Dreamcatcher: a talisman that should be in every home! How to make a dream catcher with your own hands


Dreamcatcher is one of the most recognizable talismans. Its main purpose is to attract good dreams, protection from bad ones. Previously, this talisman could only be seen in the homes of people who are fond of esotericism. Nowadays, the dream catcher is much more common, it is even used as an element of decor. The appearance of a dream catcher is associated with Indian legends, and tribes living in Siberia also used similar talismans. This amulet can be bought or made with your own hands, charged and used for its intended purpose. Everything in more detail in our article.

How did the dream catcher

There is a legend explaining the appearance of a dream catcher. The leader of the Native American tribe Dakota sat on a high hill and meditated. The spirit worshiped by the tribe appeared to him, moreover in the form of a spider. And they started a long conversation about being, death, birth and the secrets of rebirth. During the conversation, the spirit tore off a willow branch and bent it in the form of a circle and weaved a cobweb inside. The spirit informed the leader that all the good that was seen at night passed through the web, and the bad - got confused and died at the first rays of the sun.

According to legend, after this conversation, the leader told about his entire tribe, they began to weave dream catchers so that dreams were good and nightmares did not go to sleepers. Over time, the weaving of dream catchers spread throughout North America, and then around the world.

There is also a scientific statement, the appearance of a dream catcher.

Ethnographers and anthropologists connect him with the people of Ojibwa Chipewa. In the language of this nation, a dream catcher is called Asabikesiinh, which translates as "spider." Unlike other nations that consider spiders dangerous, they made the spider their protector. In the legends of this people there are references to the mysterious "spider woman", who is the spiritual protector of the people, especially children. The legend says the following: as the people spread throughout the land, the spider mother became difficult to protect everyone, she was woven by a dream catcher. Women of this nation have recreated this talisman from generation to generation. The dreamcatcher protected everyone, guarded sleep and spirit.

Some tribes living in Siberia used similar talismans. Since the exchange of experience between Indians and Siberians is unlikely, it is believed that the appearance of a dream catcher in this territory is an independent phenomenon. In addition to protecting the sleep of the sleeper, this talisman helped the shaman manage his dreams, look to the future, receive answers to questions and make decisions.

Dream Catcher Appointment

We have already outlined the general purpose of a dream catcher, let's talk about how to use it, how it will help a person.

Everyday life is full of stress and emotions, many negative factors do not affect the person’s sleep in the best way. This leads to nightmares at night, a restless and intermittent dream, and in the morning there may be a feeling of depression. The state of a person throughout the day, mood, and performance depend on the quality of sleep.

A dream catcher can help improve a person’s sleep quality, he will drive away bad dreams, lure good and positive ones.

It is believed that good dreams penetrate a person through a small hole in the center of the talisman.

For the mascot to work, they hang it at the head of the bed. Indians still traditionally decorate children's cribs and cribs so that evil spirits get entangled in the web and do no harm to the child.

Types of Dream Catcher

There are several varieties of this talisman. What they have in common is a circle, which is the basis of the composition. The circle symbolizes the sun and its daily cycle. Also, all types of dream catchers have feathers of birds, symbolizing lightness and breath.

Dream Catchers are:

  • Indian. It is a willow branch bonded in the shape of a circle, interwoven with threads in the form of a web. Sometimes it is decorated with pebbles and beads. Good dreams pass through a hole in the center and descend to the person on feathers. Nightmares and evil spirits become entangled in the web or cannot find a way out. They disappear when the first rays of the sun appear.
  • The mascot of Siberian shamans. Unlike the mascot of the North American Indians, the Siberian attracts all dreams, whether good dreams or nightmares. All dreams are important for the shaman, they are needed for providence in order to look into the future. The shaman manages dreams that fall into the trap of the web, and good dreams also can not find a way out. It is believed that it is better to use this talisman only by shamans, such a dream catcher can even harm an ordinary person.
  • Asian. In Asia, they also use similar talismans. Here, special attention is paid to the magical components of the dream catcher. Various objects can be woven into the web, or they are suspended instead of feathers. These can be animal figures or the zodiac constellation.

To attract good dreams, calm and peaceful sleep, it is better to use the traditional Native American talisman.

How to choose a dream catcher

Dream catchers come in different colors, and the properties of the talisman depend on this.

To choose the right dream catcher with the qualities you need, you need to know the following:

  • The white color of many nations is a symbol of purity, innocence and healing. If white color prevails in the dream catcher, it will help to find bright energy, and will relieve ailments.
  • Black is infinity and female life energy. Such a dream catcher will give strength of mind, stamina and help to complete everything conceived.
  • Red color represents will and spiritual strength, develops creative abilities, energizes.
  • Orange dream catcher add harmony, balance the feminine and masculine, help fight the negative.
  • Yellow is the spiritual principle. Such a talisman will improve mental and physical health, give strength and sharpen sensitivity.
  • Green color symbolizes eternal life. The talisman will help to gain an objective view of the world, will give strength for the fulfillment of everything conceived.
  • Blue is true in all its manifestations. The talisman will help predict events, make consciousness clear and bright, and make a positive assessment of what is happening around.
  • The blue dreamcatcher cleanses the spirit, brings harmony and activates logic.
  • Violet personifies the soul of a person, helps humility, strengthens the spirit.

These colors and meanings are related to Native American talismans. Shamans from Siberia are guided by other fundamental principles for creating talismans. The colors are mostly dark, often just black.

How to make a dream catcher with your own hands

You can buy a ready-made dream catcher, but it is better to do it yourself, so that he better absorbs the energy of his owner. The most important thing is that all or at least most of the items for manufacturing should be made of natural materials.

So we need:

  • willow twig (hoop from hoop, wooden circle or metal);
  • thick threads or cord, twine;
  • glass, wood, stone, bone beads or plain beads;
  • bird feathers.

Interesting: if you choose beads from minerals, for example: amethyst, rock crystal, obsidian or others, the dream catcher will receive additional protective properties inherent in the selected mineral.

Feathers are used only from live birds and in no case dead. They can be painted with natural dye.

If a woman will use the dream catcher, it is better to take owl feathers, and for a man take eagle feathers.

If you use others, the mascot may not be as powerful.

So, we take a branch or other basis for the circle, fasten the edges with threads. Leaving about 10 cm, wrap a hoop with a cord or threads, then tie it near the left end.

We tie the thread on the hoop, wrapping the bases, passing in a loop. Thus we create a web of the first row. The next is woven in a similar way.

Do not forget to thread the beads, the order can be arbitrary.

When you reach the center, tie a knot, leaving a small hole in the center. For reliability, you can use glue.

Feathers with beads at the base are suspended from the bottom, and on the top we make a loop so that you can hang a dream catcher.

A dream catcher can become a dream guardian and a beautiful decoration in your bedroom. Try to suspend it and evaluate the quality of dreams after some time - for sure your dream will improve, it will become calmer and more pleasant.


Watch the video: Perfect Dreamcatcher. Room decoration ideas. Handmade craft. Diy dream catcher (July 2024).