How to get rid of obsessive thoughts and where are they from? Practical Ways to Get Rid of Obsessive Thoughts: Psychotherapist's Advice


Obsessive thoughts can, if not dement, then exhaust you mentally and physically.

A constant thought that does not let go for a second (usually negative) is capable of poisoning life and leading to depression.

A suffering person is rapidly losing energy, turning into an uprooted creature with a haunted gaze.

Such a disorder in the soul must be disposed of immediately.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts: where do they come from?

Strange, but science still cannot exactly answer the question of where these very thoughts come from. Someone nods at overloading the brain, someone at the mysterious processes of the subconscious, and someone blames the unstable psyche for everything. You can find confirmation of all these hypotheses, although getting rid of obsessive thoughts is unlikely to help.

Indeed, in modern society, the human brain is so loaded with all kinds of information, it is constantly forced to solve such an abundance of multidirectional tasks that one can assume both overload and permanent stress. A night's rest can not help, and sometimes exacerbates the problem to the best of imagination. So it turns out that the same negative statement revolves in the head for days, weeks, months.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to calm down the mischievous subconscious, which is at odds with the logical arguments of reason. To break into such a deep level and remove a negative program, you need either the help of a professional psychologist, or focused and competent work on yourself. In any case, the depths of the psyche are involved, with which it is dangerous to joke.

However, to find the answer to the question of how to get rid of obsessive thoughts, you have to take a chance. Hand on heart: who of us runs to an appointment with a certified psychologist to complain about a mess in the head and a depressed state? Especially when it comes to some intimate, personal, "shameful" experiences, guilt, shame, hatred, pain? That's it. However, something (and quite effectively) can still be done independently.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts with relaxation and breathing techniques

Happy are people who know how to relieve negativity, relax the body, let go of all bad thoughts. Someone is given this ability by nature, someone studies oriental practices purposefully. Everyone else can be offered a set of fairly simple exercises that really contribute to getting rid of obsessive thoughts.

• Lie down, relax completely. In fact, the relaxation we are used to in everyday life is not enough. It is necessary to achieve such a state that each muscle ceases to strain.

• Take a deep breath with your nose, hold your breath for a short while, and slowly breathe out air through your mouth.

• Concentrating on each muscle, starting with the facial ones, we inhale and exhale air according to the described scheme. For example, we imagined the muscles of the eyebrows, inhaled, exhaled, felt how the tension in the forehead area weakened, sank lower.

• Consistently work on the muscles of the eyes, mouth, chin, neck, shoulder girdle, arms, fingers, etc.

• Having completely relaxed, we begin to work with a negative experience: thought, image, fear. We represent the experience in the form of a bright visual image and get rid of it by applying the known laws of the physical world. Roughly speaking, we destroy it as the imagination suggests (you can drown in the sea, throw it off a cliff, tear it into small pieces, erase it with an eraser, in the end).

• When a negative image is defeated, we imagine something good, that is, visually replace the negative picture with a positive one. We admire the result, remember it and return to reality.

Some psychologists recommend that the procedure for the destruction of negative thought forms and images not in the imagination, but in real life. For example, you can write an obsessive phrase or draw an excruciatingly repeating image on a sheet of paper, and then destroy this entry: burn it and dispel it, tear it up and throw it into the wind, rinse (sorry) into the restroom, etc.

It is necessary to realize that obsessive thoughts have a simple dual, that is dual nature: unconsciousness (or irrationality) and emotionality. If they pursue you, then the reason lies in the sphere of emotional experiences. It can be fear, complex, mental trauma. It is very difficult to get rid of emotions, especially if these are negative experiences. Logic, mind will not help.

If fear has some real basis, for example, associated with fear for their health, it is quite simple to solve the problem. Go to the doctor, get tested, make sure that everything is normal, and with pleasure note that the obsessive hash has never happened.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts through physical activity, indifference, and positive thought forms

From painful thoughts pretty good physical fatigue saves. Especially if they are associated with dissatisfaction with yourself, your appearance, actions. A kind of "punishment" of fatigue allows you to switch. An organism that is engaged in a physically difficult business will simply not be able to continue to expend energy on meaningless experiences.

Housework, summer cottage, intensive training in the gym or pool, dancing, figure skating, as well as parkour, climbing, etc. - that’s what can help. Women can learn some kind of culinary wisdom, men can do craft, creativity.

Another option is to set yourself up for complete indifference to negative thoughts. They do not need to be driven, fighting them is also pointless. But it is possible to accept, indifferently consider and set aside. certainly, obsessive thoughts will immediately return and will do it regularly, but the good news is that visits by uninvited guests will happen less and less. The main thing is that you have enough patience and willpower to maintain complete indifference, indifference.

For the period of treatment, the brain should be busy with something pleasant, inspiring. This will help to switch and reduce the degree of tension. Make yourself dream, so that the object of dreams can be achieved. Say, imagine a long-awaited vacation by the sea: its constant, life-filled noise, the cries of birds, the rustle of sand or pebbles, the smell of salt water. In general, to get rid of obsessive thoughts, occupy your brain with some pleasant business.

How to get rid of obsessive thoughts through analysis and prayer

Meditation and prayer is another great way to work out a negative program and get rid of it. Suffering is destructive, destructive, and therefore must already be rejected as soon as possible. Even if you have reasons to be angry with yourself or someone else, try to ignore a specific problem, look at it from a different angle, and remove the accusatory context.

There are many techniques that can gradually replace a negative statement with a positive one. One of them is the technique of affirmations. The bottom line is to replace all negative thoughts, formulations, and affirmations with positive ones. Completely remove the negative particle “not” from the consciousness and the word “no” itself, rephrase the thought so that it acquires a positive, affirmative context. For example: "I am young, beautiful, happy," "I gain confidence and happiness every minute," "My life is beautiful and calm," "I love and love," etc.

Work constantly with affirmations, and they will gradually become part of the subconscious. So you can get rid of obsessive thoughts.

Believers, and even those who want to work with holy books, can use the healing power of prayer. It is not even a matter of reading and living every line of the prayer appeal to God or saints. Scientists have found that when pronouncing prayers, special sound vibrations are created that harmonize the space. Regular reading of prayers or individual chapters of Scripture can restore peace of mind, relieve obsessive thoughts, emotional grief, suffering.

What else needs to be done

• Analyze what is happening to you. Try to understand where the negative experiences came from, and if the reasons are obvious, change your attitude towards them. For example, it makes no sense to eat yourself for what has already been done or to grieve about what has happened. Accept the past, because it is part of your life. The time has come to go forward, otherwise there is only one prospect - death, first spiritual, and then physical.

• Learn to shift your attention from internal dialogue to an external level, using relaxation or awareness, physical activity or creativity. As soon as an unpleasant voice begins to sound, immediately grab a rag, a meditation rug, a bicycle or a cookbook.

• Avoid negative language. Make a home bet, come up with some prize and within a week (or month, for example), completely restructure your minds, just fixing your attention on the use of negative formulations and their replacement with positive statements.

• Never fight with obsessive thoughts: it is useless. Neutralize their indifference or switch to vigorous activity. Fill your mind with positive emotions, fill your brain with positive, drive depressive states, apathy, skepticism.

In the end, you did not come to this world in order to leave it with a sour expression on your face and exhausted by obsessive thoughts. The world is amazing and beautiful, and you deserve to enjoy it every minute.
