Lack of sleep negatively affects personal relationships


The key to a long, happy and healthy relationship is having enough sleep, researchers at the University of California, Berkeley found out.

Psychologist Ami Gordon and his colleagues found that sleepy romantic partners feel too tired to say “thank you” to each other, as a result of which they take for granted.

"Inadequate sleep can make us more selfish, we begin to put our own needs above the needs of our partners," says Gordon. “Even if you get enough sleep like a baby, but your partner doesn't get enough sleep, you will both end up grumbling.”

For many couples, a bed can turn into a battlefield because one of them snores loudly, pulls a blanket over himself, knocks on a laptop keyboard, and at that time the other partner tosses and turns. "

The researchers conducted two experiments, each of which involved more than 60 pairs of different ages. The first experiment was that each participant kept a sleep journal, and also analyzed how the quality of night sleep influenced their assessment of the second half. During the second experiment, couples were asked to complete problem tasks, and the one who did not sleep well the previous night showed less appreciation for his partner.

Scientists wanted to show that the daily experience of poor sleep negatively affects feelings of gratitude towards other people. And this feeling is very important, as it helps to form and maintain close social ties. A bad dream is not only what we experienced in solitude. It affects our interaction with other people.


Watch the video: Sleep Deprivation and its Weird Effects on the Mind and Body (June 2024).