Scientists: tomatoes should not be stored in the refrigerator


Scientists from France said that keeping tomatoes in the refrigerator or in special warehouses, where the reduced room temperature is observed, is impractical. This is explained by the fact that at a temperature ranging from minus ten Celsius, irreversible destruction occurs at the cellular level in tomatoes.

The composition of the tomato, in addition to glucose, fructose and various acids, includes volatile compounds, the presence of which explains the specific smell of this vegetable. And these compounds are not able to tolerate low temperatures, they are destroyed, the tomato loses its smell and, subsequently, the taste.

But at room temperature the substances responsible for the smell of the tomato begin to stand out even more intensely, making the tomato more fragrant.

It is curious that things are quite different with soups and sauces, which include tomato: at low temperatures, they acquire a richer flavor. Being subjected to heat treatment, the tomato loses most of its nutritional and aromatic substances, sauces and soups give the necessary tomato flavor only a mixture of seasonings.

Of course, keeping tomatoes outside the refrigerator is largely meaningless: they deteriorate faster and begin to rot. Therefore, experts recommend before cooking, let the tomato lie for about 24 hours on the kitchen table. After the cold, the tomato will “come to its senses” and restore some of its former taste.


Violetta Alexandrovna 04/04/2016
Similarly, I noticed a long time ago that when they are in the fridge they become watery. Now they are in a special dish on the table, ripen and become quite tasty. Although of course with gardening does not compare.


Watch the video: Should You Store Eggs in the Fridge? (July 2024).