Apricot oil - its beneficial properties and methods of application. How to apply apricot kernel oil for face and hair.


A quivering droplet of an oily liquid of light yellow color at the tip of the finger, a light nutty aroma with a delicate shade of apricot. With soft movements, it is rubbed into the skin and it is filled with life-giving moisture that nourishes and protects its beauty and health. What a miracle cure? This seed oil is an amazing southern fruit - apricot, a real storehouse of health.

The scope of its application is huge. This is cooking and medicine, soap making and cosmetology ... The list goes on. But for women, the most important aspect is self-care, so it’s worth learning more about a wonderful tool.

Apricot oil - how to get

To obtain apricot seed oil (nucleoli), a rather expensive method of cold pressing is used. It is not the most economically practical, but the product is of the highest quality. The hot method is much cheaper, but it is not suitable, as the temperature of the raw material goes up to 300 ° C, causing the destruction of a number of very useful substances contained in the apricot.

Another possibility of obtaining a liquid is on the basis of solvent extraction. But it also has its disadvantage, as it can change the chemical composition of the final product.

Apricot oil - beneficial properties

To find out what useful properties an apricot kernel oil has, you should read dry and uninteresting, but necessary information about the most important components of its composition.

1. In any oil, the content of fatty, organic acids is important. Apricot is especially rich in oleic and linoleic acids. It is very healthy, as the composition is dominated by unsaturated fats containing significant amounts of vitamin E.

2. Of the micro-nutrients it contains the most phytosterols.

3. Vitamins D, E, B, C are very necessary and valuable.

4. Useful fluid contains proteins and sugars.

5. It is a miniature Mendeleev table, having a whole list of mineral substances, including: Zn (zinc), Ca (calcium), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), Cu (copper) and others;

6. Due to the specificity of its chemical composition, it has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals.

Having such a rich composition, apricot oil has a beneficial pharmacological effect on the skin:

- tonic;

- regenerating;

- moisturizing;

- rejuvenating;

- antiseptic.

Apricot oil - contraindications (and possible harm)

Qualitatively squeezed apricot kernel oil is practically harmless. In fact, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before use, a small test should be carried out: put an oily droplet on the elbow bend and rub it into the skin. Thanks to its sensitivity in this place it will be seen how the body reacts to a new substance. If reddening appears, then it is better to choose another means for yourself; if it is absent, you can safely apply this miracle of nature.

Another nuance concerns internal use. Apricot oil is available in two types: for cosmetic, medicinal purposes and for cooking. For topical use (in dermatology), it is absolutely safe, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction, and oral administration is associated with a certain risk.

The nucleolus contains amygdalin. Once in the body, it is converted into a fairly toxic substance, overdose of which is easy to get poisoned. The development of respiratory failure and even death is quite likely.

Amygdalin should be completely excluded from the composition of the product at the production stage. Responsible, reliable suppliers usually do this, which cannot be said about handicraft production. Therefore, it is necessary to acquire the desired product either in pharmacies or in checked specialized stores where only certified products are sold. In this case, while respecting the shelf life, complete security is guaranteed.

Apricot oil - indications and methods of use

Apricot stone oil is widely used in dermatology, the main direction - external use. The peculiarity of the tool is that it is perfect for all absolutely skin types, and it is harmless for such sensitive as infantile. If there is no individual intolerance, then it can be used even in such delicate periods of a woman’s life as pregnancy and lactation. Side effects from active use have not yet been identified.

Apricot oil is indicated not only for any skin, but also for any age. In his youth - in order to prevent and maintain tone, in maturity - to combat the first and subsequent signs of age-related changes.

Main indications:

- skin imperfections - wilting, wrinkles, dryness or dehydration, coarsened epidermis;

- dry dermatitis;

- cellulite;

- inflammation on the surface layer, etc.

Apricot oil is used for cosmetic procedures:

- massage;

- nutrition;

- cleaning;

- moisturizing.

The main uses of apricot oil:

1. In order to nourish the skin of the face, the neck must first be cleaned and moisturized. Then, with gentle, gentle movements, rub 4-6 drops, following the massage lines.

