Federation Council approved long-awaited anti-tobacco law


On February 20, the Council of Federations approved the long-awaited law, thanks to which tobacco campaigns will not be able to just as impudently, freely and unscrupulously put people on a deadly habit, and smokers will no longer be able to poison normal people around them with smoke. So, according to the new law of Russia, from June 1, 2013, smoking will be banned in schools, restaurants, universities, cafes, hotels, stadiums, government agencies, in trains and on long-distance vessels. It is completely forbidden to smoke near the entrances to stations and the subway.

According to the law, a ban is introduced for tobacco manufacturers on holding lotteries and sponsoring festivals. In shops and supermarkets it will not be possible to display tobacco products on the shelves and display cases, instead of them only the price list for cigarettes will be displayed.

Chewing tobacco blends and electronic cigarettes were also banned. In the near future, the State Duma will consider a bill that proposes to introduce fines for smoking in public places in the amount of 1-1.5 thousand rubles. The law has not forgotten about those who want to get rid of a bad habit. The text of the document spells out the possibility of receiving free medical care in state medical institutions.

The new anti-tobacco law is quite tough and experts, citing statistics, say that in conditions of total restrictions on cigarette advertising and reduced availability of tobacco, the number of smokers is reduced by about 10-15%. Quitting smoking is especially important for the fair half of humanity. Scientific studies claim that tobacco smoke and nicotine poison negatively affect female beauty and cause irreparable damage to health. So it's time to quit smoking and regain snow-white teeth, vitality and a healthy complexion.


Watch the video: Tax on tobacco expected to rise 10 billion US dollars. 담배세수 12조 6천억. . 작년비 5조 (July 2024).