Rosehip tea: an ancient remedy for a hundred diseases. What is known to science about the dangers of rosehip tea


Rosehip belongs to the Pink family, it is also called the "wild rose". Pink rosehip flowers bloom and create a delicate aroma in May - June.

Rosehip is popularly loved not only for beauty, but also for useful properties. Let's find out about them.

Useful properties of rosehip tea

The beneficial properties of rose hips have long been known. Wild rose berries contain a lot of vitamin C, more than in currants and oranges, this is an excellent immunomodulator. In colds, the intake and benefits of rose hip tea increase markedly, especially among athletes, pregnant women and children;

Rosehip also has a bactericidal effect. The infusion of these wonderful fruits is killed in the human body by viruses and bacteria during the height of intestinal epidemics;

Rosehips contain vitamins such as A, E, K, B2, P, phosphorus, iron, which have a general strengthening effect after prolonged illnesses, general weakness, during the period of hemoglobin fall in humans;

The useful properties of rose hips are also found in the field of nutrition. There is a special diet menu with a decoction of rosehip tea, which lasts 8 days. The essence of the diet is the use of any one product per day, but in any quantity:

1 day - boiled chicken or turkey.

2 day - low-fat cottage cheese.

3 day - vegetables, vegetable salads with vegetable oil.

Day 4 - boiled eggs.

5 day - fruits.

6 day - boiled fish.

7 day - kefir less than 3.5% fat.

8 day - low-fat cheese.

9 day - boiled beef.

10 day - drink only tea from rose hips.

With such an effective diet, you can get rid of several kilograms.

  • The use of a decoction helps the human body to cleanse itself of harmful impurities, toxins and toxins;
  • Helps in the treatment of gallstone disease, with intestinal diverticulosis;
  • Lowers blood cholesterol;
  • Increases vascular elasticity, prevents the risk of stroke and heart attack;
  • It is a diuretic.

How can harm the body from rosehip tea

Excessive consumption of rosehip tea can cause serious harm to the body:

  • Since the rosehip contains a huge amount of vitamin C, it is not recommended to take it in large doses to pregnant women. This can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages of gestation;
  • It is impossible on an empty stomach and without the advice of a gastroenterologist, to take a large amount of rosehip tea to people with peptic ulcer in case of pancreatic inflammation. This can provoke a violation of the secretion of gastric juice, as well as internal bleeding;
  • Children at night are not recommended to give tea from rose hips. This broth tones up very strongly, has an exciting effect on the nervous system;
  • In some diseases of the heart or blood vessels, it is forbidden to drink the drink without the help of a specialist - a cardiologist;
  • Carefully taken by people with weak tooth enamel, especially children. After taking tea from rose hips, you must rinse your mouth. It is better to drink such a decoction through a straw;
  • Allergy sufferers should not be consumed, since rose hips contain a large amount of vitamin C;
  • A decoction of rose hips can cause constipation;
  • Prolonged use of tea can adversely affect liver health;

It is forbidden to accept people with low blood pressure.

How to make rosehip tea

In order to preserve all the value and benefits of rosehip tea, you need to learn how to brew it correctly, pay great attention to the quality of berries, water, as well as the temperature regime.

Water. Use good quality: bottled or filtered water, and preferably spring or well;

Berries Choose unspoiled rose hips. If these are dried fruits, then previously in a blender they can be crushed for better flavor and concentration of the drink. Then it is filtered so that the villi from the crushed rose hips do not get into tea. If you brew in a thermos, then insist such a drink for 7-8 hours and you can safely take it. Many gourmets use hot milk instead of boiled water.

Temperature. It is very important to properly brew tea from rose hips. The optimum temperature can be observed when at the very first stage of boiling bubbles rise from the bottom. At this point, it is necessary to quickly remove boiling water from the heat and brew. It is not recommended to use strongly boiled water for brewing tea from rose hips, because the healing properties of berries are lost.

Additional recommendations. Before making tea, the dishes must be scalded with boiling water. Specialists in the field of dietetics recommend using porcelain or glass dishes, since the beneficial substances of rose hips are better preserved.

Tasty and healthy rosehip tea recipes

Now let's talk about how you can brew rose hips so that tea is not only useful, but also tasty:

Green tea. Such tea improves digestion, tones and improves the mood of a person. Method of preparation: rosehip berries (2 tablespoons) and green tea leaves (1 tablespoon) are poured with boiling water (1 liter), insist 3-4 hours;

With raspberries. An excellent remedy for colds, antimicrobial and antipyretic. Mix raspberries (1 tablespoon) with chopped rosehip berries (1 tablespoon), add 1 liter of boiled water;

With hawthorn. Such tea has a calming effect, diuretic and decongestant effect, reduces pain in joints and kidneys. It is useful to drink such tea for mothers whose children are breast-feeding, as it helps to start and maintain the production of human milk. Method of preparation: hawthorn and rosehips in an amount of 20 grams pour 1 liter of boiling water;

With black currants. Such rosehip tea will bring great benefits to the human body: strengthens the immune system, protects against infections, helps cleanse the blood of toxins. Cook like this: mix rosehips (2 tablespoons) with currants (2 tablespoons) and water, you can add honey to taste;

With viburnum. It relieves colds, is an antiviral agent, has an antipyretic effect. It is necessary to brew rosehip berries and viburnum in 20 grams of liter boiled water and add sugar or honey for taste, insist for 2-3 hours, take 3-4 times a day in small portions.

Collection and storage of rose hips

In order to enjoy delicious rosehip tea throughout the year, you must prepare its fruits in advance from the summer. Different varieties of rose hips ripen at different times. It is best to pick berries in ecologically clean places remote from the city.

It is recommended to dry the fruits in the oven at a temperature of 20 degrees for 8-10 hours or in an electric dryer. Peel the dried fruits and place in a glass dish. Be careful not to dry the fruits; they will crumble a lot.

Rosehip tea, if brewed correctly, is loved by everyone, especially children and pregnant women for its sweet and sour taste. It is important to consider all the recommendations in order to bring only benefits to your body.


Watch the video: Benefits & Dangers of Tea Tree Oil (July 2024).