All about garlic tincture - recipes, indications for use. What explains its amazing benefits


Garlic is one of the most popular vegetables in the world and a highly regarded medicinal plant. Such a tool, as tinctures with it, are distinguished by a wide range of effectiveness and ease of preparation.

Why are garlic tinctures recipes so effective?

Traditional medicine garlic is known as a means of strengthening the immune system, stimulating appetite and bactericidal (once it was actually the only salvation from malaria, dysentery and even plague).

Having thoroughly studied the chemical composition of the plant, scientists confirmed the ancient wisdom and even beyond it expanded the scope of the benefits of garlic:

allicin - is the dominant biologically active substance of garlic (unique in that it is absent in the vegetable initially, but is synthesized in violation of the integrity of its pulp), provides its antibiotic properties (even superior to penicillin), an anti-inflammatory and blood thinning agent;

flavonoids - accelerate the production of energy in the body (especially from carbohydrates);

calcium and phosphorus - entering the body at the same time, mutually balance their digestibility and serve as the main strengthening of bones and teeth;

essential amino acids - provide renewal of internal organs, balance of blood composition (including lowering sugar and the ability to saturate with oxygen).

And it is important to note that garlic tincture should not replace the presence of garlic on the table as a delicious vegetable in the daily diet - these are two completely different ways to use it, and the first is reasonable to consider as an auxiliary, and not the main.

Why you should pay attention to the recipes of garlic tincture

Tinctures from garlic are a rare product for cleaning vessels from cholesterol deposits (also, garlic blocks part of its absorption from food), normalizing the strength, elasticity and permeability of them and capillaries, adjusting the natural processes of their narrowing and expansion.

Plus, garlic with alcohol, as already mentioned, improves blood quality.

The following depends on this:

• treatment of varicose veins;

• prevention of stroke and thrombophlebitis;

• stabilization of blood pressure;

• blood flow to internal organs, including blood circulation of the brain.

In addition, the use of tinctures from this piquant vegetable helps:

• the removal of slag and salts of heavy metals from the body;

• reduction of allergic reactions (to food, in particular - to lactose and gluten);

• improving the condition of the reproductive system;

• the establishment of the digestive tract (including the acceleration of digestion of food and the prevention of putrefactive processes in the intestine, the treatment of its atony);

• improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

Garlic tinctures according to recipes with vodka, moonshine and alcohol are used and outwardly - as compresses (especially for viral winter diseases and joint pathologies, problems with the lower back), lotions, for lubrication, rubbing of the skin, with:

• boils;

• insect bites;

• excessive oily skin;

• some dermatological diseases;

• for disinfecting surfaces of healing wounds.

Also (with caution) with these varieties of tinctures, you can gargle and rinse your nose.

The best recipes for garlic tincture for cooking at home

When preparing tinctures from garlic (always fresh!), It is unacceptable to use anything metallic - oxidative reactions will reduce the valuable properties of the vegetable.

The question may arise that garlic is not in contact with anything in the kitchen, in principle, when, say, it is scrolled through a meat grinder.

But, firstly, often after contact with metal the vegetable is consumed quickly, and even if it is sent to winter preparations, these chemical processes have nothing to do with insisting its cloves in alcohol-containing liquids.

Therefore - only ceramics, glass. A container for tincture and storage is desirable from dark glass or can be wrapped in cloth, newspaper.

And of course, garlic must be peeled.

One of the recipes for garlic tincture, as legend has it, goes back to the secrets of Tibetan medicine:

• put in a jar 200 g of chopped garlic (on a fine grater or in a mortar) and pour 300 ml of 70% alcohol in it;

• stir the mixture, put under the lid;

• put the container in a dark cool place for 10 days;

• after a measured period, strain through cheesecloth into a clean jar, and squeeze out the liquid from the garlic mass thoroughly;

• close the lid again and set aside for 3-4 days;

• by the end of cooking, a cloudy, dark precipitate should form at the bottom of the can;

• gently, without mixing the sediment, drain the clean liquid into a new container;

• put it in the refrigerator for saving.

