Alginate face masks - benefit and harm. How to make a mask of sodium alginate at home.


Erase years, fatigue and cosmetic defects from the face will help alginate masks, the main component of which is obtained from seaweed.

Alginate products are considered universal, because they are able to solve almost all the problems that arise with the skin of any type.

With the help of such masks, famous singers, Hollywood actresses and other important ladies are getting ready for publication. So let us and we, having become like the great and famous, begin to pamper the skin of the face with alginate masks.

Alginate masks: the benefits and harm

Alginate masks for the face - this is primarily a salvation from unpleasant age-related changes. After several procedures, you will notice that the wrinkles have become less pronounced, the oval of the face has been tightened, the skin has acquired unprecedented elasticity and a pleasant uniform shade, swelling has passed.

Improvements will also be seen by girls with dry skin, because alginate masks moisturize well and eliminate peeling and irritations. Oily skin after using such products is cleansed, it becomes smooth, velvety to the touch, it ceases to shine unpleasantly, pores are narrowed. If girls are plagued by acne, acne, then they should also undergo a course of 6-12 alginate masks for the skin of the face.

Attention: Alginate masks usually do not cause allergic reactions even in women with sensitive skin. Moreover, cosmetologists insist that such remedies help sensitive, prone to irritations and skin rashes to learn to more firmly tolerate the effects of allergens.

Popular alginate face masks do not injure the delicate skin around the eyes and lips and can be applied directly to them. At the same time, experts do not recommend to distribute the mask on the upper eyelids to those girls who are afraid of the confined space, in order to exclude the likelihood of panic attack.

Alginate mask for the skin of the face bypasses many cosmetic anti-aging remedies also for the reason that it is not forbidden to be applied to the dilated vessels. In addition, alginate products are used as prevention of rosacea, as well as they are used to remove the bleeding vascular grid. So, choosing a tool based on alginic acid salts, you will get rid of both wrinkles, sagging, dryness, skin gouging, and rosacea.

No reliable information was found that alginate masks for the skin of the face, if properly prepared / used, could cause any harm to the health of the woman. But still, we can not exclude the fact that a person may be intolerant of even seemingly harmless components of cosmetic tools. Therefore, it would be nice to test any masks, including alginate, before applying. Although, as already mentioned, most cosmetologists are confident that there is no need to check the safety of alginate masks.

More about the dangers: It is said that sodium alginate can reduce the degree of absorption of beneficial trace elements, but this is only if it is regularly used as a food additive. So lovers of alginate masks are not threatened. The main thing is not to lick the mask from the lips.

Not only alginate facial masks are in demand, but also similar products for the body. In fact, it is possible to apply alginate products to almost any part of the body. Masks are applied to the face, neck, decollete, abdomen, and even the buttocks. "What to do with an alginate mask on the buttocks? - you ask. - Wrinkles clean up?" No, not wrinkles, but cellulite. This proves once again that the alginate mask is truly a universal remedy.

Where it is better to do alginate masks

Women with money immediately begin to argue that alginate masks should be done in a beauty salon. Well, salons are a good thing. There, experts will be able to correctly assess the seriousness of the problem and, with its consideration, draw up a course of treatment. In addition, the salons use professional products, the quality of which is confirmed by the relevant documents.

Here, in addition to the mask, you will be pre-cleansing the face, scrubbing, moisturizing the skin under the eyelids, applying serums, creams, the effect of which will enhance the alginate products. Specialists will also perform a facial massage, etc. But you will have to pay for such pleasure. In addition, you need to pay a lot.

If a visit to a cosmetologist is not an option, but an alginate mask does not go out of your head, then make a mini-salon at home. Who thought that nothing would come of this? Phew, be so pessimistic. Look, cleanse your face with a tonic, treat it with a scrub, apply a cream - a common thing in the life of girls. A good alginate mask can be bought. They are sold in cosmetics stores, pharmacies.

The easiest way to find alginate masks is in the form of a powder, which should be diluted with water (1: 1) and stirred to obtain a creamy mass. That salon alginate mask is ready for the skin of the face. True, to be honest, this procedure will not cost you 100 rubles either. But we are quirky, enterprising and economical! So let's take on not only the dilution of the healing powder, but we will also make up the mask of three low-cost components. Go!

Cooking Home Alginate Masks

So, we decided to induce beauty and return youth in the home walls, using a homemade mask. As already mentioned, we need three components. Here they are:

- sodium alginate, this powdered substance can be purchased at the pharmacy, we need it three teaspoons per serving;

- dried kelp - also available in many pharmacies; A bag of seaweed is not enough for one procedure, because only two tsp are needed to make a mask. kelp;

- white clay (one and a half tablespoons) is another inexpensive, effective and last component that will have to be acquired for making a magic and universal alginate mask.

Now you need to dilute the sodium alginate in 60 ml of water. After that, put it to insist for five hours (you can and longer, but not less). Having learned that so much time will have to wait until the sodium alginate turns into a gel-like substance, many girls refuse to carry out the procedure at home, but in vain. You do not have to sit next to him all this time. You can simply pour the salt of alginic acid liquid at bedtime, and on the second day to do facial rejuvenation. In addition, usually, until the girls are going to visit the beautician, it takes longer than five hours.

Let's return to our alginate. After it turns into a gel, you must prepare two more mixtures. The main component of the first will be kelp, the second - kaolin. Each of the ingredients is poured individually 30 ml of water. Stir them, wait a minute and combine the sodium alginate, kelp, clay.

Note: if you messed up something, and the mask turned out to be watery, then you can add a vial of calcium chloride to it. But usually alginate remedy goes pretty thick.

Rules for the use of alginate masks

Home alginate mask for the skin is ready, now proceed to its application. Do not forget to put a face in order before combining all the components: make-up remover, scrub the skin, apply anti-aging serum or a nourishing cream. To cosmetic absorbed into the skin, you need to wait 15 minutes.

So, proceed to the imposition of alginate mask. Following the procedure, follow these recommendations:

1. Mask distribute a thick layer of the chin up (as it is, and remove).

2. Apply the product after cooking should be within a minute. It is impossible to bag in any case, because alginate products quickly plasticize.

3. To speed up the distribution of the quick-drying mask, use a wide spatula. It is especially convenient to work with a rubber trowel.

4. Enlist the help of a friend or relative, because during the application of funds, experts recommend a woman to take a horizontal position.

5. You should not talk with a mask on the face, especially if the product was placed on the lips. Try to completely relax.

6. Self-made alginate is enough to hold on the face for about 15 minutes, by this time the process of plasticization is fully completed.

7. In order for the mask to be easily removed from the skin in one motion, first undermine its edges.

8. If the tool in some places prisohlo to the skin, you do not need to adjust the force to quickly tear it off - just dampen certain areas of the alginate mask.

9. After removing the mask, wipe your face with a cleansing tonic.

10. If you did not spoil the skin with cream or serum before the mask is distributed, then do it after removing it. Of course, it is better to apply the serum under the mask so that the alginate products can enhance the effect of the cosmetic.

Reduce facial wrinkles, narrow pores, tighten skin, improve complexion, remove signs of fatigue, you can partially get rid of acne in just two to four treatments. But in order to remove pronounced pigmentation, rosacea, treat acne, make scarring of the skin less noticeable, you should go through the whole course - about 15 procedures.

Want to be beautiful? Alginate sodium in your hands.


Watch the video: DIY. Best Peel Off Face Mask (July 2024).