2. To nourish the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes, it is necessary to apply tiny portions of oil and very gently rub them in, trying not to fall on the eyelashes.

3. To moisturize and soften the surface of the body, you can apply a few droplets of liquid to wet palms and use a sliding motion to distribute them throughout the skin.

At the end of the oiling the residues should be blotted with a damp cloth made of natural fabric, for example cotton. Such procedures are sufficient to perform 1 time in 6-7 days, so that the skin looks healthy and radiant.

4. In order to enrich the lotions, the composition of night or day creams, you can add 5-8 drops of oil for a single serving of funds.

5. When self-preparing masks for nutrition and hydration in 1 portion of the used tools add 5-10 drops of oil.

Enrichment of creams and masks is also performed at the rate of 1 time per week.

Apricot kernel oil - for face

The most effective is apricot seed oil for the skin of the face: flabby, sensitive, flaky, with rashes, with numerous fine wrinkles and crow's feet. It is good to use it for everyday self-care, and the choice of methods is quite rich.

1. You can wipe your face every time before going to bed using a cotton pad with a couple of drops of oil.

2. For eyelids good daily lotion. Apricot oil perfectly removes puffiness and strengthens the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of dark circles from lack of sleep, fatigue. If you are not lazy and use oily liquid regularly, then such procedures can reduce the risk of mimic wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes.

3. Any creams, ointments or lotions for face care can be enriched by adding 2-3 drops of the product to the portion before use.

4. It is recommended, having folded the gauze in several layers and moistened with oil, to make a compress on the inflamed places, abrasions. This tool has excellent wound-healing properties.

5. An excellent face mask can be made from 1 chicken yolk, carefully rubbed it with a teaspoon of oil. However, it can be added to any care product, the effect will be great.

6. To perform a facial massage, use a couple of drops of liquid in its pure form or as a component of an oil cocktail with esters of jojoba, avocado, etc.

With a certain amount of caution, the oil should be applied to people who have a predisposition to acne, as the tool can clog pores a little. This can cause acne, blackheads.

Apricot kernel oil - for hair

With proper use of apricot kernels oil, even elite balm shampoos can not be compared with him in terms of effectiveness. The most ugly-looking strands come to life after a course of treatments. Yes, shiny, luxurious hair without the slightest sign of greasiness - this effect can be achieved if you regularly apply oil for masks. By the way, in the summer it is also irreplaceable - it perfectly protects the strands from the negative effects of excessive ultraviolet radiation and retains moisture in the hairs due to the thinnest film formed on them when applying a slightly viscous liquid.

How to care for your hair with apricot oil? This can be done in several ways.

1. The easiest way to saturate your shampoo at the rate of 15-20 drops per 100 ml - you get an effective balm for a flowing waterfall of shiny strands. It is good to apply such a product to damaged hair for about 1 hour, then rinse it off with warm water.

2. A small amount of oil can be heated in a water bath or in a microwave. In the hot state, it should be rubbed into the roots of the hair, covered with a film and covered with a towel. Procedure time - from half an hour to an hour (depending on the state of the hair and its volume). Then gently rinse everything with shampoo and warm water. This method of hot processing with allows you to provide hair nutrition in full, especially vitamin E. Due to this, an optimum rate of growth is achieved.

3. If dandruff appeared, then a useful mix of apricot oil and rosemary oil, tea tree, rubbed into the scalp will help.

4. To make hair thicker, you can mix 1 teaspoon of oil in equal proportions with honey and brandy. Then rub the composition with egg yolk and apply along the entire length of the curls, with 3-5 minutes to massage their roots. Shake smeared hair for 2 hours in a towel, then you can rinse off. Literally a couple of applications and the result will be clearly visible.

5. If hair grows irritatingly slowly, then it is worth making such a mask: add 3 teaspoons of sour cream (heavy cream) to 2 chicken yolks, 2 tablespoons of apricot oil. Grind the whole mixture until smooth with a pinch of hot pepper.

A woman who is accustomed to caring for herself and does it with pleasure, among cosmetics there is always a natural place, and wonderful apricot oil has the full right to be among them.
