The meaning of the name Valery


Valeria - This is a Latin name meaning “peppy”, “hardy”. Today, this beautiful, charming name is one of the most popular names. In a diminutive form, Valeria sounds like Lera.

Since this name is much more common among men, the imprint of a sort of boyhood is superimposed on the character of Valeria. Valeria is completely unpredictable and her mood can change a hundred times a day. If Valeria harbors a grudge, then this is for a long time.

Valeria - character traits

The main character trait of Valeria is a sufficient striving. Valeria is a rather complicated person. She constantly changes her plans and quite often evaluates the same people in different ways. This variability of Valeria is due to its increased sensitivity and strong vulnerability.

Positive character traits: - devotion;
- perseverance;
- love of truth;
- patience;
- wit;
- cheerfulness;
- sincerity.

Negative character traits: - resentment;
- excessive suspicion;
- jealousy;
- moodiness;
- indecision.

Valeria - name compatibility

Valeria is an excellent hostess, caring, loving wife and mother. Valeria is a very jealous person and quite often, because of her jealousy, she herself destroys a successful, prosperous marriage. The most favorable union of Valeria with Boris, Semyon, Anton, Anatoly, Eugene.

Valeria should avoid close relationships with Bogdan, Yegor, Ruslan, Vladislav and Peter.

Valeria - famous people who wore this name

- Valeria Gerasimova - Russian Soviet writer.
- Valeria Messalina - the third wife of the Roman emperor Claudius.
- Valeria Tsvetaeva - writer, sister of the famous poetess Marina Tsvetaeva

Valeria - interesting facts

- Zadiac sign of the name - Aquarius
- Patron Planet - Venus
- Name color: red, blue, green, steel
- Stone mascot - jasper, emerald, garnet
- The coveted plant - lily
- Happy day - Saturday
- Happy season - spring
- Valeria's birthday is celebrated: April 28, June 5, June 20.


Valeria 10/09/2016
I was born on September 2, 2003

Valeria 09/11/2016
Hah I'm not Aquarius

reasonable people 07/05/2016
PPC you are idiots, from the name you are trying to express the character, worldview, dispositions of a person) all your theories are pseudoscientific nonsense)

Valeria 05/11/2016
As far as I know, Valeria has a name day only on June 20

Valeria 02/01/2016
She kind loves to share


Watch the video: What does the name Valéry mean? (July 2024).