How to treat a boil at home? We offer simple and unique methods for treating a boil at home.


Happy is the man who has never in his life had to face the exhausting pain from the appearance of a boil or, as people say, a boil.

A slight reddening after a couple of days turns into an inflammatory process, sometimes accompanied by temperature and drawing pain for 5-7 days, the appearance of the head of a boil.

If the boil is improperly treated, a sad end with surgical intervention is possible.

You should know how to treat a boil at home in order to get a positive result.

We treat a boil at home: causes, problems

Boils do not appear out of the blue, because the nature of their existence is infection. They most often affect the most greasy part of the skin, subjected to friction, which gets dirt. An infection that enters the hairline of the skin causes inflammation, pus appears, and until it breaks out, the inflamed area will hurt, spreading through the bloodstream throughout the body.

What does a person do if he starts itching in some place? Correctly, rubs, scratches it, and not always with clean hands, bringing infection. Therefore, the face, armpits suffer more often than other parts of the skin from damage to boils, and with weakened immunity this can occur constantly, from hypothermia and overheating.

Boils affect all parts of the body, especially unpleasant and painful sensations from their appearance on the buttocks and perineum. Unbearably painful carbuncles that occur when several boils appear in one place. In this case, you can not do without consulting a doctor, because, perhaps, along with treatment with alternative methods, antibiotics will need to be used.

The reasons for the frequent appearance of boils are also:

• impaired metabolism;

• lack of vitamins;

• stresses;

• overwork.

Unlike an ordinary pimple, which can be burned with brilliant green, and it will disappear, the diameter of the area affected by the boil gradually increases, localizing in the center. In this place in a week a white head will appear, which is torn, pus and a white shaft come out.

All this is easy to describe, in fact it should be constantly make sure that the site of inflammation is not supercooled, then the boil will not ripen, and it will have to be cut.

At the same time, boils you can not warm upso that a rush of blood does not provoke the spread of infection throughout the body. Therefore, it is best to cover the site of inflammation with a cotton swab, creating dry heat, wipe it with an alcohol solution from time to time and wait for it to “mature” when the boil can be treated at home.

If after a week the head of the boil does not appear, or with the treatment that has begun, pus still does not come out, you should consult a doctor, especially if the inflammatory process is on the head.

It is possible to treat a boil at home only if a white, "ripened" head appears, until that time we carefully monitor the cleanliness and warmth of the inflamed area.

How to treat a boil at home: medicines and remedies

You can treat boils at home with the help of ointments, tinctures, and even conspiracies. All the proposed methods and medicines have been tested on specific people, because we will show all their pros and cons.

1. Mix equal amounts of hydrogen peroxide and a solution of furatsilin, soak a cotton swab in that liquid and apply to the boil for 40 - 60 minutes. During this time, pus comes out, but you can accelerate this process with a syringe of 20 cubes (we do not need a needle).

We put the end of the syringe tightly on the boil, create a vacuum and stretch the pus. When the wound is cleansed of pus, a white rod will be clearly visible on the surface of the boil, it is quite dense, it must be pulled out, and this can be done with ordinary tweezers.

2. When a white purulent head of a boil appears, bake in the oven a small onion together with the scales until completely soft, cool slightly and mix with grated household soap in a fine grater until a pulp condition is put on the bandage and applied to the mature boil overnight. Practice shows that 1 to 2 times is enough for the soap-onion mixture to stretch out not only pus, but also the core itself.

3. Honey is a good antiseptic, try to mix 1 tsp. honey, vegetable oil, onion juice, soda and add flour to all this, form a cake, and get a great tool that draws pus from a boil. For better healing, the cake can be alternated with the application of Vishnevsky ointment.

4. Laundry soap is always at hand, therefore, it is not difficult to prepare a milk-soap ointment. Take a couple of tablespoons of grated soap, pour milk and simmer, stirring occasionally, until the mixture becomes thick.

