French women: the secrets of home cosmetics


What is the secret of the youthfulness of French women that any woman could envy? Someone will say that the solution to this mystery lies in the special French cosmetics: great tonal creams, blush, shadows and mascara, for which French women never stint on spending. But it is not so. Frenchwoman's passion for decorative cosmetics is very exaggerated, while homemade cosmetics, known to residents of France, most of whom are made by themselves, remain completely unknown.

One of the favorite means of home French cosmetics is a carrot rejuvenating mask. This mask is not only effective in smoothing small facial wrinkles, it hides the minor imperfections of the skin of the face and neck, it also gives them a tone, a warm and even color, nourishes and ensures the skin's anti-aging effect.

An important advantage of the anti-aging carrot mask is the absence of fruit acids in it, as a result of which it is considered a panacea for sensitive skin, prone to inflammation.

The recipe and method of applying carrot rejuvenating mask

It will take:

• juicy carrots,

• kefir or bioyoghurt,

• pharmacy chamomile.

First, the pharmacy chamomile is brewed with boiling water and infused for 15-20 minutes. Carrots, meanwhile, finely grated and squeezed through gauze. Carrot juice and bio-yogurt are mixed in equal proportions. Cotton swab is moistened in chamomile infusion, pressed, after which, with its help, carrot-yogurt mixture is applied to the face.

After letting dry a little evenly applied a layer of the mixture, put the next, and after a few minutes - another. The duration of the session is 15 minutes, after which the mask is washed off with chamomile tincture, and the face is rinsed with cool water.

The mask is recommended to be applied several times a week. Just a month later, you will see that your skin has become taut and matte, indicating not only the owner’s obvious care for herself, but also the excellent health of her skin.


Watch the video: 14 Beauty Secrets French Women Know That You Don't! (June 2024).