The right person syndrome: why not rely on the education system? Is it good to be an excellent student and do everything right


When you look at how smart and talented children are tearing themselves at school, sitting at textbooks for days, reading and writing forever, while their peers are relaxing and having fun, it becomes a little sad and sad.

Eh, these guys would know what future awaits most of them.

Work horses

And most of them will be workhorses. Everywhere executive officers are needed, ready for years to work hard for a penny just because it is necessary. Well, how can you do your job poorly? Superiors will not like it. There will be no career growth.

But how painful is that excellent student who learns that his former classmate, a three-year-old, had long since bought an apartment, a car and drove off with his wife on another vacation to the Cote d'Azur.

What kind of injustice? Why do some plow and plow, while others receive the desired benefits of life faster and easier than others? But very simple. Successful people do not follow the rules 100%. The rules taught at every school and at every university.

What kind of people do the state and society need in excess? Teachers, doctors, engineers, builders and other workers who perform important social functions. It is advisable that they serve for little money, because the budget is not rubber. And it is important that they have no alternative. If everyone suddenly becomes free and begins to do what they really like, then in society there will be a shortage of people who are ready to do the most dirty, ungrateful or just cheap work. And there are many such works.

However, smart and talented people should think that they are valued, and not just used. How to do it? To create the illusion of their exclusivity, irreplaceability. And it starts with the school desk.

Grade Scale

Do exactly all the homework that the teacher gave - you get a high grade. If you refuse to do something or make mistakes, you get a low rating. It turns out that a good and successful child is one who does what he is told and how he is told. The first step in raising an obedient, executive and hardworking man has been taken.

Next, all sorts of Olympiads, competitions are held, victories in which allow you to get all sorts of benefits when you enter the university. And the children try, they cram stuff at night, they hammer on rest and chat with parents and friends. Does it occur to them that you can enter the budget department of a prestigious university without winning the Olympics? Having spent less effort? But what about. You have to be the best! And no matter what the cost.

The university continues the same story as at school. Unless the subjects become more serious, and teachers wear decent suits. But the essence does not change. You listen to the lecture, write it in the abstract, reproduce it at the seminar and at the exam. Stuffing your head with tons of information that supposedly makes you a professional.

You get the cherished diploma and get to work. It doesn’t matter if the knowledge from the university remains in the head, most of the employees quickly join the working rhythm. Many are even perplexed at why it took so many years to study. After all, almost everyone can answer phone calls, fill out typical papers and organize small events.


Yesterday's excellent students are starting to feel trapped. There is knowledge, there are abilities, ambitions of hoo, but it is impossible to realize them. You still need to grow up to the boss, but in low positions you have to deal with all sorts of nonsense, and even for a penny. And was it worth it so tearing at school?

Not worth it. School and university will never provide the knowledge and skills that are really useful in life and necessary for making money. Why do they need it? Just think it over.

Why can losers become successful?

Often, formal education is more likely to harm a person than helps. After all, the brain also has boundaries. He can not absorb useless information in tons and at the same time continue to function normally. In addition, the brain constantly needs to receive confirmation of facts, to put knowledge into practice. For example, a person read an omelet recipe in a book. And this dish needs to be prepared as soon as possible. Otherwise, the new recipe is trash for the brain.

However, the university has no practice. Or is it purely nominal. The brain is stuffed and stuffed with theories, definitions, instructions. What's the point?

It’s better to use one working circuit right away than to know in theory that there are dozens of cool solutions.

Unfortunately, after graduation, an excellent student does not receive the necessary experience at work. Yes, there are notes in his work book that he worked somewhere there. So, he knows something. But this is too narrow an experience. It refers to a specific position. And every time it seems as if to start all over again.

How can a person become free, learn how to make money and live for pleasure?

Trial and error, using ongoing practice. The sooner he begins to work for himself, for money (and not for an idea or for an allegedly bright future), the better. If you do not have enough knowledge, you need to make acquaintances with specialists, communicate with them, read professional literature, attend courses and seminars. Get an education, but not for the crust, but for a specific job. It is not necessary to concentrate on everything in order to get high marks and a diploma, but only on the necessary information.

And, of course, you should not be too correct. Right people bring great benefits to society, their teachers and employers. However, they are rarely satisfied with their own lives.


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