pathogens, but solutions of hypochlorite or glutaraldehyde can perfectly remove unwanted particles. Twice a day, clean all surfaces in the apartment, including floors, walls, windows and furniture.

· Ventilate the room and spray a weak solution of hypochlorite with water (1:10).

· At the time of treatment, replace a cozy pet bench with a cardboard box with disposable diapers. Change them daily, and a box every three days.

· To cure cat lichen in a comfortable home environment without relapse, disinfect all cat accessories - collars, leashes, toys, hygiene products.

Treating Coughing in Cats at Home: Precautions

If you have several pets, it is best to keep them together during treatment, in isolation from others. If the rest of the pets do not show symptoms of deprivation, they should be kept in a disinfected and isolated space, washed with special shampoos for preventive purposes. In order not to get infected yourself and not transfer the disease to other family members and pets, during home treatment for feline deprivation, observe the following precautions:

· Always use gloves when handling cat and change clothing immediately.

· Collect hair in a ponytail or braid and, if possible, put it under a hat (you can use disposable medical supplies).

· Use antifungal products for washing hands and face (regular tar soap is suitable).

· Carefully follow the instructions for the medicines used. And be patient, lichen completely disappears within 2-4 months.


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