Prelude: 10 important points


No one would argue that the prelude is an important component of a full-fledged sex life. It is able to bring together even dissimilar people who previously could not reach harmony and understanding. In addition, the prelude often inflames the fire in an impregnable heart and even helps to overcome all fears and complexes. But, despite all its spontaneity and diversity, the prelude includes several key points that should not be neglected.

Start from afar

If you want to prepare your soul mate for sex, start from the most distant stage - a romantic dinner. In fact, the prelude includes not only intimate caresses, but also the very preparation for a delightful nightly fantasy, and dinner by candlelight gives birth to the warmth and desire to get close.

Kiss eyes

Start talking to your partner about wanting closeness not with words, but with a languid look. Let him feel your hard penetrating glance and realize that the continuation of the evening is inevitably nearing.

Approach gradually

Do not throw off each other's clothes from the first seconds, do everything gradually. You can sit down to the partner closer and continue the conversation, gently touching his body with his hand, as if by chance. Let the exciting moment of waiting last longer, then the passion will be stronger.

Strip each other

Taking off clothes from a partner is very tempting, but the main thing is to do it without fuss and haste.

Touch your lips

French kiss is unacceptable during foreplay. Looking for light touch, like a breeze.

Touch your hands

Hands, or rather fingertips, must leisurely explore all the hidden corners of your partner's body, gently but aggressively.

Touch the bodies

Even if you are already left without clothes, do not rush to connect into one, touching bodies, you increase excitement.

Do not be silent

A very important moment of the preludes is a light whisper. If you don't know what to say, talk about how you love, how pleasant the touches are, how you feel good together. Whispers should be barely audible, words of love accompanied by a languid breath.

Include elements of sex

Short oral sex can be an element of foreplay.

Tease partner

Come as close as possible to the sexual act and kiss and caress your partner again, bring him to madness, and only then proceed to sex.


le travail 09/08/2016
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Watch the video: Extract from 'The Prelude', by William Wordsworth: Mr Bruff Analysis (June 2024).