Enuresis in children


What is enuresis

Under enuresis understand urinary incontinence. As a rule, referring to this diagnosis implies that the child does not have the skill to independently control the emptying of the bladder, which leads to involuntary urination during sleep or wakefulness. It is proved that boys suffer from enuresis 1.5 - 2 times more often than girls.

Enuresis in children - symptoms

Children may suffer from daytime and nocturnal enuresis. Night enuresis, which occurs most often, is an involuntary urination during a night's sleep in a child over 5 years old. One can speak about formation of full control over urination in a child only by 3-5 years old, up to the same age it is too early to talk about enuresis, even if the child wakes up in a wet bed. According to medical research, at the age of three years, only 70% of children manage to hold urine at night; at the age of four years - in 75%, at the age of five years this number reaches 80%, and only after eight years, 90% of children fully control their night urination.

Enuresis in children - causes

Effective treatment of the disease is possible only when determining the cause of its occurrence.

Most often, the disease is caused by:

- the immaturity of the central nervous system and the child's bladder (that is, the brain does not receive a signal that the bladder is full and that it is necessary to wake up to empty it);

- delayed maturation of the nervous system, which is often accompanied by various forms of neuropsychiatric disorders;

- the action of psychological factors and stress (change of environment, environment, death of loved ones, parents divorce, etc.);

- heredity (according to medical statistics, if both parents suffered from such a problem in childhood, then the probability of its occurrence in a baby is 77%, if one of the parents is 44%).

- hormonal disorders;

- diseases of the genitourinary system (we are talking about the narrowing of the urethra in girls or narrowing of the opening of the foreskin in boys, insufficient capacity of the bladder);

- urinary tract infection.

Enuresis in children - treatment

For successful treatment it is necessary, first of all, the active participation of parents, as well as their tolerance, calmness, understanding of the child’s problems, prevention of rudeness and punishments, which can aggravate the experience of the child.

The question of drug treatment is decided by the doctor. The choice of drugs for the treatment of this disorder is determined by the main reason for which it was caused. However, any such medicine is applied for a certain period (usually 1-3 months), after which the disease can return. Therefore, treatment usually consists of several courses.

Treatment of enuresis in children can be carried out using other well-established methods: herbal medicine, physiotherapy, reflex therapy, psychotherapy.

In addition, in the treatment of this disorder, parents should provide:

- strict compliance by the child with the daily regimen;
- good nutrition of the child while limiting spicy foods;
- moderate fluid intake in the evening;
- exclusion from the diet of the baby fruits and vegetables that contain large amounts of water;
- Prevention of hypothermia and overwork of the child;
- his psycho-emotional peace;
- Compulsory toilet visit at bedtime.


Yevgenia 10/21/2016
The article is the most important thing about which I almost never met: the cause of enuresis may be a hormonal disorder. Now, if we immediately established the cause, we would not have suffered from enuresis for almost two years. And the treatment would be faster and more effective. The analogue of this hormone is contained in the minirin. We had to drink two courses, and many after the first gives a stable result.


Watch the video: How common is bed wetting enuresis in children? (June 2024).