This mixture can be applied for several days in a row, as soon as the place of the head of the boil is indicated, this will contribute to the maturation and further breakthrough of pus.

5. If there are no other ingredients at hand, then freshly grated potatoes will help, which is applied directly to the boil and fastened with a bandage for 4 hours, then changed.

6. In the old days, when brown bread was baked at home, they took a crumb, chewed, that is, mixed it with saliva, and tied it to a ripe head of a boil. Perhaps in our time this method seems barbaric, but there are situations when there is nothing else at hand, and then all methods are good.

7. Boil ripening and garlic gruel will accelerate, which can be tied to an inflamed area shortly before the head ripens, which will accelerate the process of pus exit.

8. Boils in the ears are especially painful, they should be treated in medical institutions, but if there is no other way, then you should prepare onion - flax juice, and they should bury the ear.

To prepare the juice, make a recess in the onion, which is filled with linseed oil, cover with a crumb of bread and bake in the oven or oven until the onions are soft. Then remove the bread and squeeze the juice from onions and flax.

Sometimes boils occur one after another, do not have time to heal the wound from the previous one, as the next is already ripening. The reason for this furuncle invasion may hide in blood poisoningwhen the infection got into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

In this case, you can’t do without blood purification, sometimes doctors prescribe it by transfusion, but you can also prepare blood purifying tinctures at home.

1. Nettle has always been famous for its antiseptic properties, it will help if you decide to treat a boil at home.

5 tbsp dry nettle leaves pour 0.5 l of boiling water, insist half an hour, strain and drink 50 ml three times a day before meals.

2. If possible, you can independently collect flowers and leaves of thorns or a string, dry them, if not, then buy this composition in a pharmacy and brew it like tea for a long time, alternating the compositions in order to guarantee blood purification.

3. Dandelion is a unique plant, cough honey is boiled from its flowers, tincture from its roots is rubbed into the hair for better growth, but a mixture of dry roots and leaves is an excellent tool that improves metabolism and cleanses the blood.

To make tea from dandelion you need 3 tbsp. dry mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 3 hours, strain and consume after 3 hours 25 ml in warm form.

4. Tea purity from a mixture of lingonberry and succession, which is taken half an hour before a meal of 50 ml, has a blood-purifying ability.

To make tea, 2 tbsp. pour 0.5 l of boiling water into the mixture, leave for an hour, strain and take 50 ml three times a day.

Sure! After the manipulations, rinse the wound with hydrogen peroxide and grease with ointment, it can be butadiene or levomikol.

Pine pollen, which can be acquired from herbalists, is famous for its good healing ability. Any cut or wound should be dusted with pollen and covered with a band-aid or bandage.

It is difficult to explain the nature of the conspiracy, perhaps it is witchcraft, or maybe some special energy, but people say that it was the conspiracies that helped them.

Whoever believes can try to speak 7 times, tracing the boil against the clock’s hand with the ring finger: "As this finger has no name, so this boil has no place. Be my words stronger than stone.", then read "Our Father" 3 times and say "Amen!"which means "Let it be so".

If you want to find out the cause of the boil and get rid of this scourge for a long time, submit the collected pus and the rod to the laboratory to determine the nature of the boil, it can be staphylococcus, which can be killed only with an antibiotic.

How to treat a boil at home: what can not be done

At the first signs of the inflammatory process, you can’t squeeze, comb any acne, not to mention boils.

Diabetics forbidden to self-medicate at home without the supervision of a doctor.

After carrying out all the procedures, it is impossible to quit treatment in an instant;

• drink herbs that cleanse the blood, there may be nettles, marigolds, yarrow;

• strengthen your immunity by hardening, avoiding hypothermia or overheating;

• consume more vitamins, as well as undergo yeast treatment;

• avoid stress.

You can not relate to the appearance of a boil with carelessness, because even one boil can cause great trouble, including general blood poisoning.
