How to make beautiful eyebrows at home? The technique of giving the eyebrows a beautiful shape at home


Beautiful, even, thick eyebrows draw attention to the face, make the image complete.

They even turn the ugly girl into a beauty.

Eyebrows can not only change facial expression, but also correct its imperfections.

A sloppy eyebrow line can ruin your perfect makeup.

But with well-groomed, properly designed eyebrows, you can afford to do without tone, mascara and rouge. At the same time, it is not necessary to use the services of a salon makeup artist: beautiful eyebrows can be easily made at home.

You need to act in three stages:

• outline the correct bend of the eyebrow line;

• adjust the eyebrow by plucking the extra hairs;

• paint over the eyebrow line, giving it greater clarity.

Making eyebrows on your own is not as difficult as it might seem. At each stage of the development of the eyebrow line there are subtleties and secrets that you must know.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: define a bend line

Beautiful eyebrows are first and foremost regular shape. Before proceeding with the removal of excess hair, you need to find the start, end and bend points of the eyebrows. The classic scheme is very simple. First, decide on the right eyebrow.

1. The beginning of the eyebrow line (at the nose): one tip of a thin cosmetic pencil should be applied to the right nostril, and the second tip should be directed to the inner corner of the right eye. You get a straight line that indicates the start point of the right eyebrow. All the hairs that appear behind the pencil must be ruthlessly removed.

2. The end of the eyebrow line (at the temple): leave the lower tip of the pencil in the same place, and move the upper to the outer corner of the right eye. The intersection with the eyebrow will show where the brow should end. If the eyebrow ends before the found place, it needs to be finished.

3. The bend of the eyebrow: point the pencil so that it passes from the right nostril through the center of the pupil. The intersection of the pencil with the eyebrow is the very place where you need to make a bend.

The same thing needs to be done with the left eyebrow. This "three-part" technique is a classic option that will suit everyone.

But there are secret bending techniques that can help with face correction:

• to visually stretch out a little face, chubby young ladies can make the bend of the eyebrows taller, sharper;

• if the face has a square shape, you can perform a classic design (a kink is located above the pupil) or slightly mix the bend point to the temple;

• a strongly elongated face will be saved by strictly horizontal, straight eyebrows;

• for a face-heart, a semicircular eyebrow line is ideal;

• If the face is oval, you can sharpen the tip to give the image more piquancy.

“Eyebrow fashion”, as well as clothing, the color of lipstick or the shape of the heel is constantly changing. If a few years ago, girls wore straight wide eyebrows "a la Vodyanova", today naturalness is in fashion. Therefore, the eyebrow line should be harmonious, with a classic fracture line, medium width, with a smooth narrowing to the tip.

For beginners in the art of makeup, it is sometimes difficult to immediately determine the type of face and the suitable shape of the eyebrow. To simplify the task, you can draw eyebrows from the salon master: he certainly will not be mistaken. It remains only to monitor the eyebrows, correct them in time, maintaining a beautiful shape.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: we carry out the correction

Having decided on the shape and size of the eyebrows, you can proceed with the correction, that is, the removal of excess hairs. The removal technique can be different, but it is easiest to work with ordinary tweezers at home. You can, of course, try something exotic, like silk thread or shaving. But the eastern method is quite difficult to use independently, and with a razor it is easy not to calculate and remove the necessary hairs.

What can help in the correction? It is important to consider three points:

• prepare the skin;

• provide adequate lighting;

• pull hairs correctly.

If the pain threshold is low, be sure to prepare the skin and eyelid areas to reduce discomfort. There are two methods of pain relief: cooling or hot steaming. In the first case, a cooling compress of ice cubes must be applied to the eyelid region. You can use a decoction of pharmacy herbs: chamomile, sage, celandine. Such ice, if they rub the skin of the eyelids, will help relieve irritation.

For steaming, you just need to hold your face on the steam or make a hot moist compress (you can also prepare a herbal decoction). Which method is better, you need to decide empirically. On chilled skin, the pain is felt less, but hot steaming makes it easier to pull out the hairs.

It is very important to ensure adequate lighting for the procedure. It is best to work in bright sunlight or strong artificial. If you remove the extra hairs, then it will be impossible to correct the situation immediately. We'll have to wait about a month when an unsuccessfully pulled hair grows back. And the wounds from the tweezers, which can be done with a lack of light, are unlikely to please.

It is necessary to pull out the hairs by a sharp movement directed along the growth of the hair. In no case can you direct the tweezers against hair growth: so they will not be pulled out with the bulb, but simply break. An ugly black dot will remain.

Too long, too short, very wide or, on the contrary, a thin eyebrow looks ridiculous and ridiculous. Therefore, accuracy, unhurriedness and moderation are extremely important qualities for work.

