Miracle beans cocoa: amazing benefits and possible harm to the body. Delicious recipes for beauty based on healthy cocoa


Beauty and health, extraordinary recipes and diet programs, aromatherapy - not all areas where cocoa takes a weighty position.

The complex of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants is estimated not only by the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetology widely uses cocoa in its recipes and procedures. Cooking can not do without this unique component - only the Sacher cake is a whole story, the secrets of which are still hidden in a Swiss bank. The great beneficial properties of cocoa beans and the probable harm of cocoa are discussed below.

Valuable ingredients, cocoa based products and calories

Cocoa beans are a whole vitamin complex, a powerful composition of macro- and microelements. The most valuable are vitamins of group B (pyridine). The state of the nervous system directly depends on the balance of vitamins B: they participate in the development of neurotransmitters (an important component of the nerve impulse transmission chain), they are responsible for the tone of the internal organs and muscles, stimulate intellectual abilities, and affect the quality and speed of metabolic processes. Minerals play the same important role as vitamins; they are represented by calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, etc. The lack of one of them can manifest itself in both elementary hair loss and serious heart rhythm disturbances. The benefit of cocoa for the body in this case is hard to underestimate.

Nutritional value (100g):

• Proteins 12.8g

• Fat 53.2g

• Carbohydrates 9.4g

Trace elements:

• Iron 4.1g

• Zinc 4,5g

• Copper 2275 mcg

• Cobalt 27 mcg

• Molybdenum 40 mcg

• Manganese 3 mg

Vitamin composition:

• Thiamine 0.09g

• Riboflavin 0.3g

• Nicotinic Cd 1.9g

• Potassium 747g

• Sodium 5g

• Magnesium 80g

• Chlorine 50g

• Sulfur 83g

• Phosphorus 500g

• Calcium 28g

Calorie cocoa does not scare nutritionists!

Despite the fact that half of the cocoa beans is fat, and 1/5 - carbohydrates, cocoa is actively used in dietology. It is a matter of purines, which cocoa beans are so rich in, which accelerate the metabolism. In the dietary menu, it is necessary to observe moderation in the use of cocoa combinations with high-calorie foods (full-fat milk, cocoa butter, sugar, etc.).

Specifically on the calorie cocoa:

• Cocoa beans 100 g -565 kcal

• Cocoa powder 100 g - 374 kcal

• Cocoa butter 100 g - 899 kcal

• Cocoa nuggets 100 g - 607 kcal

• Cocoa drink on skimmed milk 200 ml - 148 kcal

• Classic cocoa 300 ml - 300 kcal

• Cocoa Nestle 100g - 379 kcal

Cocoa is very rich in healthy fatty acids, such as arachidonic, stearic, palmitic and oleic. Such components will ensure the plasticity of cell membranes and prevent the fragility of blood vessels.

Separately, highlight cocoa butter. This product has gained its popularity not only among confectioners. Cocoa butter has the most valuable properties for our health. Just a few grams of butter added to a hot drink (for example, milk) with any cold disease can relieve expectoration of sputum and soften irritated mucous membranes. Rubbing the chest with the addition of essential oils (tea tree, oregano, etc.) causes a powerful warming effect and speeds up the healing process.

Cosmetologists say positively about the health benefits of cocoa and are reminiscent of its invaluable role in the beauty of hair and skin.

The best ingredients for restoring dull and damaged hair will be a mask based on olive oil and kefir with the addition of yolk and, of course, cocoa powder.

Recall that the mixture must be heated before application, and then wrap the hair with a warm towel. Hold the mask for 30 minutes and rinse.

For face a mask with cocoa honey and corn flour will be useful. The mass must be brought flour to a state of thick cream. 15 minutes is enough and the skin will shine with tenderness and beauty. And if you pre-hold a soft salt or oat scrub - the effect exceeds your expectations, the dead cells will be removed and the valuable mask maximally nourishes the skin.

Cocoa benefits for the body

The extraordinary benefit of cocoa is a non-empty sound.

Antioxidant substances of cocoa beans are of great value. One of these is flavonol epicatechin. It showed itself perfectly in suppressing the negative effects of one of the most common diseases of the 21st century - diabetes mellitus: as a result of research, a decrease in cholesterol level, activity in weight gain and a negative effect on internal organs has been proven. Hence the conclusions about improving the quality of life of diabetics. Epicatechin is able to uniquely influence the elasticity of blood vessels, rheological blood parameters and, as a result, reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks. A significant reduction in cancer incidence is confirmed. The decrease in cholesterol in the blood is due to the stimulating effect of cocoa beans on the production of HDL (high density lipoproteins), which is one of the key points in the formation of blood clots.

