The holiday begins with trifles: a step-by-step instruction on how to do your own wedding invitation cards (with photo)


A wedding is an event not only for the bride and groom, but also for guests. You can make the holiday unforgettable yourself. For example, do-it-yourself wedding invitations will look very beautiful.

DIY wedding invitation in the form of an ancient scroll

For your wedding to be remembered for a long time, you need to surprise the guests before it even begins. A variety of wedding invitations will help you do this, especially those made by yourself. In order to make an unusual invitation to you, follow these steps:

1. Take A4 paper with the invitation text. It is best printed in Monotype Corsiva

2. Then burn the edges of the paper.

3. Take water, dissolve coffee in it. Contrast determine by eye. After preparing the solution, take and dip into it every invitation.

4. Place each invitation on a clean and dry surface. To get an even more unusual invitation, place a granule of coffee on each of them.

5. While the leaves are drying, you can prepare labels with the names of guests. To do this, you need to print them, and then do the same procedures as with the invitation itself.

6. In each name sheet you need to make a hole.

7. When everything is dry, twist the scroll, twist it with a rope and fasten it to each name tag.

8. In order to give greater credibility to the "antiquity" of the invitation, you can put a stamp on each of them. This, of course, is not a cheap pleasure, but a wedding happens once in a lifetime.

9. The seal is made of sealing wax. First you need to make a seal, the temperature of the wax should be medium. So that the seal does not interfere with the opening of the envelope and lasts until it is handed to the guest, select the optimal temperature. First you need to apply sealing wax, and then proceed to install them on the invitation.

10. Here in such a great way you can make a very beautiful wedding invitation with your own hands.

The most romantic do-it-yourself wedding invitation

To create them you will need: cardboard, A4 paper, hole punch, scissors, lace, ribbons, lighter, bamboo stick, glue, ruler, printed invitation text.

The finished text of the invitation should be printed on the printer, it can be decorated with drawings and inscriptions. It is best to cut out not a regular rectangle, but in waves, it will be more beautiful.

Step 1: Punch a hole in the upper edge.

Step 2: We put the sheet with the text on the cardboard and mark its size, but with an increase of 0.5 cm. Also measure the second half of the envelope.

Step 3: We bend one of the pieces of cardboard. On the other, at the top, cut out a triangle, glue it.

Step 4: On the inside of the invitation, at the top, we make a hole.

Step 5: Decorate the front with lace. It’s best to glue it carefully.

Step 6: Glue the envelope. Then put the invitation text inside.

Step 7: Insert a ribbon into a punched hole and tie a beautiful bow.

Step 8: We fix the wide ribbon on the front side of the invitation, and fix it with glue. To prevent the ends of the tape from falling apart, they can be burned.

Step 9: Bow, the envelope can be decorated with rhinestones and sparkles.

A very beautiful DIY wedding invitation

To create it you will need:

1. Textured paper

2. Watercolor paper + pastel paper

3. Plain sheet of paper

4. Satin ribbon

5. Beads

6. Sequins

7. Rhinestones

8. Glue

9. Lace

10. Scotch tape

First you need to print the word "Invitation" in an amount equal to the number of guests. Then we take pastel paper, it can be any pleasant and discreet color, dip the lace in acrylic paint and put it on paper, press it. To get a stable pattern, add glue to the paint. After a few seconds, we remove the lace and let the paint dry.

The invitation consists of three sheets, cut them out. The center sheet should be wider than the rest. The central sheet is made of watercolor paper, and the rest of the pastel.

The edges of each sheet must be rounded. After doing these procedures, all three parts of the invitation need to be glued together. To do this, it is necessary to bend on each of them and glue with glue, then press and wait a minute until the glue sticks together.

If you have a figured hole punch, then you can not buy lace, but do it yourself.

Glue decorative ribbons to the base in any place you like. Next to the lace glue the satin ribbon, it should be thin.

From textured paper we cut out two hearts of different sizes. We take a double-sided tape, and glue it on the hearts, and then closer to the edge of the invitation.

On a smaller heart, we install bows made of ribbon, in the middle we glue rhinestones. After all this, at your discretion, decorate the invitation with rhinestones and sparkles.

The main thing, do not forget to affix the plate "Invitation" with double-sided tape. Inside the resulting envelope we glue the invitation text. These are the invitation ones!

Having made such wedding invitations with your own hands, you will certainly surprise your guests and loved ones. Although it takes time and money, it is not inconclusive. A wedding is such an event that you need to give all your strength to so that it remains in your memory for many years.


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