Tibetan tincture should be consumed strictly with milk - in order to avoid its aggressive effect on the digestive tract.

It tastes good (it can be consumed as an appetizer); it turns out a tincture with hot pepper:

• drop in a 0.5 liter bottle 1-2 pods of hot scarlet pepper;

• add to it 8 finely chopped (do not knead!) Cloves of garlic;

• pour 40% high-quality vodka;

• close and put the container in a dark, cool place for 3-5 days;

• strain and store in the refrigerator.

In cosmetology, it is sometimes used to treat baldness and dandruff - wiping the scalp.

Tincture with wine is also popular:

• 600 ml of red (preferably dry) wine to warm up hot (but not to allow boiling);

• 200 g of garlic, pass through a press, put in a glass container;

• fill the vegetable with hot wine, seal the container with a lid;

• remove for 1 week in a dark, cool place, during which time it is shaken 2-3 times;

• strain into clean dishes and store in the refrigerator.

Refined taste distinguishes the recipe on cognac:

• Place 400 g chopped garlic in a suitable jar;

• pour 800 ml of cognac;

• close, put in a dark place for 3 weeks, do not forget to shake once every couple of days;

• upon expiration, strain in a clean container and store in the refrigerator.

It is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before a meal or 2 hours after it, without diluting or adding to milk.

Especially useful for strengthening the body and the fight against depression, chronic fatigue and mood swings is tincture, prepared as followsm:

• 150 g of garlic and 250 g of fresh lemon (only with the seeds removed), pass through a meat grinder;

• put in a jar, pour 400 ml of cool boiled water and put under the lid;

• put on the shelf of the refrigerator for 3-4 days;

• strain.

Use the product no more than once a day, before meals.

It is also possible to prepare tincture in water, for which:

• 10 chopped garlic cloves mixed with 3 tbsp. l honey;

• place the mixture in a jar;

• pour 1 liter of water;

• close and insist 48 hours, then strain.

But the most appetizing and freely used is to recognize the tincture, for which chopped garlic cloves are immersed in sunflower or olive (optimally - not refined) oil, then, the mixture is infused for 7 days and then used as salad dressing, added to pasta and other main dishes, even just pouring on bread.

With the same oil, you can lubricate burns (from something hot or from the sun's rays, and in this case, it is recommended to add a little healing herbal decoction to the oil).

Dosages of garlic tinctures (from 2 drops to several spoons per day) vary greatly depending on what needs to be treated and personal health status.

Due to the fact that the human body gets used to garlic tinctures (it is interesting that such a reaction is never observed on the use of vegetables in dishes), after 3-4 weeks of taking them, you need to take a break of 10-14 days.

When to forget about garlic tincture recipes

Due to the properties of garlic to stimulate the production of bile, tinctures with it are used with caution in a number of liver pathologies and in gallstone disease.

Also, there are a number of insurmountable contraindications to their treatment (with alcohol), which include:

• individual intolerance (allergy) to any component of the product;

• age under 12 years old;

• pregnancy, the first month after birth and the period of breastfeeding;

• treatment of infertility with hormonal drugs;

• tendency to jumps (increase or decrease) in blood pressure;

• gastritis with increased acidity of the stomach (caution is also needed here with tincture without alcohol);

• renal failure;

• driving vehicles and working with dangerous machinery (when you need attention and speed of reaction);

• obesity of the liver;

• inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis);

• epilepsy or frequent seizures, convulsions of unknown etiology.

Naturally, it is unacceptable to abuse delicious garlic tinctures, after all, it is alcohol. And it is very desirable for the time of treatment by them to refuse wine, beer and the like in principle - the body should be "clean" for each dose of the product.

There is another reason - allicin, many times and constantly entering the body, is not beneficial, but toxic.

Plus, prolonged use of tincture leads to disruption of the gastrointestinal microflora.


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