Finally, a few more important recommendations:

• before starting to pull out all the excess, the eyebrow must be combed out in the course of hair growth. This will help to avoid the removal of the necessary hairs;

• you can pinch only the bottom line. The upper hairs should not be touched;

• the tweezers must first be treated with an alcohol solution. A clean, disinfected instrument is a guarantee that acne and inflammation will not appear on the skin after the procedure;

• after the procedure, it is better to spend the day at home, without the sun, wind and dust, decorative cosmetics. The skin will recover faster;

• for oily skin, hairs may be covered with sebaceous secretion. In this case, the tweezers will slide, and the hairs will not be pulled out, but broken. To solve the problem, you can simply powder your eyebrows;

• no magnifying mirrors! With a strong increase, you can get carried away and ruin everything by pulling out the necessary hairs.

After correction, the face is rinsed with warm water, and a calming soothing agent is applied to the skin. You can just wipe it with a piece of homemade aloe.

You can not only pluck your eyebrows, but also cut them. This is done if hair removal is not possible. The eyebrow needs to be combed up, and then all the “knock-out” hairs should be trimmed with straight manicure scissors.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: choose a tool and tone

When the eyebrow line is fully framed, you can begin to make up it. Even if the color and density suit, the hairs must be fixed with a transparent gel. If the color of the hair and eyebrows is different, and the density leaves much to be desired, it is necessary to use eyebrow cosmetics.

There are several cosmetics for applying tone:

• eyebrow pencil;

• eyebrow shadow;

• tinting gel;

• permanent paint.

Each product has a lot of positive aspects, so which one to choose is a matter of taste. However, there are several general recommendations.

The easiest option is tinting gel. If you choose the right tone, then generally there are no problems with the design. You just need to comb the hairs with a pigment brush, and the eyebrow line looks perfect. However, this option is suitable only for owners of naturally thick, even eyebrows.

The most common way is pencil. The vast majority of women use it, and not by chance. The pencil technique is very simple, it allows you to achieve the perfect eyebrow line, mask the "bald spots", give a beautiful harmonious color to the hairs. If something is done wrong, the pigment is easy to erase and apply again.

With a pencil, it is very convenient to draw the contour of the eyebrow. However, you need to consider the features of the stylus:

• very soft can "swim" in the heat, and hard - can scratch the skin;

• a soft pencil is applied so easily that you can not calculate the amount of tone and make the eyebrows too bright;

• a mild detergent is well suited for applying paint over hairs using hatching techniques. But if you need to fill the space between the rare hairs, it is better to use a solid stylus.

If the pencil is ordinary, not automatic, it will have to be sharpened constantly. The soft stylus must first be frozen so that the sharpener does not break or crush the shaft.

It’s hard enough to choose the right color for your eyebrow pencil. The standard rule: for brunettes and brown-haired women, the product is slightly lighter than the tone of the hair, and for blondes it is slightly darker. “Slightly” means two tones, not more. Red-haired girls, bright by nature, any option will do.

What you need to fear is the completely black shade of the stylus. It spoils the image, gives it vulgarity and absurdity. Preference should be given to ash shades of various intensities. Caution should be taken with reddish shades of pencils. They are suitable only for girls with a warm skin tone and a slight reddish tint of hair.

How to make beautiful eyebrows at home: draw an eyebrow

The technique of applying pigment to eyebrows is quite simple if mastered. With a little practice, you can do eyebrow makeup quickly and accurately. First you need to determine the final result: we either correct the eyebrows, or simply darken them.

There are many techniques for correcting and filling eyebrows with color..

Here is one of the options:

• draw an eyebrow outline with a white kayal;

• if the eyebrow is rare, you need to apply strokes on it in the course of the natural growth of hairs with a pencil or shadows;

• comb the eyebrow with a brush to evenly distribute the tone;

• Feather a white tone around the eyebrow line to give it greater clarity and brightness.

To make eyebrows more natural, professional makeup artists use different shades, applying a lighter shade to the tip of the eyebrow.

If the eyebrow does not require correction, you can simply apply eye shadow on it with a special short, tight brush. Shadows should be matte, no shimmer. They fight very beautifully, delicately, naturally.

The final touch of eyebrow makeup - gel fixation. This step is optional if the hairs lie flat. But for naughty eyebrows, a fixing agent is very desirable, especially if you have to be in public during the whole working day.

Do not be afraid to experiment with color, shape, technique of applying tone. Making beautiful eyebrows at home is easy. All that is needed is a little practice and desire.


Watch the video: HOW TO GROOM + SHAPE YOUR EYEBROWS! super easy (June 2024).