The study showed that men are happier than women


After analyzing the data of a comprehensive study of the aspects of life of our contemporaries, sociologists found out that men are much happier than women. For a number of parameters, men's indicators were higher. These are: figure, appearance, general income level. Women overtook the strong half in terms of health, love, sex, family life.

The universal happiness index was 64%. Most of all people were worried about financial issues - they were mentioned by 46% of respondents. The survey showed that a partner’s attention or fine weather can significantly improve the mood. Respondents noted that they are not against changing jobs, eating better and more varied, and getting rid of chronic diseases. The list also contained the following items: a lot of time for the family, promotion of superiors, high standards of your favorite sports team.

For 30% of respondents, optimism was inextricably linked with love experiences. People looked at the world with great positives, if partners respected and appreciated them, openly showing interest in a relationship.

In general, indicators of happiness were higher in people who were legally married. Although every fifth couple admitted that after the wedding, their optimistic mood waned. Sociologists noted another interesting pattern: the older people become, the more optimistic they feel. But people under 25 turned out to be in the most negatively tuned group.


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Marina 10/07/2016
For some reason, it so often happens that before marriage, people feel happier alone with each other than after - at the time of legalizing relations.

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maria 05/14/2016
That year, in the small cities of Russia, there was a survey of two halves of men and women were more satisfied with their fate. so that once or twice it doesn’t fail, as they say in our abundant capital, don’t listen to the scientist, but I’ll not say that sometimes the old are right.


Watch the video: Study: Women Are Happier When Single (July 2024).