May 15: what are the holidays today. Events, name days and birthdays May 15th.


Holidays May 15

International Family Day

International Family Day, celebrated annually on May 15 by many countries, was established in 1993 by a resolution of the UN General Assembly. The purpose of this celebration was the appeal of the world community to the many problems of families. According to the founders of the holiday, violating the fundamental rights of any member of one family can lead to the collapse of one cell of society due to problems and misunderstandings, which entails a threat to other families.

The family, as the first stage of socialism, the main ordered "building material" of the formation of society as a whole, evolves and develops over the course of centuries, adapting to the environment and forming stereotypes of behavior. Life is born, develops and ends in a family; it is its atmosphere that forms the character of each person. Thanks to it, the well-being of the people is growing and the state is growing stronger. Family well-being is the main criterion that contributes to the development of progress in any country.

International Climate Day

Today, the problems of climate stabilization on Earth take on a global scale. Maintaining the main factor supporting life on the planet is a global problem that awaits a serious and thoughtful solution from humanity. Changes in the atmospheric composition, global warming, natural disasters, the evolution of nearby cosmic bodies, harmful human activity - all this entails the suppression of the climate balance on Earth, which greatly affects the quality of any life.

The "uprising" of natural disasters annually kills a huge number of people, toxic elements are released into the atmosphere that adversely affect vegetation and other life on the planet. “You can’t live on like that!” Environmentalists warn us. In order to somehow interest the population in the raised problem, they introduced another date in the international calendar - Climate Day (or Climate Preservation Day), established in 2007 by representatives of 200 countries of the world. Unfortunately, modern science is not able to stop climate change due to natural factors, however, according to most experts, mankind is quite capable of slowing down the irreversible process to the maximum.

May 15 on the folk calendar

Gleb da Boris Sowers

On May 15, people remember the princes, martyrs Gleb and Boris (in the baptism of David and Roman), who were Russian princes, the sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. In 1015, as a result of an outbreak of civil strife, the princes were killed by their own brother Svyatopolk. Gleb and Boris became the first saints in Russia - the intercessors of Russian lands.

On Gleb and Boris, the peasants began to plant pumpkins and cucumbers so that they would be freaked out. Other land work continued on plowing and sowing fields. People said: "Boris and Gleb sow bread." From that day on, nightingales began to sing. And by their singing, many upcoming things were judged. For example, if the birds sang loudly, it means that summer soon set in. Nightingale nightingales chants testified to the clarity of the coming day. Often, the day of Gleb and Boris was also called the "day-income", and merchants solemnly glorified the saints today in the hope of receiving many profits for this. Any thing sold on that day also spoke about the successful course of affairs in the year.

Historical events of May 15

May 15, 1883 - Adoption of the opinion of the State Council "on granting certain civil rights to schismatics"

This opinion, considered by the State Council, was approved by Alexander III in 1883. More than two hundred years after the church split, almost all competitors of Orthodoxy (Baptists and Old Believers) were allowed to conduct public prayers in cemeteries and in private homes, but subject to law and order. The houses of worship of the schismatics should have been clearly distinguished from churches. Also, representatives of the Old Believers were forbidden to make crusades, hang icons over the entrance to houses and impose their beliefs on the Orthodox. Failure to comply with these paragraphs was strictly punishable by law.

May 15, 1867 - Foundation of the Red Cross in Russia

The founding of the Red Cross society in Russia was according to the statement of Alexander the Second. At first it was called the "Society for the Care of Wounded Warriors", and in 1879 it was transformed into the ROCC (Russian Red Cross Society). Empress Maria Alexandrovna became his patroness. Russia was one of the first powers in the world where this society was formed. From the first days of its existence, the ROCC began the implementation of its goals both within the state and beyond. The activities of the Red Cross touched on many wars, among them: Franco-Prussian, Greek-Turkish, Russian-Japanese, World War I, as well as other conflicts and feuds that occurred between nations. The ROCC has helped (and is still helping) wounded fighters and outside of wartime, as well as civilians affected by natural disasters.

May 15, 1935 - The first line of the Moscow Metro has opened

The first subway was built in 1863 in England. It was then that the subway began to develop, showing an undeniable advantage over ground transportation. In Russia, thoughts about the construction of the subway arose in the early 1870s, but the authorities stopped them due to the poor elaboration of the project. A few years later, the Moscow State Duma returned to the idea of ​​building a subway. The reason for this was the rapid growth of the metropolitan population, which, accordingly, provoked transport problems. Subsequent wars and economic difficulties in the country pushed the construction of the subway indefinitely. And in 1924, the Moscow authorities finally developed the project of a metro network of one ring and four diametrical lines. Construction began in 1931, and four years later the grand opening of the first metro line took place in Moscow.

May 15 were born

Ivan Chersky (1845 - 1892) - a famous Polish paleontologist, geologist, geographer who explored Siberia. For participation in the Polish uprising, Chersky was sent to the army and sent to Omsk, where the researcher became interested in science. His further life was firmly connected with Siberia, in the study of which the scientist made an invaluable contribution.

Michael Bulgakov (1891 - 1940) - an outstanding Russian writer. In 1921, he was penniless in his pocket and with a medical diploma moved to Moscow. The first months of living in the capital were extremely difficult. A turning point in Bulgakov’s life occurred three years later - after the release of the novel “Devil”. After her were followed by the novels “Dog’s Heart”, “Fatal Eggs”, “White Guard” and “Master and Margarita” - perhaps the most famous and extravagant work of M. Bulgakov, in which, despite the mystical bias, lies a deep core.

Vladimir Troshin (born in 1926) - Russian singer and actor. At one time, popular fame was brought to him by the song "Moscow Nights" performed by him. While still young, Troshin was awarded the Stalin Prize, and later became People's Artist of the RSFSR. A few years ago, the “Square of Stars” was decorated in the name of V. Troshin at the foot of the concert hall “Russia”.

Name Day May 15

Namedays on May 15 are celebrated by: Gleb, Boris, Zinaida, Athanasius, David, Roman, Strezhislava, Mikhail, Fedul, Sofia.


Watch the video: Amazing Calendar Trick (July 2024).