What you need to know about trans fats


It is known that a person needs to get fat. They help protect the body from the cold and help the vitamins to be properly absorbed. However, one should remember about the sense of proportion and a balanced diet in the correct ratio of fats to proteins and carbohydrates. All harmful and dangerous products should be excluded from the diet, among which, in particular, trans fats are isolated. They do not bring any value to the body and are a source of extra calories.

Trans fats are a type of unsaturated fat that is produced by hydrogenating natural fats. In fact, it is translated into a solid state vegetable fats. They are dangerous because they contribute to the emergence of many diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular system, reduced quality of milk of lactating women and metabolic disorders.

You should be aware of all products containing trans fats, and if possible avoid them. The first product that was obtained using hydrogenation was margarine, the consumption of which is more than 4 grams per day is very unhealthy. It should also eliminate from the diet of semi-finished products - ready burgers, fish fingers, mayonnaise, popcorn, chips, crackers, sweet products. Labels on sauces or other products can provide useful information, but unfortunately, Russia almost completely lacks such information about the presence of trans fats on packages.

It should be concluded that it is best to eat at home, not in fast food, avoid using refined vegetable oil, and replace frying and deep-frying products with stewing or baking.

A useful alternative to "harmful" fats can be vegetable fats, which in reasonable quantities are useful and necessary for life. They are indispensable for the assimilation of certain vitamins and are necessary for supplying the body with energy. Among natural vegetable oils there is a large selection for every taste: olive, sunflower, flaxseed, mustard, corn and rapeseed. It should not be deprived of attention and nuts with cereals, which contain vitamin E, a very strong antioxidant that promotes the absorption of valuable fats.
Doctors pay attention to the fact that it takes two years to cleanse the effects of transfats; During this time, the person will need a complete rejection of those products that contain these substances.


Watch the video: Mayo Clinic Minute: What's wrong with trans fat? (July 2024).