Vitamin-protein diet: an easy way to find harmony. How to eat with a vitamin diet


Protein-vitamin diet is recognized as one of the most effective and safe ways to combat overweight.

She gained popularity due to its simplicity, easy portability, imperceptibility of hunger during the event, and most importantly - significant weight loss.

If you choose a diet that is useful for the body, then you can lose several kilograms in a short time and improve your overall health.

What is a protein-vitamin diet

Even the name itself sounds attractive, immediately juicy fruits and vegetables, fresh fruits, ripe berries, and, of course, nutritious protein foods come to mind. But to achieve good results and get rid of extra pounds is possible only by observing certain rules of the diet.

The main components of the vitamin diet are fresh and juices, fruits and vegetables, herbs. All plant foods will be the best companion with this style of nutrition. You can eat in small quantities white meat, seafood, fish, low-fat dairy products, cereals and others. You can drink a variety of teas, including herbal and green teas, fruit drinks. Every day you will need to drink 1-1.5 liters of water. For the duration of the diet, you should abandon sweets, salt and salty foods. You should also forget about frying foods; you can cook food for a couple or cook.

Another type of vitamin diet is the additional inclusion of proteins in the diet.. The basis of the diet is a kind of separate nutrition, as well as a reduction in the number of carbohydrates and fats in the total diet and prioritization in favor of vegetable and protein foods.

The increased amount of protein consumed in comparison with the reduced mass of carbohydrates and fats accelerates the process of burning fat. Protein and vitamin foods should be taken separately, which in a special way affects the metabolism and leads to significant weight loss. Thanks to the alternation of products, hunger does not develop, and small portions are enough to eat.

Protein-rich foods include meat, eggs, cottage cheese, fish, chicken, cheese, feta cheese, other diet or low-fat game. Vitamin-containing foods are mainly vegetables and fruits.

Prohibited Vitamin Protein Diet Food List

Like any other diet, vitamin-protein has a certain list of products that are strictly prohibited. Do not think that this is all the rest of the food that was not included in the previous list. In fact, the list is not as large as strict, and requires maximum compliance.

1. First of all, sweet foods are excluded from the diet. These are sweets, cookies, cakes, pastries, marshmallows, marmalade, rolls, candy bars and even dried fruits.

2. Refuse should be from nuts and some fruits and vegetables. Yes, a vitamin-protein diet involves the use of not all kinds of plant foods. So, you should forget about bananas, persimmons, grapes, potatoes, corn, peas, exotic mangoes and lychees.

3. Hard taboo is introduced on foods with high fat content. This butter, cream, fatty varieties of cheese, sour cream, smoked sausage, boiled pork and other similar products.

4. Carbohydrate foods are also prohibited. Forget about bread, cereals and pasta.

5. Vitamin-protein diet does not go well with delicious seasonings and sauces. You need to give up mayonnaise, ketchup and similar sauces.

6. You can not drink sparkling water and drinks with dyes, tea and coffee with sugar, alcohol, juices bought in stores.

Benefits of a Protein-Vitamin Diet

Among similar diets for quick weight loss, a protein-vitamin diet stands out for its significant advantages, of which there are many. The obvious ones are:

- ease of carrying out;

- getting rid of excess weight in the first week of use;

- safety and even benefits to the body;

- Satiety menu, leaving no chance of feeling hunger.

The whole secret of the success of a low-carb diet lies in its main components. It's no secret that healthy ingredients are based on natural ingredients such as fruits and vegetables. They are the embodiment of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins, which the body so needs for its full functioning. In herbal products, there is a lot of fiber, which improves digestion, the work of the digestive tract and protects the whole body from many diseases. Of the variety of plant foods, experts recommend giving preference to green vegetables, they are rich in vitamins A, C, E, K, calcium, iron and magnesium.

Vegetables and fruits are naturally rich in water, which is important for the life of the body. And the sucrose which is a part can become a good substitute for sweets for sweet tooth. It does not have negative effects and is not addictive. And another significant advantage of fruits and vegetables is low calorie content. But, despite this, they can give the body a long saturation.

Protein, which enters in moderate amounts in the body during a diet, provides tissue growth and repair. It easily and quickly carries oxygen through cells and tissues. The lack of protein negatively affects health, reducing hormones, disrupting the liver, kidneys, causing dystrophy. With such a diet, your body will not only not face such violations, but also ensure safety.

Making a menu and choosing a diet for a vitamin diet

Making a menu for a protein-vitamin diet is necessary by alternating both groups of products. Such a diet can last up to 10 days. In order to lose 7-8 kg in the maximum period, you should correctly balance the diet. You will need to eat food in small portions 6 times a day every 2-2.5 hours. The menu should depend on the purpose of the diet.

1. An example of a menu for weight loss. Breakfast: 2 boiled eggs; Lunch: grapefruit 1 pc.; Lunch: 200 g. Boiled chicken breast; Snack: 2 apples; Dinner: 200 g of flock fish (low-fat species); Second dinner: 1 orange.

2. An example of a menu to increase immunity Breakfast: grated apple and carrots with the addition of honey and seasoning with lemon juice. You can drink green tea; Second breakfast: orange and berry juice; Lunch: vegetable stew and mashed soup based on a rosehip broth; Snack: fruit or vegetable to choose from the allowed list; Dinner: steamed or boiled vegetables, beetroot caviar, lemon tea.

3. An example of a menu to improve the condition of hair and nails Breakfast: a hearty breakfast of cottage cheese and a salad of greens with radish seasoned with olive oil; Lunch: 200 g. Boiled mackerel and vegetable salad; Dinner: linden tea without sugar, can be with honey and cottage cheese (100 g).

4. Example of a menu for pregnant women Breakfast: 140 g. Low-fat cottage cheese and a cup of green tea; Lunch: banana, apple; Lunch: vegetable soup based on lean meat, juice or compote; Snack: 200 g of vegetable or fruit salad; Dinner: salad of avocado, arugula, tuna and tomato; Second dinner: kefir.

5. Example of a menu for a spring diet (14 days) Breakfast: 1 boiled egg and tea; Lunch: grapefruit; Lunch: boiled beef 200 g and lettuce; Snack: cucumber salad with vinegar dressing; Dinner: stewed spinach.

So that the diet does not quickly get bored, it can be changed daily and coordinated with individual preferences.

Recommendations and contraindications to the vitamin-protein diet

More effectiveness from such a diet will be if you combine it with moderate physical activity. With high loads and an active rhythm of life, the duration should be reduced. It is not recommended to sit on a vitamin diet for lactating mothers, people with diseases of the kidneys and digestive organs.

Due to the presence of protein in the diet, organisms of some people can react negatively to this fact in the form of constipation, flatulence and others. To avoid trouble, you should consume at least 400 g of vegetables or fruits per day.

Upon completion of the diet should not stop training. In order for the weight not to return, you need to eat right, preferring cereals, fruits, vegetables, fish and low-fat dairy products. Healthy sleep, active walks in the fresh air and rest will be useful.
