Diphtheria - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment


Diphtheria is a very dangerous infectious disease, which is characterized by an inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract. This disease affects the nose and throat, in more rare cases, the skin. Relatively often, diphtheria spreads to the heart, nervous system, and kidneys.

Diphtheria - causes

This disease is transmitted from a sick or healthy carrier using airborne droplets. In more rare situations, diphtheria is transmitted through infected objects. The amount of toxin that has formed in the focus of infection determines the severity of the disease, as well as the likelihood of death. This type of toxin is simultaneously carried throughout the body with blood.

Diphtheria - Symptoms

Diphtheria in most cases begins with a slight increase in body temperature, as well as discharge from the foci of inflammation. The most dangerous form of this disease is pharyngeal diphtheria, which, in turn, is accompanied by the formation of gray fibrous films located directly in the mucous membrane. When the size of the films begins to increase, then the person has difficulty breathing. Somewhere a week after infection, the toxin begins to appear on organs remote from the focus. As for infants, their nasal cavity is affected.

One of the features of this disease is the fact that there is no high fever and sore throat. Hypertoxic diphtheria is characterized by high body temperature, which can reach 40 degrees. Vomiting, impaired consciousness, and convulsions may also occur.

It is worth noting that in severe forms of the disease, death can occur within a couple of days due to the development of toxic shock. With complex myocardium, a sudden death can occur.

Diphtheria - diagnosis

Diagnosis of diphtheria is usually based on the clinical picture. Lighter forms of the disease are much more difficult to diagnose. Directly, the whole difficulty lies in the fact that, according to the signs, light diphtheria very much resembles acute respiratory infections and tonsillitis. Therefore, if diphtheria is suspected, a bacteriological examination of the throat smear is performed. The material itself for analysis is taken using cotton swabs and transferred to a special nutrient medium for several hours. It is highly recommended to conduct a survey not only of a sick person, but also of everyone who has contacted him.

Diphtheria - treatment

A patient with diphtheria must be isolated, while he must observe bed rest. As for physical activity, they should be strictly limited. To date, the most reliable way of therapy is the introduction of a special antitoxin (antidiphtheria serum). But you should know that such a method of therapy will be effective only when serum is administered during the first few hours of the disease. The dose of such serum depends entirely on the form of the disease. It can be administered both intravenously and intramuscularly.

If severe forms of the disease are observed, then two or three times plasmapheresis will be appropriate. Simultaneously with anti-diphtheria serum, special antibacterial drugs can be prescribed. In addition, for the purpose of detoxification of hemodynamic disturbances, the doctor prescribes plasma, albumin, polyionic solutions. If respiratory failure increases, a tracheostomy is performed. Recovery does not occur earlier than two weeks, and absolutely all symptoms of the disease must be absent.


Watch the video: Diphtheria: Causes, symptoms and treatment (July 2024).