Note for hypertensive patients: cocoa drink is able to reduce pressure and at the same time have a tonic effect on the body as a whole. The health benefits of cocoa beans in heart issues are invaluable. Improves blood circulation in the brain.

Flavonols can significantly improve the repair of the epithelium, this directly affects the regenerative ability of cells and the youth of the skin.

Swiss cardiologists have shown improvements in patients with cardiac diseases, which is explained by the beneficial effects of the complex of cocoa beans antioxidant substances (7g / 100g). The experiment was conducted on the basis of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70%.

50 grams of chocolate (over 70% cocoa) instead of 15 glasses of orange juice or six ripe apples to improve ESR!

Cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine (PEA), which is attributed to the role of plant endorphin. This element really enhances the mood and performs a toning function. But anandamide in cocoa beans just deservedly called aphrodisiac, and it causes a slight feeling of euphoria. Do not worry - there is no question of dependence here.

Athletes appreciate the use of cocoa for the body, since this unique powder restores muscles better than special mixtures, and we use it during the carbohydrate window. You can conduct an experiment - add a tablespoon of cocoa powder to the mix to the shaker and monitor the recovery performance throughout the month.

Harm cocoa health: all is well, but in moderation ...

Recipes on its basis of cocoa beans have been improved and used for all sorts of purposes over 4 thousand years! The humankind appreciated cocoa's benefit for the organism in full, but the harm of cocoa beans cannot be ignored:

• Patients with gastric ulcer disease should stop using cocoa drinks, as the latter are able to actively stimulate the formation of gastric juice.

• Gout and other diseases associated with uric acid metabolism are a complete contraindication to the presence of cocoa in the diet (due to the available purines in cocoa beans).

• Excessive use of cocoa butter causes a breakdown of the digestive system, and oversaturation of cocoa-based products is undesirable for people who are overweight, because Cocoa is very high in calories.

• Allergic reactions are possible. But in the overwhelming majority of cases they are caused by poor-quality raw materials, which, when grown, are often amenable to chemical treatments from pests. Prefer proven suppliers of cocoa.

A simple way to check the goodness of cocoa powder: rub a pinch of cocoa between your fingers - it should leave a dense greasy mark on the skin. If cocoa powder left a light powder coating - safely throw away such raw materials. The dish may not turn out and definitely will not taste good.

Cocoa for current and future mothers: the pros and cons

A young mother like no one else should monitor their diet. Regarding cocoa opinions are contradictory.

The indisputable fact of "for" - cocoa miraculously affects the mood, which is especially important during pregnancy. It's all about the same phenylethylamine.

Negative arguments:

• Cocoa reduces the absorption of calcium in the body, not only of the mother and her milk, but also in the developing body of the fetus.

• Cocoa contains caffeine, which increases the tone of the uterus.

• Allergic reactions are possible.

Moms, be careful when it comes to the health of your offspring, weigh all the facts about the benefits and harms of cocoa for the body of your child.

Cocoa for children: good or bad?

  • Cocoa is allowed for children from 3 years.
  • High concentration of microelements for small cocoa lovers can be very harmful, so you should not abuse this drink in any way.
  • In cocoa-based beverages, reduce the dose of powder and instead increase the liquid medium. Despite the calcium content, cocoa powder is able to wash out calcium. For the emerging organism, it plays a fundamental role.
  • Cocoa is also contraindicated for the hyperactive child, as this will lead to even greater excitability.
  • At the same time, the mass of micro elements of cocoa beans will be an excellent substitute for vitamin complexes of pharmaceutical production.
  • Separately, let's say about cocoa mixes, which are often advertised as a wonderful breakfast for schoolchildren and for adults: carefully study the composition of such mixtures, as they are additionally saturated with emulsifiers and other components that do not always benefit the child. A good analogue is high-quality pure cocoa, which you already complete by yourself with the same vanilla and sugar.
  • "The food of the gods" - so famous doctor and researcher Carl Linnaeus called cocoa beans. He was absolutely right! What can I say - Angelica herself would agree in the affirmative, sipping a cup of her favorite drink. As soon as the cocoa beans were delivered to Europe - they immediately gained incredible popularity, because such a drink was worthy of only the most honorable tables. Let us join such high traditions!


Watch the video: Cacao Nibs and Antioxidants (July 2024).