Rosehip oil - its beneficial properties and methods of application. How to apply rosehip oil for health and cosmetic purposes.


First of all, dog rose is associated with torn hands, which have suffered for the sake of creating autumn crafts. In due time, he suffered from my childish, innocent language, which was unexpectedly rewarded with a portion of prickly needles. Now I am no longer tormented by irrepressible curiosity and the desire to eat something strange in order to amaze my mother with his imperturbability. I haven’t been eating rosehips for a long time, but I discovered a product that is extraordinarily useful for the skin, which is extracted from the same plant. It's about dogrose oil. Let us discuss what this oil is so remarkable about and what to do with it in order to become more beautiful and healthier.

Getting rosehip oil

The curative plant product is rosehip oil, which is obtained from the fruits of the plant of the Rosaceae family. The world knows more than ten thousand species of wild rose. True, all scientists recognized only 140 species, which, too, whatever one may say, is quite an impressive figure.

The most useful is rosehip oil, extracted by cold pressing. But most often rosehip oil is produced from seeds by performing extraction with organic solvents.

Properties of rosehip oil

Usually rosehip oil has an orange color. But it can also be brownish, with a slightly greenish tint. Rosehip oil has a peculiar smell. As for taste, this medicinal vegetable oil is bitter.

Rosehip oil boasts metabolic, tonic, regenerating, as well as adaptogenic and vitamin pharmacological properties. This product is famous for its antioxidant effect. It contains vitamin C, tocopherols and carotenoids. Fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6) are found in rosehip seed oil. For example, it is possible to find linolenic and linoleic acids. Both are essential fatty acids, the lack of which can lead to improper development and functioning of the body.

Rosehip oil: contraindications

You can not use rosehip oil for people who are intolerant of such a product. It is also not recommended to be taken in patients who have found diseases of the pancreas. Care should be taken with him and those who suffer from thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.

Certain diseases of the heart and liver, circulatory problems, duodenal ulcer, gastritis, increased acidity of the stomach should also be a signal to limit the rosehip oil. In general, before you use it, it is better to consult a doctor and check if you have any diseases, in the presence of which it is not recommended to use rosehip oil.

Attention: in order not to provoke an allergic reaction, using therapeutic masks based on rosehip oil, carry out preliminary testing of this herbal product.

Apply rosehip oil

Rosehip oil is known in medicine as a wound healing agent. It is used to treat bedsores, trophic ulcers and dermatoses. Even rosehip oil heals cracks, it can be used by nursing women who need to quickly remove sores on nipples. Rosehip oil is part of the fluids intended for carrying out the enema of patients with nonspecific ulcerative colitis.

In folk medicine, rosehip oil is used to treat chemical burns, as well as radiation skin lesions. Many years ago, soldiers used rosehip oil to quickly heal wounds in battle. They relied on seed oil even when they got a head wound.

The food rosehip oil is used quite rarely. But they like to use it during the manufacture of cosmetics. Rosehip oil can be found in nourishing creams designed for any skin (problem, normal, dry). In addition, rosehip oil is used in the manufacture of varnish. To get such a film-forming substance, dog rose is used.

Beautiful skin and rosehip oil

Especially rosehip oil pleases dry flaky skin. After all, it is due to the content of fatty acids is a good moisturizer. And still rosehip oil perfectly softens the skin, protects it from UV rays. It is suitable for people with problem skin, because this oil has an anti-inflammatory effect on it.

Also, rosehip oil improves the skin structure, visibly rejuvenates it, smoothes wrinkles and prevents early aging. This oil effectively eliminates the rash and makes scars less noticeable.

Rose Hip Rejuvenating Cream

The main ingredient of the anti-aging cream is rosehip oil, which will give the skin a glow, make it firmer, moisturize and reduce the severity of age spots. To prepare the cream for a week will require 10 drops of rosehip oil. The basis of such homemade remedies is better to take hypoallergenic children's cream (2 tbsp. L.). To it you need to add a teaspoon of fresh aloe juice, five drops of liquid vitamin B2 and jojoba oil.

Mixing until smooth, place the cream in a hermetically sealed jar. Store the tool should be in the refrigerator. The shelf life of finished products - a week. It is necessary to apply this anti-aging agent once a day instead of day cream.

