Scientists have found out why spouses get fat after the wedding


Researchers at the University of Dallas are convinced that newlyweds who are happy in marriage are at risk of gaining extra weight, since they no longer have a good reason to take care of their attractiveness. For four years, scientists watched 160 married couples and determined the relationship between weight changes and family satisfaction. It turned out that the newlyweds, in whose family there were no serious disagreements, were gaining weight. But dissatisfied with their marriage - stayed ready and gained much less extra pounds.

It turns out that a happy marriage or marriage contribute to weight gain, and this does not have the best effect on the state of health. The result voiced by American scientists casts doubt on the habitual belief that quality relationships enhance health. Maybe this is so, but they definitely harm the figure.

The main idea of ​​scientists who support marriage is the following: couples take their health more carefully - take medications on time and follow the schedule of regular medical examinations. As a result, health and well-being of spouses improve. Researchers once again recalled that a successful marriage has a positive effect on the physical and emotional state, however, they recommend remembering the negative consequences that extra pounds are fraught with.


Watch the video: Marriage, weight gain and the sexes (June 2024).