Walnuts are good for preventing diabetes and arthritis.


Ordinary walnuts are in fact a real storehouse of a variety of useful substances: protein, vitamins, unsaturated fats, which significantly reduce cholesterol. The systematic use of nuts is important for the prevention of type 2 diabetes.

Walnuts have always been highly regarded for their good nutritional and taste qualities. In the last decade, nuts have been the subject of serious scientific research. Walnut strengthens the immune system, protects against arthritis, oncology and heart disease, and also reduces the severity of inflammation.

American scientists conducted a test in which they found that eating nuts by older women and middle-aged women reduces the risk of diabetes. The authors of the study ten years conducted observations of 138,000 Americans in the age group of 35-77 years. Scientists wanted to find out the relationship between regular consumption of walnuts and the incidence of diabetes.

It turned out that even a small number of nut kernels (about 28 grams), which the participants of the experiment ate once every few days, reduced the risk of diabetes by 13%. A double dose increase (56 grams) reduced risk factors by 24%.

Participants who ate 56 grams of walnut kernels each week also showed a significant reduction in the incidence of joint inflammation, often accompanied by excruciating pain and arthritis.


Watch the video: 10 Best Foods To Fight Arthritis And Joint Pain (June 2024).