Using this cream for only two weeks, you can be sure that a part of the mimic wrinkles will smooth out, the skin will become smoother, smoother and more radiant inside. The mixture of oils will relieve swelling, smooth out irregularities, relieve hyperpigmentation, nourish, moisturize.

Attention: This anti-aging cream can be applied under the eyes, as well as to care for it with the neckline and neck.

Mask with rosehip oil from wrinkles under the eyes

The base of the mask for wrinkles will be rosehip oil, which contains a huge amount of vitamin C, while it does not overdry the skin (unlike many products rich in this vitamin), but rather moisturizes it. Vitamin C cleans dark circles very quickly. In addition to three teaspoons of rosehip oil, we also need jojoba oil - a product of youth. Jojoba oil, as well as aloe juice, liquid honey, you need a teaspoon. The last two components are vitamins A and E.

Important: Take aloe vera juice from a plant that is more than three years old. Squeeze the juice should be after a leaf of aloe lie in the refrigerator for about a week.

Note: if you have a dark face, instead of vitamins, you can use sea buckthorn oil, which because of its coloring properties does not suit girls with fair skin.

To prepare a mask for the eyes, it is necessary to mix all the above-mentioned natural ingredients. Mask does not need to rub into the skin - products should be driven into it with fingertips. Means to apply on cleansed skin. It is necessary to do the procedure every day for two weeks. The first results will be noticeable in five to six days. After two weeks, you can use this tool as a preventive measure. To keep the skin under the eyes in good shape, it is enough to make a mask once a week, at most not more than two.

This tool is used sparingly. The mask prepared according to the recipe will be enough for the whole course. Anti-aging products stored in the refrigerator. It should be placed in a glass container with a tight-fitting lid.

Regenerating and anti-inflammatory night mask

First of all, obtain aloe juice or buy a special natural aloe gel. Juice need a teaspoon and a half. Aloe mixed with six drops of rosehip oil and two - tea tree.

Means to apply on the scraped skin. Leave the mixture on the face until morning. Wash your face with warm water before going to work.

If you want to eliminate flaking, redness, then replace tea tree oil with lavender. Rosewood oil will help smooth the skin, while ylang-ylang oil will narrow the pores perfectly. If you have too oily skin, use citrus essential oils. You can use orange or grapefruit oil, as well as lemon.

The simplest oil mask for any skin

It is not necessary to combine the oil with any tricky components. Since rosehip oil contains a large amount of vitamins with antioxidant action, slowing aging, synthesizing collagen, moisturizing, saturating with oxygen and fatty acids, strengthening the skin’s protective barrier, as well as serving as a building material for new cells, it can be used by mixing it with an ordinary favorite cream. Such a simple remedy from rose hip cream and oil will also have a healing effect, relieve stagnant spots and small scars.

Anti-aging oil emulsion

In addition to the anti-aging effect, this remedy also has a regenerating effect and nourishes the skin. You will need a teaspoon of rosehip oil, twice the amount of almond oil, one and a half times a small spoonful of beeswax. The remaining ingredients: four drops of vitamin E, a tablespoon of rose water, 10 drops of essential oils of geranium, ylang-ylang and neroli.

First, melt the beeswax and, removing it from the heat (water bath), mix with vegetable oils. In parallel, heat the rose water in a separate container (you can take distilled water instead). While pouring water into the wax, quickly beat the mixture for about three minutes. Then add vitamin and essential oils to the resulting light pink emulsion and beat it again.

Put the product in a tight-fitting container and put it in the fridge. Products can be stored in a cold place for up to six months. Apply a rejuvenating emulsion in the evening on the face, neck and neck. Since the mixture is concentrated, for one time it is enough to take money in bulk with a pea.

If you forgot to put the cooked products in the fridge, you should not be upset and reproach yourself - such an emulsion will not become a victim of your forgetfulness. She is not particularly afraid of room temperature. Moreover, the tool can be stored outside the refrigerator for a month.

Rosehip oil from stretch marks

Rosehip oil is used to prevent stretch marks or reduce the severity of stria. This oil should be rubbed into the skin, massaging it well. It is usually combined with other plant or essential oils (almond, lavender).
