Walnut-free jam without lime is a tasty and healthy treat. How to cook different types of jam from walnuts without lime?


Those who have tasted walnut jam claim it is one of the best sweet treats in the world. And who did not try, they will ask again with surprise - jam from nuts? Of the walnuts? What is it like? Yes, it is from the walnuts, but how - we will now find out.

By the way, in addition to great taste, it is also a very useful thing. Using this jam regularly, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of colds. In addition, this dessert contains a number of vitamins, including C and group B, as well as various trace elements. So walnut jam is a storehouse of health.

Often, to soften the skin of nuts, they are soaked in a mortar before making jam. This is not very useful, in addition, it is quite difficult, a number of precautions must be observed. Therefore, among the recommended by us in this collection only recipes for walnut jam without lime.

The basic principles of making walnut jam without lime

To make this unusual treat tasty and healthy, you need to follow a number of rules.

You need to choose the right nuts: large, without any flaws, as even as possible, of the correct shape.

For jam, walnuts are taken unripe. That is, the color of the peel should be green. To check if nuts are suitable for jam, they are pierced with a thin knife or a toothpick. A sharp object should pass through. Usually in this stage of maturity, walnuts are in the second part of June.

Nuts must be prepared, namely soaked. In plain water or with the addition of any substances, such as soda or citric acid. Water is usually advised to change a couple of times a day.

This jam is cooked in enameled dishes, you can use a pot or basin made of stainless steel. Dishes from aluminum, copper are not suitable.

Most often, nuts are immersed in syrup from water and sugar, less often filled with sugar and boiled without adding water.

Cinnamon, cloves, vanilla, citrus zest and other additives are placed in walnut jam as additional flavoring ingredients.

For better consistency, it is advisable to cook the jam in several stages.

Limeless Green Walnuts Jam

This recipe is also called jam in Bulgarian. It is very simple in execution, and the taste and texture are just wonderful. Nuts are “hardened” by alternation, then they will be soft inside, but they will retain their shape perfectly.


  • 1 kilogram of walnuts milk ripeness

  • 900 grams of sugar

  • Glass of water

  • 10 grams of citric acid.

Cooking method

  1. Wash the nuts, peel off the films and dip in a solution of citric acid for an hour. The solution is 5 grams of lemons per liter of water.

  2. Then boil water and begin hardening nuts. Dip them in boiling water for five minutes, then return them to cold water for the same amount.

  3. Repeat the manipulation at least seven times, the more the better.

  4. At the same time, syrup can be cooked by mixing water and sugar.

  5. When the solution boils, and the nuts are sufficiently hardened, place them in the syrup and cook for at least half an hour.

  6. Check the availability of nuts - they must be soft inside. Add a lemon, bring to readiness.

  7. Hot pour into banks and clog iron lids. You can remove it under ordinary covers, then the jam in the jars should cool well, and only then can it be closed.

Limeless Walnut Jam with Cinnamon

This recipe can be considered basic. The composition of spices is not strict, you can change as you wish. The jam should be quite dark in color, the nuts themselves are almost black. Thick aromatic mass is an indicator of the readiness of future goodies.


  • 100 walnuts of milk ripeness

  • Sugar two kilograms

  • Five glasses of water

  • Five pieces of cloves and cardamom

  • A full teaspoon of ground cinnamon.

Cooking method

  1. Wash young nuts, clear of films, pierce the ends with a thick needle and pour water.

  2. Keep for 10 days, changing the water two to three times a day.

  3. Then start cooking jam. First, syrup is prepared: sugar and water are boiled.

  4. In the syrup put a little dried nuts.

  5. When it boils, hold for five minutes and remove from heat. Cool.

  6. Repeat two more times. For the second time, put in a container of jam with spices - you can in a bag. Pull out the third time.

  7. After the last cooking, pour the mass into clean jars and roll up. Turn over, leave wrapped up for a day, put in the cold.

Lemon-Free Walnut Lemon Jam

Lemon note diversifies the sweetness of nut jam. According to this recipe, it will turn out to be thicker than the previous one, since less water is taken on the syrup.


  • Young walnuts 100 pieces

  • Sugar two kilograms

  • Two glasses of water

  • 1 large lemon

  • Clove optional.

Cooking method

  1. Soak the nuts for ten days, after removing the skin and piercing each on both sides. Do not forget to frequently change the water. This is done to get rid of the characteristic bitterness of walnuts.

  2. Boil water and toss nuts there to be completely covered. Cook until soft - should be pierced with a fork.

  3. Drain and leave to dry slightly.

  4. In the meantime, make syrup from water and sugar.

  5. When the mixture boils, place nuts and spices in it.

  6. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the future jam.

  7. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, turn off, cool.

  8. Repeat the procedure again and again. Cook for the third time until nuts are cooked, that is, until dark.

  9. Pack up on the banks, roll up, hold the day covered and put in storage or start to use.

Separated jam from walnut without lime

The essence of this jam is that the syrup is boiled separately. It turns out the mass is very thick, and thanks to the spices - especially fragrant.


  • A kilogram of unripe walnuts

  • Sugar a pound or more

  • Glass of water

  • A pinch of vanilla and cinnamon.

Cooking method

  1. Prepare nuts - wash, peel, soak for ten days, changing the water.

  2. Cook syrup from sugar and water.

  3. Put spices in the syrup and pour the nuts, cool to a warm state, mix.

  4. The next day, strain the syrup, boil it, cool, reconnect with nuts.

  5. So repeat a total of four times, the syrup should be thicker.

  6. On the last day, put the syrup with nuts on the fire, cook for about ten minutes, quickly pour into containers and close.

Ukrainian walnut jam without lime

Lemon flavor and spicy aroma of cloves fill walnuts cooked according to this recipe. It is prepared in several stages, but it does not cause any particular difficulties.


  • Kilogram of nuts

  • A kilogram or a little more sugar

  • Large lemon

  • 7-10 cloves

  • Two glasses of water.

Cooking method

  1. The peeled washed nuts of milk ripeness are soaked for a week in clean water with the addition of citric acid. Change the water twice a day.

  2. Rinse the nuts well, pierce with a thick needle and boil for 20 minutes in water.

  3. Pull into cold water, cool.

  4. Make syrup by boiling water and sugar.

  5. Put nuts in syrup, boil for five minutes, turn off.

  6. After cooling, repeat the procedure, and then again.

  7. For the fourth time, bring the jam to a boil, reduce the heat and keep the fruits ready. Check them with a fork - it should pass well.

  8. Put hot jam in storage containers, roll up, keep warm for 24 hours and put in a cold place.

The secrets and tricks of making jam with their walnuts without lime

  • Walnut jam is dark, especially if cinnamon is added. To make light jam, you need to add lemon juice or acid - either to the mass itself, or soak the nuts in a lemon solution before cooking.

  • When working with unripe nuts, you need to wear gloves so that your hands do not darken and your skin is not burned from contact with iodine-rich fruits.

  • The dishes for storage are washed with baking soda, poured with boiling water, dried. Jars of jam are kept cool without access to light.

  • It is often recommended that you close the jam jar with a metal lid. However, even under ordinary kapron, it will be well stored in the refrigerator or just a cool cabinet.


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