Maternity allowance - a detailed description. Useful tips. Breath in childbirth.


Childbirth is an important moment in family life. But the first birth is very scary, especially if there is no opportunity to visit the school of future parents and learn objective information. Therefore, let's talk about the main points of childbirth and try to make them more pleasant for a woman.

How is childbirth proceeding

Clans called the process from the beginning of the rhythmic contractions of the uterus - contractions until the birth of the afterbirth. The deliveries take a rather long time and are divided into several successive stages. During these periods, there is a gradual opening of the cervix so that the child can go through them and the actual process of the birth of the fetus itself. And then there is the expulsion of the placenta and fetal membranes with the contraction of the uterus in size. By talking about each of the periods of labor in more detail. Having stopped on ways of simplification of fights, breath and some nuances.

The first stage of labor

This period in labor is the longest, it is also called the period of cervical dilatation, so that your little one can be born - the cervix should open up to 10-12 cm, for this, contractions occur. During contractions, the uterus gradually expands millimeter by millimeter to let the baby through.

This period takes almost 3/4 of the entire time of delivery and requires maximum strength and patience of the parturient. By the time the labor began, the cervix had already undergone a certain preparation — the mucus plug that had closed the entrance to the uterine cavity had softened and moved away. We conditionally divide the entire first period into three phases - the first phase, when the contractions are not yet strong and short, and the interval between them is large - up to 20-30 minutes, cervical dilation up to 4-5 cm occurs. During these contractions, you can be at home, take a shower, once again check all the bags in the hospital.

At the time of these first contractions, you need to remember the techniques of anesthetic breathing - breathe deeply and evenly, take a comfortable position, walk around the room, massage the lower back or hands, and measure the time between contractions. During this time, the cervix is ​​gradually smoothed and shortened, this period itself can last 1-2 hours. Call your doctor if your birth is contractual and get ready for a maternity hospital. By the end of this phase, you can call an ambulance or go to the hospital in your car.

Attention! If you have lost your water even in case of low-painful and rare contractions - you can’t stay at home, go to the hospital immediately. The same must be done immediately if the discharge from the birth canal is bloody.

The second stage is the opening of the cervix up to 6-7 cm, during this period the contractions become longer and stronger. And the interval between them is reduced to 10 minutes. The neck at this time is revealed a little sooner - the whole period lasts also about 2-2.5 hours, and in this period you should already arrive at the maternity hospital. There you will be weighed, they will measure all indicators, fill in the history of childbirth, look at the chair, if necessary, make an enema, shave the crotch and take it to the hospital.

During this period, relaxation techniques - breathing "candle" or deep cleansing breathing, massaging the lower back or the wings of the iliac bones, will be very useful, and the help of a maternity partner (if you give birth together) will be very useful.

Usually in this phase the amniotic bubble is opened, amniotic fluid is erupted and the head of the baby is pressed more tightly against the entrance to the baby's pelvis - this sharply activates the labor and contractions become stronger and more sensitive. The labor gradually passes into the third phase - the opening of the cervix from 7-8 to 10-12 cm, that is, into the phase of full disclosure. This moment is crucial. Therefore, the midwife will be almost relentless with you - she will control the disclosure every half an hour, and will guide your breathing and behavior.

This period is accompanied by frequent and lengthy contractions of up to 40-60 seconds with an interval of 2-3 minutes, therefore, in the intervals between contractions, try to rest and relax as much as possible. To gain strength, breathe superficially and often during a contraction - this enriches the blood with oxygen and relieves pain. At the end of this period, with an almost complete disclosure of the cervix, there may be a desire to tighten up - but if the midwife sees that the cervical dilatation is still incomplete - he will ask you to restrain the effortless, breathing more often. This is necessary so that there is no injury to the cervix and baby head.

By the end of the first stage of labor, when the cervical dilatation reaches 10-12 cm, the bed is transferred to the generic position or the woman is transferred to the delivery room.

The second period of labor

This period of childbirth is short but very responsible - mother and baby are doing a serious job to meet. Powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus and the abdominals, called attempts. This feeling of fullness and pressure on the rectum and lower abdomen. This baby presses the head on the pelvic area and intestines. Each attempt promotes the child millimeter by millimeter through the birth canal, stretching the muscles and tissues of the perineum, and the bones of the skull are configured at this time, making the shape of the baby’s head more convenient for birth.

