9 options for PP breakfast. It turns out that a lot of tasty and healthy can be eaten in the morning!


For those who monitor nutrition and health and constantly rack their brains: what would be so delicious to cook for breakfast.

We offer 9 options for healthy morning dishes, which our readers call the best:

1. Such a different oatmeal

Oatmeal - the most traditional breakfast. It turns out tastier if you cook it in milk. Empty oatmeal - not everyone can enjoy it. Therefore, the dish can be varied with additives. They will make breakfast more healthy and nutritious.

How to cook:

1. In boiling water (or milk), pour oatmeal in a ratio of 2: 1.

2. Add salt and sugar to taste.

3. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

4. Butter can be added before serving.

As an addition to porridge, you can use anything you want. It can be: apples, bananas, raisins, fresh or frozen berries, prunes, dried apricots, raisins, nuts, pieces of chocolate, honey, cinnamon. Some even wave oatmeal condensed milk. It all depends on the imagination and the availability of products in the refrigerator.

A variation may be "lazy" oatmeal.

How to cook:

1. In the evening, pour oatmeal with kefir, add sugar or jam, you can fruit. Instead of kefir, you can use yogurt. Then you don’t have to add sugar.

2. All mix thoroughly and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

A delicious and healthy breakfast awaits you in the morning. It is especially nice to eat this cold dish in the heat.

2. Muesli

Continuing the theme of "lazy" oatmeal. There is a way for an even quicker and more lazy breakfast. Just buy ready-made granola and season them with yogurt or kefir. It can't be easier!

3. Rice porridge with apples and raisins

Sweet milk rice porridge is a good option for breakfast. But it is too saturated with fast carbohydrates. In order to stay full longer after such breakfast, it is better to cook rice porridge with fruits. For example, with apples. So the dish will be absorbed longer, and before lunch you will not feel hunger.

How to cook:

1. We wash round grain rice.

2. Fill with water or milk in a ratio of 1: 3.

3. Add salt, sugar to taste preferences.

4. As it boils, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

5. Meanwhile, we cut apples, getting rid of the core and peel.

6. We steam raisins.

7. In a pan, heat 50 g of butter.

8. Let the apple pieces and raisins in this oil for about 5 minutes. You can sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon.

9. Add the resulting gravy to the finished porridge.

4. Millet porridge with pumpkin

Continuing the porridge race. It is no secret that cereals are the best source of energy, vitamins and complex carbohydrates. Ideal for breakfast. Make pumpkin porridge for breakfast. Its sunny yellow color will give you a joyful mood in the morning.

How to cook:

1. We take 500 g of pumpkin, cut it into cubes.

2. Heat 3 cups of milk and throw pieces of pumpkin into it.

3. Add 1 tbsp of sugar, 1 tsp. salt.

4. Cook the pumpkin for about 15 minutes.

5. Pour 1 cup of washed millet into a saucepan where the pumpkin is cooked.

6. Reduce the fire. Stirring, continue to cook for about 20 minutes.

7. Cover the finished porridge with a blanket and insist.

8. Before use, you can flavor porridge with butter.

5. Omelet

Omelet is a minimum of time and products. The omelette has a lot of protein, which saturates well. Satiety before lunch is guaranteed.

How to cook:

1. We take 90 ml of milk.

2. Drive 3 eggs into it.

3. Add a pinch of salt.

4. Beat the mixture with a whisk.

5. Pour it into a hot frying pan, oiled.

6. Cook for 5-10 minutes under the lid.

The classic omelet has many variations. It can be cooked with cheese, herbs, vegetables. Omelet can be cooked in the oven, microwave or slow cooker. Eggs and milk are just the base. Imagine.

6. Curd

No time to mess with breakfast? Curd will help you out. Make the curd mass yourself. Perfect light and low-fat breakfast.

How to cook:

1.200 g of cottage cheese

2. 50 g sour cream

3. A pinch of vanillin

4. Sugar or jam

Further, it all depends on what you love. Add banana, strawberries, raisins. Any berries and fruits are suitable.

7. Cheesecakes

We continue about the cottage cheese dishes. Recall the good old cheesecakes.

How to cook:

1.300 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. sugar, 3 tablespoons mix flour and vanilla

2. Form small balls from the resulting mass

3. Roll them in flour

4. Spread on a hot pan

5. Fry in oil on both sides until golden brown

8. Cottage cheese casserole

Finish the curd epic with a casserole. Remember how in kindergarten we loved a sweet casserole with raisins, sprinkled with condensed milk? Bring back these feelings. Cook the cottage cheese casserole.

How to cook:

1. Beat 2 eggs with 3 tbsp. Sahara.

2. Add 500g of cottage cheese and 2 tablespoons in portions. semolina. Mix.

3. Add vanilla and a handful of raisins.

4. Pour into a baking dish.

5. Put the dish in the preheated oven.

6. Bake for 30 minutes. The temperature is 180 degrees.

Ready cottage cheese casserole can be served with sauce, with jam, with condensed milk or berries.

9. Banana-oat pancakes

Pancakes are our pancakes, but in the American manner. Such peculiar thick pancakes. Differ in ease of kneading of dough and speed of preparation. There is no flour in these pancakes, so they are also useful.

How to cook:

1. Put in a bowl: 1 banana, 125 ml of milk, 1 egg, 125 g of sour cream, 120 g of oatmeal, 1 tbsp of wheat flour, 1/4 tsp. ground cinnamon, 2/3 tsp baking powder, 1/4 tsp soda

1 tsp sugar, 1/4 tsp salt.

2. Mix everything with a blender until smooth.

3. Pour into a hot pan and fry each pancake (in a slightly oiled pan) for 1 minute on each side.

Be healthy and young! Eat right, tasty and varied!


Watch the video: How to Create a Healthy Plate (July 2024).