Stars presented to the competition their own versions of the anthem of New Russia


The famous Serbian composer Ninoslav Ademovic, in whose professional piggy bank work with such giants as Goran Bregovic and Gipsy Kings, wrote the anthem of Novorossiya. Under the project was used Italian studio Adriano Celentano.

Ukrainian politician Oleg Tsarev attended the recording of the anthem, who thanked all the musicians who took on the project, and admitted that he liked the version of the anthem of Vadim and Vika Tsyganova, who were the first to visit the Crimea with concerts.

Tsarev said that the approval of the anthem will take place at a meeting of the parliament of New Russia before the new year. Now about 30 compositional options are presented at the competition. However, in his point of view Vika Tsyganova sang the anthem most interestingly and it is for her that he will vote.


Watch the video: SLAV MEME COMPILATION (July 2024).