The attempt itself lasts from 30 to 60 seconds, the pain as such is no longer felt. But the intervals between attempts are short - they should be used for maximum rest and relaxation. At this moment, the midwife and all her commands must be listened to accurately, she will observe the state of the birth canal, and in case of their excessive tension and threat of rupture, she will give the command to release the wagering. The same is necessary when the head was born and it is necessary to gently turn the baby in the neck and pull out the hanger - at this moment it is impossible to push and the midwife will tell you about it, "Do not push!". This period ends with the complete birth of the crumbs and putting it on the mother's belly.

The third stage of labor

Childbirth does not end with the birth of a baby - now it is necessary that the placenta and amniotic membranes are born - they are no longer needed. And the uterus must contract. While you put the baby on his chest and he makes his first sucking movements in life. gets colostrum. There is an irritation of the reflex paths and there are fights that mark the birth of the afterbirth. This usually occurs in the first 5-15 minutes after birth and occurs quickly and painlessly. The placenta is examined for its integrity, the delivery is now complete, and the woman and the baby will be in the delivery room for two hours before being transferred to the ward.

Useful advice at birth

Contractions during the first stage of labor can be unpleasant and painful, and non-painkiller anesthesia is used to relieve the condition. Massage has an excellent effect - it can be acupressure, reflex massage, stroking, rubbing and even pinching. Due to certain actions, massage relaxes, relieves muscle tension, improves blood circulation and relieves pain.

Excellent stroking of the lower abdomen from the pubis to the sides, massage of the wings of the iliac bones (protruding pelvic bones), helps well rubbing the back and lower back, pressing your thumbs on the sacrum. Well distracts massage of the hands, feet or legs, scalp.

Another remedy for pain relief is a fitball - a large gym ball. You can just sit on it - due to the discharge of the pelvic floor muscles, it relieves the pain in the bout. In addition, it is useful to sway on the ball from side to side, to make circular movements, lightly spring - this makes it possible to facilitate the fight.

It is useful to take various poses - the knee elbow position with sagging abdomen, lying on its side, standing, leaning on the back of the bed or chair, hanging on the partner's neck, all this helps to relax and relieve pain.

The relaxation method helps a lot - especially in combination with music - take calm music with you. Close your eyes, imagine the sea, the mountains, the beach and turn on the music to a loud fight - stand or lie, carrying all your thoughts into your imaginary landscape. Sometimes singing of vowels or melodious songs helps to relax - it enriches the blood with oxygen and improves the condition. But shouting or groaning in childbirth is not worth it - this, firstly, scares the baby, and secondly, it does not enrich the lungs and blood with oxygen, which means it is not useful.

Breath in childbirth

Another important skill is proper breathing during labor. You need to know two types of breathing - deep relaxing and shallow breathing. They will be needed in different periods of childbirth.

Deep breathing is carried out slowly, at the expense of: - we inhale at the expense of - "one, two, three, four" exhale is produced at the expense of "one, two .... seven. Eight," that is, as long as possible. It is useful to apply such breath on fights, or between attempts, to relax as much as possible.

Shallow breathing during labor

Shallow breathing - or "dog breathing" - fast inhalations and exhalations with incomplete breasts are made, you can stick your tongue out between your teeth. This will help you prodyshat strong and painful contractions.

And the last tip: Do not ignore the recommendations of obstetricians during childbirth, because next to you are experienced people who take birth every day and know everything about this process.


Stasya 04/06/2016
Thanks for this article. This is very important information that will definitely be useful to all women. It is very important to be prepared. You do not always have people who will teach and tell you what to do. And proper breathing is a great helper for pain.

Irina 04/06/2016
My second birth will be. and I. honestly, I re-read and worry everything. like the first time! Probably only the third - you'll know everything. I think about giving birth in water. Familiar so gave birth, and just in delight. Compared to simple pains, you feel less. I, however, have not yet decided, just considering - as an option.

Alena 04/06/2016
Thank! I still have only 5 weeks of pregnancy, but I am very interested in all this continuation. After all, I have to move it. And it is better to be well prepared in advance for everything. I even try to breathe correctly)))

Katrin 04/06/2016
How serious is all this ... So much to remember, and even do. Well, when doctors come across normal, explain if that. My young girl friend gave birth, so she told about all this in such terrible colors! Doctors just scream and do not explain anything.

Lola 04/06/2016
Thank you very much for all these tips! They are very necessary! Though I went to school moms, but everything was not completely remembered. Yes, and once again read about such things does not hurt. The first birth especially. Do not you know. what and how. And doctors are not always courteous.


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