Using smartphones leads to spinal wear.


Studies by American scientists have shown that every day, for 2-4 hours, the neck of a person is in an unnatural, bent state. The reason for this - the constant correspondence by e-mail or writing sms on your smartphone.

The average weight of a human head in a neutral or upright position is 4.5-5.5 kg. In the case when a person flexes the neck, due to the gravitational pull, his head becomes heavier, thereby increasing the load on the spine and causing a strong tension in his neck region. All this leads to wear and grinding of spinal discs and to its dystrophy. Often in such cases the intervention of surgeons is required.

The study showed that when the head is tilted at an angle of 60 degrees (this, for example, is necessary for high-quality selfie), the load on the spine increases by 27 kg.


Sergey 11/28/2016
The conclusion is simple, you need to reduce the weight of the head and the load on the spine will decrease or surf lying on your back.


Watch the video: Cellphone addicts: This is what looking at your iPhone does to your neck and spine (July 2024).