Football player Alexander Kerzhakov took away the child from the wife and accused her of drug addiction


Football player Alexander Kerzhakov filed a court application in order to deprive the ex-spouse Catherine of the possibility of educating their common son. The exact cause of the conflict between the former spouses is unclear. Alexander accuses Catherine of drug use and does not want her corrupting influence on little Igor. For his part, the former wife of a football player rejects all accusations and is ready to undergo a medical examination if necessary.

It should be noted that Catherine repeatedly appealed to the guardianship, complaining that the ex-husband does not allow her to see her son. The calls of the former wife and her lawyer Kerzhakov are not responding. Representatives of the player himself asked Catherine to leave him alone, at least for the time of the World Cup. However, it turned out that the woman was deceived: even before the start of the championship, Alexander himself filed several lawsuits.

Catherine declares that she did not expect such steps from Alexander, however, she assumes that all this is due to the fact that she knows too much about what happened in Rostov. What exactly the situation occurred in this city is unclear. The woman says that she will explain that she means only if the issue of custody of her son is resolved not in her favor.


Watch the video: Russia 2018 Magazine: One on one with Aleksandr Kerzhakov (July 2024).